My blog is a tribute to my beautiful son, Justin DeSha-Overcash. On occasion I add a mixture of my thoughts, information I consider [need to know], truthful and researched comments (which contain my own opinions) on family, VIOLENT CRIME in America, the judicial system, the US failing economy and the decline of sane political ethical practices. I AM JUSTIN'S MOMMA AND I WILL NOT SIT STILL WHILE ANYONE HARMS ANOTHER HUMAN OR ANIMAL
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Letters 143
RePost Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Salisbury, NC [you'll pass right by on I-85 North heading toward Durham] is not a large town yet has an above average African-American population; my son, was educated in the public school system with a mere 35% Caucasian attendance. This statistic never affected nor bothered our family in any way; people are people and if one "treats others in a manner in which they wish to be treated" one always fits in. Justin truly cherished his nickname “white chocolate”. Every year his teachers commented how well he fit in, was looked up to by his peers and did not “see color”.
I will never forget when, at the age of 10, Justin approached me in his childhood innocence asking if we had any African American relatives. He looked so determined, so wistful in the desire for the [right] answer. I briefly thought about Justin's words, and replied, “Probably so honey I would never discount that somewhere in our lineage we have the opportunity to be related to people from many different ethnicity's.” I never forget and always cherish the look of joy on Justin's face; how my answer to his question brought such a huge smile of pride to his face.
Our family has known Ty and his family for many years; he and my son became ‘fast’ friends after meeting in the second grade. During school events, birthday parties, sleepovers and sporting events we grew to know and love Ty as a shyly quite, intelligent, athletic, artistic, caring and naively unassuming young man. Michele, Ty’s mother, did her best raising four sons without a father figure; her mother lives on the street, a crack addict. She worked two jobs while attending classes to raise her sons in a warm and loving home. I remember asking her once, “When do you sleep?” She replied, “Rarely.” An inspiration to me Michele was determined to offer her children a better life; the love and respect her son’s have for her is beautifully apparent. A female cousin and her daughter share a home with Michele; not only for monetary assistance but also for there to be a parental figure with the children as much as possible.
On a beautifully quiet fall evening in Salisbury, NC in 2006 there came a knock at my front door around 10:00 P. M.; I distinctly remember the time, my naive understanding of reality changed upon answering this particular knock. I found Ty’s aunt standing there sent to deliver a message from Michele, she was at the Concord jail house could I please help, Ty had been arrested and needed bail money. I remember feeling so helpless as if the breath had been knocked out of me I love Ty as if he is my own child. I had just relocated back to Salisbury due to a divorce; I had no job, very little cash, my son had just entered his freshman year of college and I had forfeited monetary assistance from my former spouse. Suddenly a bail amount of six thousand dollars may has well have been six million; although had I the money I would have gladly entrusted this family with these funds.
Ty had been arrested for his alleged involvement in an attempted robbery with one of my son’s former classmates who is known for his temper. The other young man, was carrying a gun and the male victim was lured to the location of the crime by this young man's younger sister. Ty was standing away from the car of the alleged victim when the [other] young man jumped into the front seat and demanded money. The victim said, “No!” In an act of intimidation the young man pulled out the gun and laid it on the car seat; with his hand the victim knocked the gun off the set into the floorboard with his hand. The gun went off and a bullet lodged in the victim’s leg!
So began a horribly sad saga for Ty’s family…Michele would call me crying, begging me to speak to the police and attorneys on her behalf. Sadly, because of my ethnicity the authorities would listen to me and divulge far more information than they would even share with Ty's Mother. Ty had never been in trouble [this was a first offense]; however, there was a fire arm involved so he received a sentence of three years. The two other assailants, brother and sister, were far more involved in the events leading up to the victim being lured and ultimately shot but their mother is a Bail Bonds person. He received the same sentence as Ty; he and his sister, who lured the victim and eluded the police for several days, received a 15 to 24 month sentence. There is something very wrong with his judicial decision.
I promised Ty I would write to him often and so began our support, encouragement and a closely loving child/parent relationship. In the beginning his letters were so sad I would find myself crying as I read them. I have always been considered a motivator and my letters to him were meant to uplift him from his dark place as well as an attempt to assist him to work through this horribly difficult time of which I had no true knowledge.
