Thursday, September 4, 2014

Poem~ Grieving Mother

Grieving Mother

I am a grieving mother
And this is what I do
I think about my child
Just like you

My child is not here
Things are not the same
I talk out loud to myself
Just to say his name

I am a grieving mother
And I get up everyday
I wish my child was alive
In the worst possible way


My son and I Fall 2005, mom Senior Night, Titan #49 my heartbeat, my constant, my joy.

Justin DeSha-Overcash
2:41 AM May 1, 1988
12:00 PM January 11, 2011
I love you Honey "times infinity plus ONE" my beautiful gift from God.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014



I did not have to be a 'rocket scientist' to know that the officer murdered Michael Brown~all I had to do was draw on my knowledge of what the Prince George's County press release department [ATTEMPTED] to do to my beautiful son, Justin, before I began kicking their ASSES!  The police do lie, they are a brotherhood, they protect one another, sadly, some of the timefor all of the wrong reasons.  No PG county police did not shot and kill Justin DeSha-Overcash they murdered my wonderful son a second time in the media~they know this statement all too well~I said it to their faces over and over and over....Victims have NO rights in America and are Victimized unless YOU stand up and SAY SOMETHING!

In looking into the background of hiring in the Ferguson Police department many of this officers had been released from other departments for misconduct.  In my opinion the Ferguson's department is composed of "the worst, of the worst, of the worst."

No I did not like that people were vandalizing, no I did not like that there were residents and strangers openly viciously rioting, this is not the way to CHANGE THE LAWS and to receive JUSTICE for the Silent Victim.

Kudos to the American Citizens whom chose rather to peacefully stand up for Michael Brown and to speak for him, his family and Liberty for all!  God bless Michael Brown and his family in this horrid, horrid tragedy.  The consistent and unconscionable mistreatment of the Black Americans by law enforcement MUST END NOW this is the 21st Century.

Darren Wilson killed Michael Brown. Here’s why he probably won’t go to jail.

Updated by Amanda Taub on August 27, 2014, 7:10 a.m. ET @amandataub

Demonstrators protest the shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. Scott Olson
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Will Ferguson, Missouri, police officer Darren Wilson ever be prosecuted for shooting Michael Brown?

Since August 9, when Wilson shot and killed Brown, an unarmed teenager, protesters have taken to the streets of the St. Louis suburb and cities around the United States to insist that Wilson be charged in Brown's death. Their demand, emblazoned on T-shirts, inked onto handmade signs, and voiced in chants of "no justice, no peace," speaks to a widely held fear that the courts and police will be more interested in protecting the rights of a white police officer with no disciplinary record than the rights of a black 18-year-old.

Local and federal investigations into the shooting are underway, and a St. Louis County grand jury has already begun to hear evidence about the case.  That does not mean that a conviction, or even a trial, is guaranteed. The justice system is still a system: there are rules that must be followed, steps that must be taken, and criteria that must be fulfilled. Here's what you need to know.
Wilson could be prosecuted in federal court, state court, or possibly both

Wilson could theoretically be prosecuted in state court, in federal court, or both, because state and federal authorities have concurrent jurisdiction over the shooting. At the moment, both state and federal investigations appear to be moving forward.

A state prosecution would, in some ways, be simpler. If the evidence supports a criminal case, state authorities could prosecute Wilson for murder or manslaughter, or just assault, which may be easier to prove than a federal civil rights offense, said Kevin Curran,  president of the Missouri Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. "The state just has to show that he pulled the trigger, and he intended to pull the trigger, and there weren't any defenses." A federal prosecution, by contrast, would have to prove an additional element: that Wilson willfully deprived Brown of his civil rights.

Still, some aspects of a state prosecution might be difficult. State and local prosecutors work closely with the police, on whom they regularly rely for testimony in their cases. Aggressive prosecution of police misconduct can risk jeopardizing that relationship, which may make prosecutors reluctant to move forward cases involving police misconduct. In addition, the state prosecutors may face evidentiary problems if the St. Louis County investigation was insufficient. (That problem could possibly be solved by access to the results of the FBI investigation, however.)

Simple murder is not a federal offense, but it is a federal crime for a police officer to deprive someone of his rights under the Constitution. If a victim dies, the perpetrator can be sentenced to life in prison or even the death penalty. That means the DOJ could prosecute Wilson under federal law for violating Brown's civil rights, if the evidence supports that charge.

Because of a doctrine called "separate sovereignty," successive state and criminal prosecutions do not violate the double-jeopardy clause of the Constitution, which usually prohibits trying someone more than once for the same crime. That is why, for instance, the Los Angeles Police Department officers who assaulted Rodney King could be tried and convicted in federal court after they were initially acquitted in the Los Angeles Superior Court.

Federal civil rights prosecutions are rare, though, and convictions are even rarer. A study from Syracuse University's TRAC program found that between 1986 and 2003, fewer than 2 percent of civil rights matters referred to the DOJ were ever prosecuted. Out of 43,331 referrals, 690 were actually prosecuted — and of those, 423 resulted in a conviction.
The St. Louis County prosecutor has already sent the case to a grand jury, but his strategy is controversial

The St. Louis County attorney's office began presenting evidence about the shooting to a grand jury on August 20. That means that the state case probably won't move forward unless the grand jury votes to indict, which won't happen for a while — if it happens at all.

