Wednesday, May 8, 2013

UNC Law Professor Claims, "If we give Victim's rights it will interfer with the Constitutional Rights of the Criminal."

May 8, 2013

Re:  Follow-up pursuant to our meeting (04/25/2013) on Capitol Hill after the Congressional Hearing on VICTIM’S RIGHTS.  H. J. RES. 40, the “Victims’ Rights Amendment” 

Professor Mosteller;

     I woke this morning in a mood, could be because my MURDERED son’s 25th Birthday CAME and WENT as it has for the past three years; WITHOUT JUSTIN’S FEET ON THIS EARTH.  Mother’s Day is passing for the THIRD year, too.  I WANT MY SON BACK!  

     The following is my opinion and being a southerner I would normally excuse the use of my opinion; however, not this time.  Nor do I feel the necessity to offer an apology for the following manifesto, should my words offend, after what my son has been through, with all due respect, “I could care less”. 

     Someone must stand up and say something!  I began typing in capitals after my son was MURDERED and no one in the judicial system cared or listened; they thought I was like most people and I would just crawl away.  I have never crawled away from anything in my life.  Mother’s call me from all over the USA because I stood up and told the judicial system where to put themselves.  Now I do this for the mother’s who cannot fight.  We will win justice for the VICTIMS’.
It is time to call 'a spade a spade'...American Citizens who become victims of violent crimes DO NOT HAVE ANY TANGIBLE RIGHTS!  Born in America and bestowed at birth with 'Inalienable Rights' yet the system touts that only CRIMINALS have rights.  Really?

     ANY interest [on the part of the current judicial system] involving rights of [good, law abiding citizens] has vanished in a quagmire of red tape allowing for a breakdown filled with corruption and [a tilting of the Scales of Justice toward CRIME as a CAREER].  The judicial system makes MONEY FROM EVERY CRIMINALS insidious acts against humanity; the victims/survivors pain and loss are ignored.  “A BUSINESS”.  Some business these folks are running out of OUR Nation’s courts; looking in the mirror each day should be more than just awkward.

     Criminals who have committed heinous acts of violence against good, law abiding citizens should be stripped of any rights.  Military corps strips soldier, of their rank and rights, when they commit a crime against this country or the Geneva Convention.  Violent criminals, with proof and confession, should receive immediate sentencing.  Allowing CRIMINALS rights AND taking away ANY RIGHTS of the Innocent Victims allows CRIMINALS to 'stick it to the public at large'.

     Our forefather’s demanded that of every American Citizen be first and foremost in our country’s Constitution and Declaration of Independence.  These two historical foundational documents were not labored over and carefully written by our forefather’s so that modern day [money mongers] could become wealthy!  Wealthy at the expense of focusing on IGNORING the LIFE of good, law abiding citizens touched by CRIMES OF VIOLENCE; over and over and over again.  Our Forefathers cared about "WE THE PEOPLE"; ergo, the reason THEY chose to begin our Nation's Historical document, “WE THE PEOPLE of the United States….”  I am keenly aware most know these historically touching and infamous words as well as I; but it appears, unlike many, there are many more US citizens who care far more about choosing to [live-up] to these words.

     The Constitution drafted by our forefathers; forefathers possessing far more sense than the DOLTS currently drowning our Nation; our Forefathers' were not blinded by status, money and GREED.  Citizen’s rights and their life dilemmas were not ignored; the government’s interest WAS for Citizens safety, protection and RIGHTS.  

I have had enough of the ludicrous antics of government, the police, lawyers and the judicial system [as a whole]; this [so called] ‘judicial system’ is purposely twisting and misconstruing the meaning and intent of our Nation’s laws for monetary gain.  

     I was forced, by the MURDERER of my wonderful SON, into this Twilight Zone of our Nation’s [so called] ‘judicial system’.  I learned quickly the system is not damaged; it is COMPLETELY BROKEN.  An utter ruse; I learned the stark and lurid truth [as a state asstistant prosecutor] SCREAMED THE FOLLOWING WORDS IN MY FACE, “IT IS A BUSINESS”People’s LIVES have nothing to do with justice; justice has NOTHING to do with justice.  That is, Unless you’re the CRIMINAL
     The heinous and senseless murder of my beautiful son, senior and scholar, at the University of Maryland; Justin DeSha-Overcash was murdered in his College Park rental home at 11:27 AM by a Prince George’s County repeat offender on January 11, 2011.  In the past 2 years, 6 months and 4 days [when I email this 07/15/2013] since my son [and only child] was murdered [in his own home, in broad daylight, doing his laundry]; Justin lost his life [TWENTY TWO YEARS YOUNG] protecting his friends [and ultimately SAVING them] from an armed IDIOT wearing an ankle monitor that the murderer received for a Felony II Handgun Charge TWENTY TWO days before shooting my son to death with callous and evil disregard.  

