Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Banned Again [this time by] a CORRUPT Victim's Advocacy

Since my son Justin was murdered January 11, 2011; I have been rudely awakened to the lack of empathy for JUSTICE pursuant to VICTIMS/SURVIVORS!

In America an advocacy group is payed from the same [coffers] as the government employees, the judicial system and the police.  Therefore their loyalties lay with [where the MONEY] comes from; the GOVERNMENT.

Many of the current [so called] Victim Advocacy Groups throughout America are paid 'Baby Sitter".  Their primary job is to keep the Victims/Survivors [away] from the police, judicial system and the government.  Is anyone aware that because the advocacy groups are paid via grants they CANNOT solicit to aid VICTIMS OR SURVIVORS?  If the Advocacy group CANNOT openly call VICTIMS/SURVIVORS then they are NOT advocates.   An advocate is [supposed] to be a group of people who believes in their 'Mission' and will use all due diligence to protect and empower the Victim/Survivor'.  This is NOT happening in America.

Are you aware defense attorney's can blatantly LIE in the court room to get freedom for the criminal?  This is a true [fact] and should scare the hell out of anyone who loves America.

What is truly happening in America's judicial system; the criminals are the VICTIMS; and the VICTIMS are the criminals.   A criminal has RIGHTS [a VICTIM NONE] ergo there is NO JUSTICE.  It does not even matter what station of life from which you hail; criminals are the victims.  This attitude MUST stop; STOP NOW!  Our forefathers did not write the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution to protect CRIMINALS.  These historic documents were written to protect the innocent and the current system has [twisted] our forefather's meaning [and words] all in the name of GREED.  The current so called judicial system is a BUSINESS and they do not care whom they hurt as long as the criminals rights are protected???

As Benjamin Franklin wrote;

“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.”

There will be no JUSTICE until WE THE PEOPLE stand up and DEMAND JUSTICE.  Even our forefathers realized this truth in the 1700's. 

We as American Citizens must demand our rights from the so called 'powers that be'; the 'powers that be' whom staged 'sit-ins', 'pickets', marches, and openly showed  their condemnation of the 'Establishment'.  Now we act like sheep and we may just find ourselves being lead to slaughter.

WHEN did WE, as American's, loose our [fire], [drive], [determination], [fighting for our rights]?  The current leaders did not put up with anything and challenged EVERYTHING; now [they] tell us [WE THE PEOPLE] to SHUT UP!  When they became the leaders and got MONEY HUNGRY.  These cretinous [money mongers] are making the powers that were in office in the 60's, 70's and 80's look like politicians who cared for the American Citizens and their RIGHTS!  




I am Justin's [I WON'T BACK DOWN] momma