St. Louis County Attorney Robert McCulloch has said that "absolutely everything will be presented to the grand jury. Every scrap of paper that we have. Every photograph that was taken." As a result, he expects the grand jury investigation to last at least until October.

Grand jury investigations are secret. Not only are they closed to the public, grand jurors are not permitted to reveal the evidence that they heard. In a grand jury proceeding, the prosecutor presents evidence about the case, including witness testimony, and asks the grand jury to determine whether an indictment is warranted.

The prosecutor has almost complete discretion as to what evidence the grand jury hears. There is no obligation to present defenses or alternative theories of the case, and because the grand jury is not an adversarial proceeding, there is no cross-examination of witnesses. In Missouri, a grand jury vote in favor of an indictment does not have to be unanimous. If nine out of twelve grand jurors vote to indict, then that is considered a "true bill."

As a result, it is generally considered to be easy for a prosecutor to get a grand jury to indict. The joke within the legal profession is that a decent prosecutor could get a grand jury to indict "a ham sandwich."

That doesn't mean that will be the case this time. McCulloch's involvement in the case has already been highly controversial, with many observers doubting his dedication to prosecuting it. More than 100,000 people have signed an online petition demanding McCulloch's removal. Petitioners say his decision not to bring charges in a previous shooting, in which police officers killed two unarmed black men, as evidence that his continued involvement in the Brown case "will only sow further distrust and discord." On August 15, St. Louis County Executive Charlie Dooley announced that he would lead an effort to remove McCulloch from the case. But a few days later, Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon (D) announced that he would not ask McCulloch to step down from the case, citing a need to limit "legal uncertainty."

McCulloch's grand jury strategy has also provoked criticism.  Alex Little, a former federal prosecutor with experience working on FBI investigations, said that the prosecutor's decision to present all of the evidence, and to take such a long period of time, suggests that he could be using the grand jury as a "delaying tactic."
Courts tend to be sympathetic to police, which makes police brutality convictions difficult to obtain

If the grand jury returns an indictment, a conviction may be unlikely — juries are notoriously reluctant to convict police officers in use-of-force cases.

The precise reasons for that phenomenon are difficult to know because jury deliberations take place in private, which makes them hard to study. (A group of University of Chicago researchers secretly recorded several civil jury deliberations in the 1950s, but their work provoked such outrage that Congress passed a law making such eavesdropping illegal.)

But many experts have noted that police brutality cases turn the usual logic of a criminal trial on its head, by making the police officer the alleged "criminal" and the "criminal" the alleged victim (regardless of whether the victim is an actual criminal). Judge Guido Calabresi, in a discussion of civil suits in police brutality cases, wrote that "jurors are considerably more reluctant to identify with a criminal defendant who brings a tort action against the police for violation of his rights," because "in these cases, the plaintiff is a criminal and the jurors do not see themselves in that way." Jury sympathies are most likely even stronger in criminal cases, where the standard of proof is "beyond a reasonable doubt," not just the preponderance of the evidence that's generally required in civil cases.

Curran said that Missouri courts tend to be sympathetic to police, even in cases involving officers' questionable use of force. There is a sense among prosecutors, police, and juries alike, Curran said, that "cops have to be free to do their job, and it's a dangerous job, and they're under threat, so they have to have the freedom to be able to respond to perceived threats." Juries tend to look favorably on officers' claims that their use of force was necessary, because they "lean towards the officer's right to be safe." As a result, Curran said, local courts are "all basically pro-police."
Whether Wilson gets prosecuted or convicted will probably depend on whether his claims to self-defense are credible

Police officers are subject to different rules about the use of deadly force than ordinary citizens. As my colleague Dara Lind explained at length, a police officer is allowed to use deadly force in two circumstances, both of which require the officer to determine that the target poses a threat to others. The first is when the officer believes that the target is directly threatening him or another person. The second is when the officer has probable cause to believe that the person is a suspect fleeing the scene of a violent felony.

That rule comes from a Supreme Court case called Tennessee v. Garner, in which the majority opinion explained:

    "The use of deadly force to prevent the escape of all felony suspects, whatever the circumstances, is constitutionally unreasonable. It is not better that all felony suspects die than that they escape. Where the suspect poses no immediate threat to the officer and no threat to others, the harm resulting from failing to apprehend him does not justify the use of deadly force to do so. It is no doubt unfortunate when a suspect who is in sight escapes, but the fact that the police arrive a little late or are a little slower afoot does not always justify killing the suspect. A police officer may not seize an unarmed, nondangerous suspect by shooting him dead."

That means that for Wilson's shooting to have been legally justified, he will need to credibly argue that he believed either (1) Brown was threatening his life or someone else's life, or (2) that Brown was fleeing from the commission of a violent felony.

