Celebrating Black History Month
"We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools." Martin Luther King, Jr.
With the final day of Black History Month of 2014 upon us I would like to share a [Justin story from February 2003 in PA].
Background~Natives of North Carolina we had relocated to PA due to Justin father's employment. Justin had been in school in Salisbury, NC form 1st grade; the student body he was accustomed to was 65% Black and his coveted nickname was White Chocolate~he loved and was loved by everyone students and teachers alike.
Unami Middle School February 2003~ The school day at a close and I
arrive to pick up Justin. As he walks toward the car I immediately note
he's walking with [what I began to call] a 'heavy step'. Whenever I
saw Justin walk like this I knew he was upset about something; I suppose you could say this was his 'tell sign' for me [his momma].
As he tossed in his book bag and then jumped into the passenger seat
silently I knew whatever was weighing on Justin's mind must be heavy. Other than "hello" and "how was your day" we drove in silence all
the way home. I never pushed Justin to talk; like me, he talked when he
was ready.
When we arrived home Justin took his book bag to
his room and I did not see him for about an hour. He came to the
kitchen where I had begun to prepare dinner and ask if we could talk.
We sat down at the table and what Justin said next may have surprised
some but not me. "Momma, they're not doing anything at school for Black
History Month. Can you call and ask them why?" After we talked at length Justin made it clear he was very moved and deeply upset by the ignoring of a topic he found interesting and important. The lack of any
comments [AT ALL] about Black History Month and famous people in History
by his 'new' PA middle school for Justin was unacceptable.
Phone call~
Me: Yes, may I please speak to the principal?
Secretary: May I tell him why you are calling?
Me: Yes, my son wants me to find out why your school is not celebrating Black History Month.
Me: Hello?
Secretary: Um? Um? Excuse me! I'll be right back!
Secretary: Hello, the principal will take your call.
Principal: Hello Mrs. DeSha-Overcash?
Me: Yes, hello?
Principal: There seems to be a misunderstanding?
Me: No, no misunderstanding. My son, Justin, wanted me to call and ask why Unami is not acknowledging Black History Month.
Principal: Did Justin mention we are doing Ellis Island day at the end of this month?
Me: [In my mind I thought WTF?] finally out-loud I managed to say, Um?
I am pretty good in US History and I cannot recall many folks coming
from the shores of Africa, in chains, and being thrown off on ELLIS
Principal: Well none of the other families are complaining.
Me: [AGAIN, In my mind WTF?] finally [again] out loud I managed to
say, Sir there are 8 Black students and 900 + Caucasian students. I
guess I can pretty much figure out why the EIGHT Black families WOULDN'T
COMPLAIN! Is there no way to present Famous Black People in History in
your school and curriculum? There is no possibility you could not make
announcements over the school PA system each morning pursuant to the
many accomplishments, researches, inventions, achievements, and all the
many gifts given to our society by brilliant and talented people?
Principal: Well we wanted our son to go to a college with an ethnically
diversified student body and in his wedding he had a Black groomsman.
Me: Shame on you! Shame on you! I cannot fathom you never had your son meet and know people of ethnicity until college!
Principal: Would you mind if I speak with Justin about this?
Me: No not at all; just keep in mind he is my son and our personalities are a lot alike.
Later that afternoon I pick Justin up; he gets in the car and I turn to
look at him he looks at me. I say, "Well honey did the principal talk
to you?" Justin, "Yes momma." Me, "How did it go?" Justin, "He kept
talkin' about Ellis Island Day! [ME~AAAUUUGGGHHH!] This is a principal; and educated man and yet he could not give Justin nor me ONE [NOT ONE] valid, rational, logical reason why during the entire month of February 2003 Black History Month was missing from their schools curriculum. WORSE THAN SAD!
Justin added later:
Momma when I went back to class one of my friends whispered, "Why were
you called to the principals office?" Justin whispered back, "My momma
is raising cane about nothing being done here about Black History
Month." To which she burst into laughter!
