Thursday, March 27, 2014

My Hand In Your Hand Son

My most favorite memory of a Justin consistent 'gesture of love' through my eyes:

I love Justin with what remains of my heart, as you all know, so very much. So much that many times I do not speak of my wonderful gift from God in past tense simply because I feel Justin's presence with me all of the time. It is fine with me if you believe or disbelieve my statement; I know what I have seen and felt since Justin's death and these moments have been moving, unexplainable and undeniable!

When Justin was a baby I marveled at how tiny [6 lbs 71/2 ozs] yet perfectly shaped and beautiful he was. As a toddler I found it amazing how soft his skin was especially his hands when he firmly took hold of mine when crossing the street or for other reasons which required his safety. He touched my face so gently, caressing my cheek and telling me how soft my face felt; no softer than his tiny hand against my skin felt!

So many times throughout each year he would occasionally stop me, ask me to hold up my right hand, lay his hand against mine and check to see if his hand was growing! This occurred so many times year after years and yes Justin's hand grew and grew. Then one fateful day Justin held his hand up to mine and our hands were finally the same size.

Justin's hand 1992 4 years old day care in Charlotte, NC

Justin was overjoyed with excitement; yet for me his excitement was bittersweet. For as his mother I knew another chapter had ended and Justin would soon no longer be a child.

Even though this change was inevitable and coming too quickly from elementary school all the way through Justin's junior year in high school I would wait for him outside the school every afternoon. Justin sauntered unhurriedly to the Durango, opened the rear passenger door, tossed in his 190 lb. book bag, slammed the door, opened the front passenger door, jumped in, smiled that beautiful 'DeSha' smile and would say "how you been doin' today momma?" Then he'd lay his left forearm on the center arm rest, palm up, and I would lay my right hand, palm down in his hand, and this is how we drove home every day discussing the days events. [I KID YOU NOT] This is one of my many most wondrous of so many joyous Justin memories!

I miss my son because we truly had a special bond. All parents have special bonds yet Justin's bond gave me my first sense of completeness. My bond with Justin, my son, is like no bond I had ever had with another human being. As I have said on numerous occasions; "I gave Justin my whole heart and he never hurt it; not even ONCE!"

I love you and miss you and no one can take your place my bunny boy...your [devoted and proud] momma

Monday, March 24, 2014

A momma Left Inconsolable

Three years, 2 months, 24 days, 10 hours and 5 minutes at this posting Justin died...HE DIDN'T HAVE TO!! HONESTLY I feel no better TODAY than I did at 4:27 PM [January 11, 2011] when the Harford Co. sheriff's knocked on my door.

Do I look super human, do I look VOID of human emotion? Justin DeSha-Overcash knew I of all people deeply cared for everyone, every animal, everything I took part of; whether for the community, his school, my work or to fight a battle for any underdogs path I crossed. I am not boasting this is just me [the way GOD made me]. Not to mention I was raised by parents who taught me~ if you are going to do something put 180% into it the first time!

My life [before this never ending Twilight Zone episode] wasn't perfect but I had Justin beside me and we laughed together through ALL the bad times!

These few words should pretty much explain why I cannot [let go], why I cannot stand LIVING on this freaking planet without JUSTIN. Purpose? I had a purpose; I am JUSTIN'S momma!  A CAREER CRIMINAL WITH A GUN on the Prince George's County, MD "Catch and Release Program" ended MY purpose on this planet he ended my Justin's story on this planet without expressing any emotion.

Yet the COLD BLOODED MURDERER thinks he should just go about his merry little criminal business..OMG! He must have been dropped on his HEAD as a child TOO MANY TIMES!

He first hit the PG county MD police criminal list in 2007 [he was born in 1987].  He should have been in prison in 2009 for a charge he committed and was on PAROLE VIOLATION THE DAY HE MURDERED JUSTIN...but no he always found the 'loop holes'...then he managed avoiding being jailed in DC on the Felony II Handgun Charge he committed on December 18, 2010  {AFTER TWO JUDGES SAID NO to his release that he was to high intensity to be out on the street!!}??  He would have to remain jailed until his hearing date of JANUARY 24, 2011.  If EVEN ONE [JUST ONE] of these TWO Criminal charges had been CARRIED OUT JUSTIN WOULD BE ALIVE AND OUR FAMILY WOULD NOT EVEN KNOW THE DAILY PAIN WE NOW LIVE WITH!


Justin once asked me [2010] why people didn't do their jobs and then ironically, tragically and senselessly Justin DeSha-Overcash at 22 years of age IS CRUELLY MURDERED, ROBBED OF HIS LIFE and future, BECAUSE A LOT OF PEOPLE DID NOT DO THEIR JOBS and released a HIGH INTENSITY CAREER CRIMINAL!

Society watch your back this happens everyday all across America..."it's a Business!"  I know because a prosecutor screamed this three inches from my face!