The latter argument seems less likely to be successful than the first one. Although Brown apparently was a suspect in a robbery of a local convenience store, it is not clear whether Wilson was even aware of that at the time he shot Brown. And, although the Ferguson police chief has described the alleged crime as a "strong-arm robbery," it involved no weapons, and the only physical contact was when the man who appears to be Brown shoved a clerk on his way out of the store.

For Wilson to take advantage of the "violent felon" exception, he would need to show that he knew about the robbery, that he believed Brown had committed it, and that he believed it had been a violent crime that made Brown a threat to the community. That means that Wilson would probably need to present evidence of police radio calls that described Brown as the suspect and the crime as a violent one.

Initial police statements suggest that Wilson is more likely to pursue a self-defense strategy. According to the Washington Post, Wilson told investigators that he shot Brown out of fear for his life when the teen "charged at him." St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar said during a news briefing that Brown and Wilson had a physical altercation, during which Brown tried to grab Wilson's gun before running away.
Every bit of evidence matters

In the days since the shooting, tremendous federal law enforcement resources have been devoted to investigating Brown's death. The FBI sent a team of more than 40 agents to Ferguson, and they have been canvassing the neighborhood where the shooting took place. Little, the former federal prosecutor, told me that this is "a massive number of agents for a case like this." In a standard investigation into a police officer's use of force, Little said, you would have just two or three agents, which means that "40 is just exponentially larger than you would expect."

That's good, Little noted, because witness testimony and physical evidence are particularly important for prosecutions of this nature. Brown cannot testify about what happened, because he is no longer alive. So the testimony of eyewitnesses, and physical evidence from the scene, will be vital to determining what actually happened.

In this case, initial police statements suggest that Darren Wilson's defense will be that he shot Michael Brown in self-defense, after the teenager attempted to grab Wilson's gun during a physical struggle. Since Wilson's gun was fired at least once from inside his car and Brown was more than 30 feet away from the officer when he died, physical evidence will be able to provide some insight into how the shooting occurred and from what range various shots were fired. Already, preliminary autopsy results show that Brown was shot at least six times, and that he was facing Wilson when the shots were fired.

But only eyewitness testimony will be able to answer other questions, such as whether anyone saw Brown grab Wilson's gun, and whether Brown surrendered before Wilson fired the shots that killed him. That means that it's vital for those witness statements to be collected as part of the investigation.
Journalists may have filled a gap in the investigation

Although the FBI is now gathering evidence, the case is also being investigated by the St. Louis County Police, who took it on at the request of Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson. (Although the county prosecutor has already begun to present evidence to the grand jury, that does not necessarily mean that the county investigation is complete.)

It appears that the county investigators were slow to begin gathering evidence. They did not interview a key eyewitness in the case, Brown's friend Dorian Johnson, until Wednesday, August 13, according to Johnson's attorney. But it's really best to interview witnesses immediately, because eyewitness testimony tends to decline in quality over time. "What you want," said Little, is for "people to give statements that are memorialized very soon after the shooting."

The best way to do that is for witnesses to be interviewed by police. But some of the witnesses gave detailed interviews to the press shortly after the shooting. These interviews, Little said, could be the next best thing to actual police statements, because they recorded the witnesses' testimony soon after the shooting. If the witness sticks to what they said on TV in the trial, it will "help their credibility," he said.

Media interviews can also be risky. If witnesses change their stories over time, then the statements they gave to the press can be used to "impeach" their testimony — to call attention to the inconsistencies between the witnesses' testimony and the way they told their stories previously. If that happens, it will undermine their credibility.
Other members of the Ferguson Police Department could be prosecuted for conspiracy to deprive Brown of his civil rights

Although the federal investigation will likely focus primarily on Wilson's conduct as an individual, there is also a federal conspiracy statute that would allow the DOJ to prosecute other Ferguson police officers — or the Ferguson Police Department as a whole — if the investigation determines that they conspired to deprive Brown of his civil rights.

In order to support a conspiracy prosecution, the federal investigation would need to uncover evidence of intentional wrongdoing, not just incompetence. For instance, if there is evidence that the other officers who responded to the scene after the shooting prevented Brown from being resuscitated so that he would not be able to testify, or destroyed evidence in order to protect Wilson, then they could be prosecuted on conspiracy charges.

However, at this stage, a conspiracy prosecution appears to be unlikely. Although there was apparently no attempt to resuscitate Brown, the New York Times reports that paramedics did respond to the scene and examine him, where they found that he had suffered "injuries incompatible with life." And although some of the department's actions following the shooting seem questionable — such as leaving Brown's body in the street, at times uncovered, for four hours — that could just be the result of mistakes or disorganization, rather than intentional wrongdoing.
Americans will no longer stand by idly like [sheep] WE WANT THE TRUTH!  Propaganda will no longer be tolerated; we're no idiots!  I am Justin's momma

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

ALS ice bucket challenge IRREPONSIBLE Leads to Teens Death

I want everyone who reads this article to take a good long look at Cameron's photographs. He is a beautiful young man, a compassionate young man, a young man who touched many lives and a young man destined for a great future.