I too found myself in an extremely precarious place; divorcing after twenty four years at the age of 51 my normally enthusiastic, positive, ‘glass is half full’ personality spiraled into deep depression. I can not count how many times I looked forward to checking the mailbox for Ty's letters or how many times his letters saved me from my own self pity.
Early in his incarceration [while being held in county lock-up] he could phone me collect and I could hear the fear in his voice at times he would begin to cry. In the background I could hear other inmates screaming and yelling; he said this went on nonstop! I was so afraid for his safety and welfare yet there was absolutely nothing I could do to change his path. Ty’s early letters were filled with great sadness and denial. He devoted much of his time pursuing a way out; putting so much effort into ‘urban myths’ there were ways to shorten his sentence. When he came to the realization there were [no short cuts] to his reality he spiraled into a very deep and dark place. His letters were often filled with self loathing and self pity that he had ruined any possibility of a future life for himself, his son and his family.
Ty was not easily convinced that his mistake would not haunt him for the remainder of his days. Once he began to settle into the ‘hand he was dealt’ he began to read, study and learn. It took some time but Ty began to have goals and dreams for his future instead of dwelling in the reality of his present. Ty’s letters poignantly expressed a child growing into a man behind prison walls. During these long and slow passing months Michele thanked me many times for sticking with Ty, about a year ago she said, “I am not a letter writer, he sure looks forward to your cards and letters.” This is about the time when I made the decision to keep every letter and card he sent me so I could place them in a notebook for him to have and read; should he ever again doubt he does not have a wonderful life.
The letters offer a glimpse into how the lives of two people from extremely different backgrounds become so intertwined. I know Ty’s life, as well as mine, will never be the same for in our letters we surpassed age, gender and racial barriers to support and encourage each other through individual struggles to maintain our sanity.
I believe the content could offer other young men and women who need advice or guidance to stop and think about how the consequences of ones actions quickly change ones life. What Ty has shared with me regarding prison life should be shared with every young person; not always the case his letters express how his experience has made him a stronger and better person. From behind prison walls his letters to me were always filled with his attempts to free me from my self imposed prison. We have both come full circle, happy with whom we are growing into and beginning to find contentment with our circumstances. When I compare what I have endured to what Ty has endured I know with out a doubt I have a wonderful life.
1= I, 4=Love, 3= YOU!
Rally for Crime Prevention~February 2011 News Cast
The attached link is to [our] first rally on Barlowe Street in Prince George's County, MD in February 2011.
Justin's friends and I made the decision to speak out and speak up by rallying against the rash of unprecedented murders in PG County during January and February 2011 [and wo.uld include March] murders occurring in this county. The day we all stood for JUSTICE was just weeks after Justin's murder; it would take another 6 weeks for his murderer to be captured.
There are too many [surreal] occurrences in the investigation into Justin's murder that I liken this nightmarish journey to rivaling any possible nightmare I have or will ever experience in my lifetime. How do I know this statement to be truth? This nightmare is occurring and I am awake!
I remain Justin momma
Justin's murder.
Justin's friends and I made the decision to speak out and speak up by rallying against the rash of unprecedented murders in PG County during January and February 2011 [and wo.uld include March] murders occurring in this county. The day we all stood for JUSTICE was just weeks after Justin's murder; it would take another 6 weeks for his murderer to be captured.
There are too many [surreal] occurrences in the investigation into Justin's murder that I liken this nightmarish journey to rivaling any possible nightmare I have or will ever experience in my lifetime. How do I know this statement to be truth? This nightmare is occurring and I am awake!
I remain Justin momma
Justin's murder.
Why is There So Much Anger in America?
Repost from ~ Tuesday, July 5, 2011
People get a hold of yourselves!!
Life is short and [seriously]
in the scheme of things delving out strong emotions on a daily basis
(anger, hatred, jealousy, pettiness, etc.) is not even worth anyone's
valuable (SHORT) stay on this amazing planet.
I cannot wrap my mind around
wasting so much time concerned about insignificant issues; no I do not
watch to see what my neighbors are up too, no I do not watch reality
shows, no I do not care how actresses dress, no I do not care about what
happens in other folks bedrooms! I honestly cannot abide 'gossip';
what's the point? If something someone else is doing is so freaking
annoying in your world 'man up' or 'woman up' ( whatever the case may
be) and tell them to their faces.
