Saturday, February 15, 2014

200 Mass Murders in America Since 2006; WHAT?

I inadvertently found this site [link attached below] this evening and was sadly amazed at the number of mass murders, in America, which have occurred just in seven years.  Shockingly 50% of mass murders are committed by family members.  How can this be happening in America?  We're educated, civilized, religious [I am in no way saying one must be religious to respect humanity and life ~ thanks]; how could this be going on in our communities? 

The different genders, ages, reasons [if known] all of which I find bittersweet and heartbreaking.  The one odd aspect which caught my eye was that whether male or female the average age was so close; only a two year difference.  [?]  Could something genetically occur in some people during this age? 

It angers me that parents could murder their children under any circumstance.  This evil act I cannot tolerate; a parent murdering their child[ren] when I cannot even fathom summoning anger toward a child.  The act of murdering a child is so evil I do not even want to imagine why or how an adult could commit such an atrocity

**On the site~The map of the USA shows each mass murder location simply place your cursor over any red dot on the map to read a synopsis of the sad event which took innocent lives from their loved ones and friends too soon. For those who know what to do I'm sorry!!

The following is only my opinion; yes it is simplistic.  Sometimes simplistic works better than all the experts combined; just saying!  These types of tragedies, mass murders, must end.  There must be signs to look for [?] to keep entire families from being wiped out!  More emphasis, in our current economy, needs to be placed on dealing with termination in the workplace.  

Companies need to be responsible and understand they may have an employee on their hands that may 'snap' if they are released from their duties immediately.  All large companies have HR departments and these employees have training in psychology.  There need to be programs developed that allow for gradual release from a position when dealing with an employee they feel may have difficulty accepting departure.   This attitude just may save lives. 

I am aware this would not always work; example the former employee who returned FIVE years later!  What?  How could anyone be angry about losing a job for FIVE years?  I have no words.

So, sadly this would only deal with a very small tip of a huge crux of a tragically real matter.  Much more thought would have to be put into what [if anything] can be done to protect the innocent from living with 'ticking time bombs'.  

Once you become a parent of a murdered child, the innocents take up a great deal of your thoughts.

I remain Justin's momma 



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