Now as the mother of a murdered 22 year old son, who saved two of his college alumnus, I am going to tell the world what I thought of the ALS ice bucket challenge [even before Cameron's tragic death].

In my opinion the ice bucket challenge is the most moronic, ridiculous, stupid, [I DON'T GET IT], frat house days, you people need to grow up, why didn't you just do 'BEER PONG'; hoping you are proud of the end result of such unconscionable acts.

NO teenagers do not fully understand the consequences that is why ADULTS are supposed to be their [mentors]. During this ALS ice bucket challenge the actions of many adults hardly showed good sense, responsibility, and definitely showed poor judgement.

Whomever thought up the ALS ice bucket challenge did not think through the consequences; therefore, you FAILED! I do not care how much money you raised a young man is dead making the money inconsequential. Cameron Lancaster's death is all I will ever associate with the ALS ice bucket challenge.

My heartfelt condolences go out to Cameron's parent's, family and friends. It is difficult to put into words; no parent should have to bury their child and the days afterward are the longest and the darkest. Fly Cameron you now have a place among the Heavens and the stars; please say hello to my son. God hold the Lancaster's in Your loving and comforting arms, may You offer them some small solace through this tragedy that no parent can understand nor comprehend. God please guide them through this horrific tragedy with your hands of love upon their shoulders. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Justin's [what happened to responsible adults?] momma

Sunday, August 17, 2014


Instances like what occurred to MICHAEL BROWN and continues to make disparaging remakes and degrade his RIGHTS as a VICTIM is precisely why I fight the fight for VICTIMS!

MICHAEL BROWN did not need to die, MICHAL BROWN did not have to die and the aftermath in the wake of the insidious way MICHAEL BROWN was murdered needlessly has been brought on by lies and coverups by the police in St. Louis.

I do not care what MICHAEL BROWN did or did not do he is dead and cannot defend himself. Therefore the police can fabricate and weave whatever drama about the deceased they wish that will put [them] in a good light!

YES I briefly heard comments the police chief in St. Louis made and I knew he had to be the dumbest police chief other than colonel Davis in Prince Georges county, MD who attempted to LIE about Justin. Victimization of the victim MUST STOP, the lying on the side of the authorities MUST STOP,

VICTIMIZATION of murdered victims is happening all day everyday in America...WAKE UP Everyone...This travesty of complete misuse and corruption of justice must cease!

God bless you Micheal Brown I am so sorry that you were taken too soon and in such a violent and senseless manner. My deepest and sincerest condolences to Micheal's parents, family members, and friends. May God hold your family in His loving and comforting arms so they may feel His healing and may they try to understand why you had to leave far too early in your very short life. God bless.

I am Justin's [this is why I fight] momma

Article posted ~ Sat Aug 16, 2014 at 04:20 AM PDT

Dumbest Police Chief in America

I am scratching my head over how it is humanly possible to be as clueless as the St. Louis County and Ferguson police departments. To make one mistake is understandable but to have EVERYTHING you do be a complete fuck up is astounding.

1. Officer kills an unarmed black teen in the street.
2. Officer who kills the teenager requests assistance but does not inform his commanders of what happened. Instead, they learn it on the news like everyone else.
3. The scene is left in the hands of the officer’s own colleagues who allow the officer to leave the scene of the crime. His vehicle is also allowed to leave the scene – presumably breaking the integrity of the chain of evidence.
4. Victim is left lying in the road for four hours – inflaming the community and presumably destroying evidence.
5. Witnesses say that the killing officer never bothered to check for a pulse once his victim went down. None of the other officers arriving on the scene checked for a pulse. Bystanders in the medical field were not allowed to attempt CPR.
6. Rumor has it that the cellphones of possible witnesses were confiscated.
7. Police launch campaign to protect the officer at all costs - including the destruction of the community of Ferguson.
8. Police launch a full military invasion of the traumatized town of Ferguson.
9. Police caught on international TV screaming “Bring it! Bring it you fucking animals!”.
10. The response to a community protesting police brutality is the imposition of ‘martial law’ complete with authoritarianism, tear gas, rubber bullets, flash grenades and sound grenades.
11. Police throw the Constitution out the window and arrest, assault and teargas journalists.
12. Police arrest a well-known public figure for the "crime" of "failing to listen".
13. Chief of Police praises his officers for showing incredible restraint.
14. After days of shocking behavior that caught the attention of the world, police finally release Killer Cop's name - while concurrently launching a smear campaign against his victim. This decision to reignite the fuse of the powder keg is not run up the chain of command - despite pledges from the Governor that there is a new Sheriff in town.
15. Chief of Police specifically says that he is not interested in talking to the community he has been victimizing.
16. Chief of Police holds multiple press conferences in which he contradicts himself repeatedly.
17. Chief of Police makes a statement PRAISING the Killer Cop while concurrently smearing the dead teenaged victim at the center of the nation’s outrage.

"He was a gentle, quiet man," Police Chief Thomas Jackson said Friday, referring to Wilson. "He was a distinguished officer. He was a gentleman. ... He is, he has been, an excellent officer."