Not brave enough? Then stop talking about them and spend this wasted time watching a beautiful sunset. Walk through a beautiful garden. Hold your child and tell them a story. Get to actually know the folks you're talking about. Or look in the
mirror and see what sets you apart making you can feel positive about
Kindness can be contagious and can make a huge difference in
someones life...Happiness can be attained through the simplest of memories and moments. Life truly is never as [bad] as you think;
I promise tomorrow will be better and if not wait for the day after!! SMILE! Best Wishes!
enjoy life,
life is too short
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Wake Up Society~A momma in pain & inner termoil
My days pass as if in 'fast forward'; it is day, then it is night, and inevitably I find myself in a mental quandary, "Where did my day go?" I loose days, too; this week I have tried [and tried] to access where Thursday went? These lapses in time [these missing days] began when my son, Justin, was murdered.
The multitude of emotions, mental angst, and physical conflicts endured by parents of murdered children is not discussed openly because societal pressures for us to remain silent weighs heavily upon many. Society demands we [deal with 'it'] and move on; even the mere thought of ignoring or pretending 'IT' did not occur is entirely improbable and impossible for me to adhere.
I refuse to be silent, I refuse not to talk about Justin, I refuse not to show the emotional vortex I endure daily all because a CAREER CRIMINAL [wearing an ankle monitor] cold bloodily murdered my beautiful and intelligent son for NOTHING. The murderer got [nothing] from my son on this horrid day except his LIFE.
Society [most people] is uncomfortable when I openly show my emotions for my son; I cry a lot and I do not care who is there nor where I am when my emotions over take me. I love my child and I miss him more than words can ever express. Why wouldn't I show my emotion I am Justin's momma and Justin is my son, my constant, my friend, my joy, my gift from GOD; my purpose is to honor my son every day for the remainder of my life. I have always openly shown my emotions and I truly refuse to change because society is uncomfortable. Possibly showing more emotion would teach younger generations LIFE IS IMPORTANT and is not to be TAKEN by any human action.
People [whom have never lost a child or loved one to VIOLENCE] tell me to "move on". How in the hell do they even think they [have a clue] about what I am experiencing? Thank GOD they do not! Move on; to what may I ask? The other parents who walk the same road as I do know and feel the same emotions; although, I have always been known "to say out loud" what others are only willing to think! I have never kept my mouth closed when I see [injustice] why would I start now? Injustice invaded my son's life, my life, my family's life, my son's dearest friend's lives and I will fight every day to see that justice is not pushed aside for a judicial agenda. This is not paranoia speaking, this is reality speaking, I had no idea my son's because of my son's murder I would find myself embroiled in the fight of my life; I had no knowledge of how corrupt America's judicial system has become. America's judicial system is a business, a money maker, a governmental Ponzi Scheme [the likes of which make Madoff's Ponzi Scheme look elementary]. Every time a criminal is arrested the government gives the chosen judicial group funds to defend 'said' criminal; the scheme comes in when the judicial system continuously releases these [same] violent people back into society and the cycle continues to escalate. The criminal who murdered Justin has been involved in crime as a career for five years, arrested constantly yet never serving any time other than two nights in jail. The only time he saw behind bars are these two nights; twenty days later my son is dead and the murderer goes about his criminal lifestyle as if nothing happened until his arrest seventy eight [78] days later. This career criminal even went to court THIRTEEN DAYS after MURDERING JUSTIN [on January 24, 2011] for his Felony II Handgun Charge still wearing an ankle monitor requesting a plea deal and acting as if he is a 'pillar of the community'. The murderer is deemed "High Intensity" [but is released on a Felony II Handgun Charge]? THIS TYPE OF INJUSTICE OCCURS EVERYDAY IN AMERICA. Why do you think it is called "THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM"? VICTIMS HAVE NO RIGHTS in America's Criminal judicial system. There is nothing for the VICTIM; Nada, zip, zilch, zero, nil all simply because they are VICTIMS not CRIMINALS!
This travesty of injustice MUST STOP! Good, innocent and law abiding American Citizen's MUST be protected from the increase in violent criminals who walk among us every day doing as they please as if they are entitled.
I must say what I have experienced since the murder of Justin has been more than just insane; no one cared about Justin; including the prosecution. Their [joint] concern was for the criminal to receive justice. This 23 year old career criminal has never showed remorse, never apologized and never appeared the least bit concerned that he took Justin's wondrous life. The criminal is an evil young man; sadly there are people born into evil and this young man is one of those.