My beautiful son’s murderer’s education IN CRIME began in Prince George’s County, MD in 2007; this is the actual date recorded by the [police and documented as their first encounter] with this up and coming MURDERER.  This CAREER CRIMINAL committed crimes against society each worse than the last; he graduated on the date he MURDERED MY SON.

     **At the age of TWELEVE MY SON WAS INVITED BY DUKE UNIVERSITY TO TAKE THE SAT.  Let’s see now; a career criminal [MURDERER] of my SON who will be allowed to rape, pillage and plunder via ludicrous and constant appeals, year after year, COSTING TAX PAYERS A TON; THE DEFENSE WILL STAND UP IN A COURT ROOM AND LIE FOR THE CRIMINAL SO THEY [defense] RECEIVE A PAYCHECK.  So in other words the CRIMINAL’S ACTS AFFECT and AFFLICT EVERYONE EXCEPT THE CRIMINAL and THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM.  Common sense is LACKING in this world and has been completely eradicated from the current [so called] judicial system.
     Let us do an experiment utilizing the current judicial [slight of hand] method of justice; BUT MY WORD will be the final outcome.  Who should be ignored; The MURDERER or A FUTURE SCIENTIST? 

     The day JUSTIN was MURDERED ~ A Future SCIENTIST with 174 credits [a ‘B’ in Quantum Physics]; double Major Physics & Astronomy, minors in Geophysics/Math, TA Physics Department [first semester sophomore year], TA Astronomy Department [2nd semester sophomore year], taught a course [senior year], tutored UMd’s athletes’ [4 years ~ they requested him; Justin had the gift of being able to put stat, calc and physics on a level those not gifted with a mathematical mind could understand and remember], beginning Justin’s junior year he is approached to participate in research on “The Earth’s Core Mantel” this honor garnered scientists’ interest in Justin’s theories and research [the only underclassman on the project] during the AGU Fall 2010 Conference in Los Angeles, CA., worked with the UMd Observatory for four years holding a position of tenure, worked every UMd Day~Astonomy tent, a credit score of 742 and even though JUSTIN had never seen a GUN he forfeited his life for two others; by the way Justin could do statistics in his sleep; MY SON KNEW THE PROBABILITY OF HIS NOT LIVING THROUGH THIS MURDEROUS CRIMINALS ATTACK AND YET JUSTIN CHOSE TO BE BRAVE…How would YOU like to know YOU are about to be MURDERED; well Justin, my son, my constant, my love, my heart beat knew and DID NOT FLINCH from this heinous, evil, CAREER CRIMINAL, NOW [first degree] MURDERER! 

     I am an American Citizen, MY SON, with or without a heartbeat, is an American Citizen. I REFUSE to allow this ‘judicial system and government’ to receive paychecks from the senseless, heinous and sadistic murder of MY SON; OR ANY AMERICAN CITIZEN’S LOVED ONE TAKEN BY VIOLENT CRIME.  [ie. TRAVON MARTIN]


I remain Justin’s proud, loving, will fight for rights, heartbroken momma.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

So You Believe Everything You SEE, READ and HEAR?

One of Justin's many hero's and mentor:


"The press is so powerful in its image-making role, it can make the criminal look like he's a the victim and make the victim look like he's the criminal. This is the press, an irresponsible press. It will make the criminal look like he's the victim and make the victim look like he's the criminal. If you aren't careful, the newspapers will
have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.
If you aren't careful, because I've seen some of you caught in that bag, you run away hating yourself and loving the man — while your catching hell from the man. You let the man maneuver you into thinking that it's wrong to fight him when he's fighting you. He's fighting you in the morning, fighting you in the noon, fighting you at night and fighting you all in between, and you still think it's wrong to fight him back. Why? The press. The newspapers make you look wrong."
Speech at the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem (13 December 1964), later published in Malcolm X Speaks: Selected Speeches and Statements (1965), edited by George Breitman, p. 93
 Karen DeSha There are many, not ALL, [just the so called 'journalists'] who blatantly lied in articles and televised 'melodramas' [killing Justin  over & over & over] in their attempt to garner more readers and viewers...Their mantra HELL WITH THE TRUTH! 
I remain Justin's [disappointed; when there are people in positions who could MAKE CHANGES come to fruition but they are too self-absorbed] momma