Police Chief Thomas Jackson, you have got to be the STUPIDEST MORON on the face of the planet. To call you “stupid” is in fact an insult to stupid people.

I hold you 100% responsible for every bit of this national tragedy.
YOU allowed a culture that has consistently dehumanized and discriminated against African Americans and, by so doing, YOU laid the groundwork for the murder of Michael Brown.
YOUR officers referred to a traumatized community as “fucking animals” on international TV.
YOU shielded a man who killed a fleeing teenager, at the expense of an entire community.
YOU have consistently demonstrated that you will go to almost any length to protect one of your own.
YOU have praised a killer and smeared a teenager whose biggest crime in life was possibly stealing a pack of cigarettes.
YOU threw the law out the window and declared war on the very people you are paid to serve and protect.
YOU have demonstrated that you are prepared to lie in order to protect a killer.
YOU are an asshole who should not be in any position of authority. You don’t have the sense or integrity to do the job required.

So many ways for you to have handled this tragedy and you, without fail, have consistently chosen the worst option.

This entire fiasco is like watching a modern day version of In the Heat of the Night. It is tragic and disgusting and infuriating.

2:48 PM PT: I suggest everyone quit this diary and move to the one beneath it on the Rec List The Dumbest Police Chief in America seems to be outmatched by the Governor of Missouri.

Everyone stay safe tonight. All Hell is about to break loose. And for good reason.


August 15, 2014

Last night around midnight I heard a thump...Luke [my Springer] and I looked at one another...then he laid his head back down and I went back to watching a movie. Then there was another thump this time much louder.

My gut told me something was wrong I stood up walked into my bedroom picked up my handgun; walked back into the living room and picked up the phone receiver. I turned to walk toward the side entry door when the first BANG hit the door. My heart stopped...I shouted, WHO IS THERE?...No answer another bang against my door...I repeated more loudly, WHO IS THERE? Again no answer and the bangs began one after another becoming harder and harder in succession as my adrenaline level escalated to the speed of light.

I realized someone was attempting to break into my home with me standing there screaming at them. I quickly dialed 9-1-1 as I yelled I HAVE A GUN! Then the first vocal reply I had heard since the shoulder bumping against the door began~I HAVE A GUN TOO! ~OMG!

I began to shake uncontrollably... with the phone receiver in one hand and my gun aimed at the door [which was jarring and shaking with each shoulder bump] I told the police dispatcher my name and address and the situation and begging I said please, please get someone here quickly because if he enters I am going to have to shoot him!

The banging slowed for a moment and I could hear conversation at this point I said to the dispatcher, Oh my god, there are two men; please hurry, please...there are two men. I backed up so I could view both the kitchen door and the side door fearing that one would move to the kitchen door. Then the banging started again...I asked the dispatcher please do not make me shoot anyone...he replied ma'am I'm not making you do anything...I relied sir if someone does not get here soon I am not going to have no choice and I truly do not want to harm anyone.

He assured me that the police were almost that very moment I saw headlights but the guy is still shoulder butting the door?? I hear the policeman telling him to get away from the door, and he would not comply...again in a louder voice he demands that the guy closes the storm door and move away from the door and put his hands on his head. Another police unit pulls up and joins the other officer and at this time the guy finally moves away from the door and they handcuffed him.

The officer knocks on the door and identifies himself and assures me it is safe to open the door and asks if I can identify the man; I said no..and the I asked where is the other man. The officer says, yes the dispatcher said there were two...I replied I heard two distinctly different voices and they were having a conversation and they were overlapping one another? He asked if I would fill out a statement and I said YES he terrified me even when I told him I was armed he continued to try and make entry into my home!

They put him in the squad car and when the officer came back he said you're not going to believe this, He is in the squad car cussing at himself in one voice and trying to calm himself down in a completely different voice! I said, What? I continued, No way! The voices I heard were over lapping one another even a ventriloquist cannot do that; I am certain there were two separate males on the porch before you got here. They were talking softly I could not make out what the content of the conversation but I am certain of one thing it was two distinctly different male voices!!

I filled out the statement and for the remainder of the night they patrolled the area every 20 minutes passing my house shining the spot light all around the perimeter....needless to say I did not get any sleep.

I have never been terrified in my 58 years...sadly now I know the depth of Justin's fear the day that spawn of satan terrorized him and his friends at 8809. I am so angry now that I know the depth of terror he caused my son and his friends. He had no right to do what he did, he had no right to enter Justin's home, he had no right to chose to harm Justin and leave behind so much collateral damage. He is exactly where he belongs and should have been in 2009 so Justin could still be here with us.

Do I feel safe...not anymore. Am I frightened HELL YES...will I shoot if this ever happens again YES.

Justin's [I feel violated] momma

Tuesday, April 22, 2014











“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.”

Benjamin Franklin

Heroine of Korean Ferry Sewol

Meet Park Ji-young. This woman is a hero.

She was only 22, she died helping evacuate passengers from Korean Ferry Sewol, the accident that happened earlier this week. At least 58 bodies have been found so far, 244 people are still missing and 174 have been rescued.