I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
With the final day of Black History Month of 2014 upon us I would like to share a [Justin story from February 2003 in PA].
Unami Middle School February 2003~ The school day at a close and I
arrive to pick up Justin. As he walks toward the car I immediately note
he's walking with [what I began to call] a 'heavy step'. Whenever I
saw Justin walk like this I knew he was upset about something; I suppose you could say this was his 'tell sign' for me [his momma].
As he tossed in his book bag and then jumped into the passenger seat
silently I knew whatever was weighing on Justin's mind must be heavy to
him. Other than "hello" and "how was your day" we drove in silence all
the way home. I never pushed Justin to talk; like me, he talked when he
was ready.
When we arrived home Justin took his book bag to
his room and I did not see him for about an hour. He came to the
kitchen where I had begun to prepare dinner and ask if we could talk.
We sat down at the table and what Justin said next may have surprised
some but not me. "Momma, they're not doing anything at school for Black
History Month. Can you call and ask them why?" After we talked at
length I knew Justin was very moved and upset deeply. The lack of any
comments [AT ALL] about Black History Month and famous people in History
by his 'new' PA middle school for Justin was unacceptable.
Phone call~
Me: Yes, may I please speak to the principal?
Secretary: Why?
Me: My son wants me to call and find out why your school is not celebrating Black History Month.
Me: Hello?
Secretary: Um? Um? Excuse me! I'll be right back!
Secretary: Hello, the principal will take your call.
Principal: Hello Mrs. DeSha-Overcash?
Me: Yes, hello?
Principal: I understand that there seems to be a misunderstanding?
Me: No, no misunderstanding. My son, Justin, wanted me to call and ask why Unami is not acknowledging Black History Month.
Principal: Did Justin mention we are doing Ellis Island day at the end of this month?
Me: [In my mind I thought WTF?] finally out-loud I managed to say, Um?
I am pretty good in US History and I cannot recall many folks coming
from the shores of Africa, in chains, and being thrown off on ELLIS
Principal: Well none of the other families are complaining.
Me: [AGAIN, In my mind WTF?] finally [again] out loud I managed to
say, Sir there are 8 Black students and 900 + Caucasian students. I
guess I can pretty much figure out why the EIGHT Black families WOULDN'T
COMPLAIN! Is there no way to present Famous Black People in History in
your school and curriculum? There is no possibility you could not make
announcements over the school PA system each morning pursuant to the
many accomplishments, researches, inventions, achievements, and all the
many gifts given to our society by brilliant and talented people?
Principal: Well we wanted our son to go to a college with a ethnically
diversified student body and in his wedding he had a Black groomsman.
Me: Shame on you! Shame on you! I cannot fathom you never had your son meet and know people of ethnicity until college!
Principal: Would you mind if I speak with Justin about this?
Me: No not at all; just keep in mind he is my son and our personalities are a lot alike.
Later that afternoon I pick Justin up; he gets in the car and I turn to
look at him he looks at me. I say, "Well honey did the principal talk
to you?" Justin, "Yes momma." Me, "How did it go?" Justin, "He kept
talkin' about Ellis Island Day! [ME~AAAUUUGGGHHH!]
"Momma when I went back to class one of my friends whispered." "Why were
you called to the principals office?" I whispered back, "My momma
is raising cane about nothing being done here about Black History
Month." Justin told me she burst into laughter~
This young lady was one of the
eight Black students attending this middle school
with Justin in PA!
******Will our world ever change?******
Will people ever stop fearing ignorance and what they do not understand?
We are all just people trying to maneuver through our lives just like everyone else; why is this so difficult for some to SEE?
Justin bottom row first on right [# 60] his nickname White Chocolate; he coveted his nickname and loved being called this by his brothers on and off the football field! |
Honey you are [without a doubt one of a kind] and I
will always [ALWAYS] be so proud of you and feel extremely blessed that God chose me to be your momma. I
love and miss you Justin times INFINITY + ONE....your momma always....