The murder's defense team told many LIES about this career criminal's life and background; we will never know the truth. Oh you were not aware a defense attorney can LEGALLY LIE to get his client off? WAKE UP SOCIETY! YES, a defense team may 'lie like a dog' to have their clients; murderers, pedophiles, thieves, rapists, stalkers, RELEASED back into society to continue to harm and ultimately murder all that is good and kind in our world. The career criminal, who murdered Justin, committed perjury five times, that I am aware of, yet nothing was done? I brought forth documents attesting this career criminal committed PERJURY to the prosecution and NO ONE BLINKED AN EYE, NO ONE CARED?? Remember IT is the CRIMINAL JUDICIAL SYSTEM!
If, in fact, I shared the entire story of what happened to my son in Prince George's County, MD when Justin was brutally and callously murdered by this career criminal many would not believe me; hell I still do not believe what was happening! What I do know is my son was sadistically murdered, when Justin forfeited his life for two friends who were present when the CAREER CRIMINAL entered Justin's home in broad daylight on January 11, 2011 in a [so called] attempt to rob COLLEGE STUDENTS! Which led the Prince George's County Press Release Room to fabricate a story that would rival any [cop show] criminal motives currently televised. Suddenly my son, my Justin was thrust into the eye of the media as if HE, Justin, were the criminal; this police media tactic was when I had enough. Hell, a representative of the PGPD Kevin Davis, stood in Justin's front yard in a News Conference and said [quote un quote], "He got what he deserved because of his lifestyle choices." When Davis mouthed this unconscionable statement I was not even aware my Justin was DEAD. Then again this is what Prince George's County, MD does; they are well known for accusing the VICTIM for their own MURDER. This police method of attempting to not investigate crimes is happening all over America; the stories and numbers of these incidents against VICTIMS and SURVIVORS is staggeringly unbelievable and horrifying.
Keep in mind due to the economic downfall in America there are budget cuts every where including and not limited to police departments; many of the officers in PGPD do not agree with the way criminals are handled and are less than thrilled with the current 'catch & release' judicial system.
As time moves forward, and I feel more comfortable, I will convey the entire story; my assessment~I feel as if I have been thrown into every episode of the "Twilight Zone" and Hitchcock movie ever written. I did not know the America I live in until my son's murder and my encounter with OUR corrupt system.
I remain Justin's loving momma
Pictures from Christmas Day 2009; Justin and I always had fun, laughed, and enjoyed life. Give us a can of silly string a life is GOOD! I miss and love you honey with what remains of my heart.
The multitude of emotions, mental angst, and physical conflicts endured by parents of murdered children is not discussed openly because societal pressures for us to remain silent weighs heavily upon many. Society demands we [deal with 'it'] and move on; even the mere thought of ignoring or pretending 'IT' did not occur is entirely improbable and impossible for me to adhere.
I refuse to be silent, I refuse not to talk about Justin, I refuse not to show the emotional vortex I endure daily all because a CAREER CRIMINAL [wearing an ankle monitor] cold bloodily murdered my beautiful and intelligent son for NOTHING. The murderer got [nothing] from my son on this horrid day except his LIFE.
Society [most people] is uncomfortable when I openly show my emotions for my son; I cry a lot and I do not care who is there nor where I am when my emotions over take me. I love my child and I miss him more than words can ever express. Why wouldn't I show my emotion I am Justin's momma and Justin is my son, my constant, my friend, my joy, my gift from GOD; my purpose is to honor my son every day for the remainder of my life. I have always openly shown my emotions and I truly refuse to change because society is uncomfortable. Possibly showing more emotion would teach younger generations LIFE IS IMPORTANT and is not to be TAKEN by any human action.