Park was a cafeteria worker. She said on the ship long after all the crew had abandoned the students, as she was working to get students to safety they asked why she hadn't left with the rest of the crew, she said she would only leave after all the passengers were safe.

She was an only daughter.

Some people are born brave and it is thrust upon them at a time of great need. God bless you Ms. Park Ji-young for your service to the passengers of this tragic incident. Many who survived, due to your heroic efforts, will never forget your sacrifice to save them. I am certain they will honor you by making something of their lives because of the humanitarianism you showed them during this horrific event. Fly Angel you more than earned your wings. May God hold your parents in His arms of comfort and strength for understanding the tragic loss of their brave and beautiful daughter will be so difficult for them and will take them the remainder of their lives. 

God bless Justin's momma xoxoxoxo

Saturday, April 19, 2014


Daniel Ray Underwood

Our son, Daniel Ray Underwood, 33, died of a shotgun wound to the head on September 4, 2008, while engaged in an altercation with his girlfriend, Rebecca Nelson, in a home they shared in Sulphur Springs, Texas.

Earlier that evening, Daniel, Rebecca, and a couple of friends, Robin and Maria, had been at a bar together. Maria had accompanied the couple back to Daniel’s house, where Rebecca was living. According to Maria, once there, Daniel and Rebecca got into a heated argument, and Maria fled the room. A short time later, she returned and saw Daniel in the hallway between the bedrooms.

He was holding a shotgun in his right hand and confronting and accusing Rebecca of taking a large sum of his cash that he had discovered missing from a jar he kept on the mantle. Actually, Rebecca confirms this part when she states in her own words, during a police interview that “there was a big sum of money that was gone.” According to the police reports, someone had been logged into Daniel’s bank account which showed he only had a balance of $42 in it. This was all the money Daniel had left after receiving $25,000 from his 401K retirement fund and a bank loan on his truck for $1,500 in less than a month’s time. Maria stated that, after he discovered this, Daniel seemed to be trying to scare Rebecca into confessing that she was responsible for “cleaning him out” and putting him in debt.

Rebecca grabbed the gun again, and the two started struggling. Maria again ran from the room, and a few seconds later heard the gun go off as she was stepping back into the hallway. She saw Daniel fall to the floor, where he landed on his side, curled into a fetal position.
Maria immediately wanted to call 911. Rebecca cried, “No, no wait! No! Hold on! Wait!” as if giving herself additional time to get things sorted out before the authorities were called. Later, she told Maria she didn’t want to open the door for the rescue personnel because her cats might get out. She snatched up the gun from the hallway, where it had fallen, and shoved it into the bedroom. She, then, after two or more strenuous attempts, managed to turn Daniel over onto his back, (which is the position in which she told police he landed), and positioned him so that his feet protruded into the bedroom and were on top of the gun. Before finally calling 911, she told Maria that she was not to tell the police that Rebecca and Daniel had been fighting.

Although they had been together for only two months and Rebecca was still married when she moved in with Daniel, she was already telling friends that she was tired of him, was going to get as much money from him as possible, and then would leave him and get back with one of her old boyfriends. Also, a few weeks prior to the shooting, Rebecca was telling people that Daniel had made her the beneficiary of his life insurance.

Even before Daniel took his last breath, Rebecca considered everything he owned to be hers. She was making statements to this effect to Maria and others whom she called from Daniel’s cell phone while he lay dying in the hallway of his home. The first question she asked when interviewed at the police station was if they would give her Daniel’s wallet before she left.  When I called her later in the morning of the same day Daniel was shot to ask if we could get his truck and his cell phone while we were in town, she went into a rage, cussing and insisting that they belonged to her now and that she had already consulted with the police and her attorneys about this. The following evening she went to a bar and attempted to sell Daniel’s wedding ring from his recent marriage and some of his favorite pool cues. She left the bar with a man with whom she spent the night.

The first investigators at the scene were members of the Sulphur Springs Police Department. Because they classified the shooting as a questionable death, based on the fact that the gun was broken open as if someone had attempted to eject the spent shell casing and the victim was lying on the weapon, the Texas Rangers were called in to assist.

Later, after interviewing Rebecca two more times, police closed the case as a suicide. This was before they had even sent Rebecca’s gun shot residue kit to a lab for testing.  (They did not do that until nearly four months later, despite having Daniel tested and discovering there was no GSR found on his right hand, the very hand in which he had allegedly been holding the gun at the time it fired.)

During one of her interviews, Rebecca made reference to the fact that she “helped” the police “with tips on cases,” and Detective Lenwood “Bo” Fox acknowledged that she had “talked to him a couple of times on a couple of different cases.” She also referred to Det. Fox as her “good friend Bo”, and he treated her as such. This suggests to me that she may have been a confidential informant and had a reciprocal relationship with Det. Fox and the police department which kept her out of trouble with the law. She, herself, had been arrested on several occasions, at which times she had been handled with kid gloves.

Our family does not believe that Daniel’s death was a suicide. Much of the content of the Medical Examiner’s report appears to have come from erroneous statements by Det. "Bo” Fox. Det. Fox told the ME that Daniel had no children. That’s a total lie. Daniel had two sons as well as a stepson, Jonathan, whom he had raised since he was a little more and a year old and whom he considered to be his own. He also had two other stepchildren, Ashlyn and Dylan, from his latest marriage and had grown to love them very much as well. He was a devoted father to all of them. He referred to his youngest son, Zane, as his “mini-me,” because they looked and acted so much alike, and from the time of Zane’s birth took almost total care of him. He was thrilled because his oldest son, Damien, who had just turned twelve, was talking about moving in with him.

Rebecca liked to pretend those children didn’t exist.

Det. Fox also stated that Daniel had a history of alcoholism and depression. While it’s true that in younger days Daniel did party with friends and had acquired several DUIs, he was not an alcoholic, and those days of irresponsible youth were behind him. Until his divorce, which had just been finalized, (his wife had fallen in love with another man), he had been a dedicated family man whose life revolved around his wife and children. He had no history of depression. At the time of his death, he had made plans for the coming weekend that included four of those children. Rebecca herself, in an apparent slip-up during one of her interviews, stated that Daniel’s personality was even and moderate and he never seemed depressed.

Even statements in the autopsy report raise question. According to that report, the bullet wound was slightly left to right, which would not have been a natural angle for a right-handed person to assume if he was committing suicide. The person who wrote that report was not given the information that Daniel was right handed. There were also bruises all over Daniel’s body, suggestive of domestic abuse, which were not mentioned in the autopsy report or police reports, although they were evident in crime scene photos and in photographs taken at the autopsy.

The police investigation was far from competent or complete. They collected virtually nothing from the scene, and the gun was not dusted for prints. The police did not secure the house, or allow our family time to inspect it before leaving it open for unauthorized people to enter and take Daniel’s belongings. Rebecca deleted information from his laptop and cell phone which she took from his house before we were allowed to see them. Police did not question the conflicting versions of Rebecca’s story, although she continually contradicted herself. When first interviewed by police, Rebecca said that Daniel, without speaking, bent his head over the barrel of the gun and pulled the trigger. In her second interview, she said she and Daniel were standing six inches apart, facing each other, when the gun fired. Maria stated Daniel was in mid-sentence when the gun went off. Det. Fox, (“good friend Bo”), had no interest in the version given by Maria, the witness at the scene, who had no reason to fabricate what she saw and heard and directly refuted Rebecca’s statements.

Rebecca agreed to take a polygraph test about the facts of that evening but backed out after consulting with her attorney. However she told numerous people that she did take the test and passed it with flying colors.

Daniel was a good person – a loving son – a devoted father – a hard worker. Despite the fact that the ME report states that his occupation was “unknown,” suggesting that he was a vagrant, he had worked seven years at Hydro Aluminum on a rotating shift, working twelve hour days and nights and every other weekend. He had recently quit that job in order to search for one with a regulated schedule that would allow him more time with his children.

What our family is requesting is not that any particular person be charged with murder. We want the cause of death on Daniel’s death certificate to be officially changed from “suicide” to “undermined.” That would make it possible for Daniel’s case to be reopened.

Then, we want the investigation turned over to an outside agency at which the investigators have no personal relationship with Rebecca or anyone else involved with the case.

Donna Underwood (Daniel’s mother)

The link below shows the actual police interview of Rebecca Nelson the morning of the shooting of Daniel Underwood.  Note she shows NO EMOTION other than she occasionally laughs???

If you can call Rebecca Nelson a woman she is one cold woman.  She shows NO emotion pursuant to her 'boyfriend', whom she is supposed to be engaged to, is dead and ~NOTE~ the first question she asks the police is "Can I have Daniel's wallet it has my credit cards in it?"  The officer replies, "If anything is in your name we will give it to you."  Rebecca responds, "Well my new Discover card is in his wallet but it is not in my name." 

OMG!  Is this chick for real???  She murdered Daniel and is sitting there like one cold BITCH thinking only of herself! 

No She did not get Daniel's wallet or credit cards so she went back to his home and TOOK anything Daniel owned that could be PAWNED. 

I do not know about you but to me this DOES NOT sound like a GRIEVING woman?  Sounds like a calculating, premeditated, murdering, very ugly, sociopath, overweight Black Widow who belongs in prison for FIRST DEGREE MURDER.

I am Justin's [THERE IS NO JUSTICE FOR VICTIMS] momma       

Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Death No One Cares About

The above link will take you to the horrific story about the death in Phildelphia of Ms. Christina Sankey.

I can honestly say that I have seen and heard many twisted stories since my son, Justin's, murder but reading this story about Ms, Christina Sankey broke my heart. The circumstances, the lack of investigation, the lack of due diligence on the part of the Philly police is unconscionable and cruel. 

I am appalled Christina's mother must endure her daughters horrible death and the incredulous cruelty of society. Sadly this is happening in Police depts as they seem more determined to say the victim caused their own murder or they died due to their own fault rather than ACTUALLY perform AN INVESTIGATION! 