People [whom have never lost a child or loved one to VIOLENCE] tell me to "move on". How in the hell do they even think they [have a clue] about what I am experiencing? Thank GOD they do not! Move on; to what may I ask? The other parents who walk the same road as I do know and feel the same emotions; although, I have always been known "to say out loud" what others are only willing to think! I have never kept my mouth closed when I see [injustice] why would I start now? Injustice invaded my son's life, my life, my family's life, my son's dearest friend's lives and I will fight every day to see that justice is not pushed aside for a judicial agenda. This is not paranoia speaking, this is reality speaking, I had no idea my son's because of my son's murder I would find myself embroiled in the fight of my life; I had no knowledge of how corrupt America's judicial system has become. America's judicial system is a business, a money maker, a governmental Ponzi Scheme [the likes of which make Madoff's Ponzi Scheme look elementary]. Every time a criminal is arrested the government gives the chosen judicial group funds to defend 'said' criminal; the scheme comes in when the judicial system continuously releases these [same] violent people back into society and the cycle continues to escalate. The criminal who murdered Justin has been involved in crime as a career for five years, arrested constantly yet never serving any time other than two nights in jail. The only time he saw behind bars are these two nights; twenty days later my son is dead and the murderer goes about his criminal lifestyle as if nothing happened until his arrest seventy eight [78] days later. This career criminal even went to court THIRTEEN DAYS after MURDERING JUSTIN [on January 24, 2011] for his Felony II Handgun Charge still wearing an ankle monitor requesting a plea deal and acting as if he is a 'pillar of the community'. The murderer is deemed "High Intensity" [but is released on a Felony II Handgun Charge]? THIS TYPE OF INJUSTICE OCCURS EVERYDAY IN AMERICA. Why do you think it is called "THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM"? VICTIMS HAVE NO RIGHTS in America's Criminal judicial system. There is nothing for the VICTIM; Nada, zip, zilch, zero, nil all simply because they are VICTIMS not CRIMINALS!
This travesty of injustice MUST STOP! Good, innocent and law abiding American Citizen's MUST be protected from the increase in violent criminals who walk among us every day doing as they please as if they are entitled.
I must say what I have experienced since the murder of Justin has been more than just insane; no one cared about Justin; including the prosecution. Their [joint] concern was for the criminal to receive justice. This 23 year old career criminal has never showed remorse, never apologized and never appeared the least bit concerned that he took Justin's wondrous life. The criminal is an evil young man; sadly there are people born into evil and this young man is one of those.
The murder's defense team told many LIES about this career criminal's life and background; we will never know the truth. Oh you were not aware a defense attorney can LEGALLY LIE to get his client off? WAKE UP SOCIETY! YES, a defense team may 'lie like a dog' to have their clients; murderers, pedophiles, thieves, rapists, stalkers, RELEASED back into society to continue to harm and ultimately murder all that is good and kind in our world. The career criminal, who murdered Justin, committed perjury five times, that I am aware of, yet nothing was done? I brought forth documents attesting this career criminal committed PERJURY to the prosecution and NO ONE BLINKED AN EYE, NO ONE CARED?? Remember IT is the CRIMINAL JUDICIAL SYSTEM!
If, in fact, I shared the entire story of what happened to my son in Prince George's County, MD when Justin was brutally and callously murdered by this career criminal many would not believe me; hell I still do not believe what was happening! What I do know is my son was sadistically murdered, when Justin forfeited his life for two friends who were present when the CAREER CRIMINAL entered Justin's home in broad daylight on January 11, 2011 in a [so called] attempt to rob COLLEGE STUDENTS! Which led the Prince George's County Press Release Room to fabricate a story that would rival any [cop show] criminal motives currently televised. Suddenly my son, my Justin was thrust into the eye of the media as if HE, Justin, were the criminal; this police media tactic was when I had enough. Hell, a representative of the PGPD Kevin Davis, stood in Justin's front yard in a News Conference and said [quote un quote], "He got what he deserved because of his lifestyle choices." When Davis mouthed this unconscionable statement I was not even aware my Justin was DEAD. Then again this is what Prince George's County, MD does; they are well known for accusing the VICTIM for their own MURDER. This police method of attempting to not investigate crimes is happening all over America; the stories and numbers of these incidents against VICTIMS and SURVIVORS is staggeringly unbelievable and horrifying.
Keep in mind due to the economic downfall in America there are budget cuts every where including and not limited to police departments; many of the officers in PGPD do not agree with the way criminals are handled and are less than thrilled with the current 'catch & release' judicial system.
As time moves forward, and I feel more comfortable, I will convey the entire story; my assessment~I feel as if I have been thrown into every episode of the "Twilight Zone" and Hitchcock movie ever written. I did not know the America I live in until my son's murder and my encounter with OUR corrupt system.
I remain Justin's loving momma
Pictures from Christmas Day 2009; Justin and I always had fun, laughed, and enjoyed life. Give us a can of silly string a life is GOOD! I miss and love you honey with what remains of my heart.
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