I wish I had a job and got paid to just make assumptions or actually just make SHIT UP and go with it and tell the Survivors they are the LIARS!

Christina is a HUMAN BEING and deserves respect, dignity and honor!  Her mother is beside her self she misses her daughter and worries that her death is all her doing.

Ms. Sankey is mentally challenged with the mental capacity of a 2 year old; she had to have been taken or lead away.

I will keep Christina's mother and sister in my prayers and I will call Philly tomorrow and tell them their problem; INCOMPETENCY! 

God bless you Child of God FLY to HEAVEN, be at peace. 

Justin's [I wish you had never gone to the store with your caregiver] momma

Something is most suspicious about a caregiver losing sight of Ms. Sankey; why did her caregiver take her to a department store?   Something is rotten in Philly.


 Above link to article about this unbelievable MURDER by LA POLICE of an INNOCENT MAN! His MURDER BY LA POLICE was COVERED UP for DAYS!!!!  WHY?  RHETORICAL~
So handsome, such a beautiful smile, they had no right to take his life.  God bless Child of God




My deepest condolences to this young man's family, gone too soon. He was trying to help, he was doing the right thing, he was brave and in his smile I see love. You will be rewarded for your selflessness you are with the Lord now. I know your family, loved ones and friends will miss you terribly so watch over them for they need to feel you close. May God hold them in his loving and protective arms throughout this incredulously insane act of a Deputy's cruelty and ineptitude which ended your life's story TOO SOON. God bless. 

I am Justin's [fly high Angel] momma 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

April 2014 Annie McCann MURDER UPDATE

Mayor Rawlings Blake;

I never give up when I know I am right and everyone else is confused.  So without the help of BCPD I will continue on my own to pursue the heinous and cruel murderer, or murderers, of young Miss Annie McCann.

As the mother of a murdered child I refuse to allow Mr. & Mrs. Dan McCann to feel they must attempt to live in a state of inconsolable bereavement.  They are both physically and emotionally ill at this time; after my son, Justin DeSha-Overcash was murdered I developed MS [at 55 years of age].  Many parents of murdered children develop cancers, neurological illnesses, experience stress illnesses, commit suicide, grieve themselves to death; the murderers unmercifully and void of human emotion kill our children and we follow as COLLATERAL DAMAGE!  The murders are guilty of killing us, too! 

The mysterious and questionable circumstances that lead to the [homicide] of Mr. & Mrs. McCann's beloved, and only daughter, Annie leaves them to deal with never ending inner turmoil.  They are highly intelligent and educated people who believe in the system.  Yet throughout this horrid ordeal, and as the years have kept passing, a "parents worst nightmare" the McCann's found not one ally, no sympathy, or humanity from the BCPD. 

For God's sake their child, their beautiful 16 year old daughter was found dead behind a Perkins Homes dumpster; sadly treatment such as this by police departments is becoming all to common across America IF one is the Victim/Survivor.   

The BCPD has informed me all the cameras which surround Perkins Homes {like an advertisement for "Big Brother is Watching You} were ALL [Out of Order] on November 2, 2008.  The night that Annie McCann is purportedly to have driven a brand new white Volvo into the projects [??].  I am very sorry but I must say I do not believe this as this was Halloween weekend; not to mention all of the residents I spoke to told me these cameras are NEVER out.  What is being hidden and why?  Because this thought process makes absolutely no sense but my research keeps leading me back to the same place and conclusion. 

Why was there no Rape Kit performed on a SIXTEEN year old child?  This fact is more than unconscionable. I myself find that not performing a Rape Kit alone is highly suspect.  Did someone forget, think someone else had already performed 'said' important task, performed said task lose results and say the Rape Kit was not done?  The M.E. lost several of Annie McCann's organ during the autopsy so my sugestion that there could be the possiblity that a Rape Kit was done and lost MAY NOT be a stretch at this juncture.

Annie McCann's case was one huge BUNGLE from the beginning and doomed the investigation from the start.  When the young men, the residents of Perkins Homes, removed Miss McCann's body from her vehicle and took said vehicle for a 'joy ride' they destroyed evidence.

But when the BCPD had difficulty investigating and began to ignore Miss McCann's parents this was when the injustice truly began.  Parents Of Murdered Children must be keep in the loop.  The Lead Detective on Miss McCann's case did not have [or request] a photo of Annie McCann for THREE MONTHS after her murder; Mr. & Mrs. McCann suggested he might NEED a photo of their daughter.  How can a detective perform an 1100 hour investigation without a picture of the decedent??

Something is not right in BCPD; why is there an "Annie McCann Gate"?  The McCann's are good, kind, God fearing, compassionate, accountable, soft spoken American citizens. 

They do not understand nor comprehend why they have been badgered, yelled at and intimidated throughout this horrid nightmare of loosing Annie.  They are attempting to endure and live with the murder of their daughter and all the while no one in the BCPD will listen and they are openly treated with contempt.

WE will find out what REALLY happened to ANNIE McCANN!  The residents in Perkins Homes told me [quote un quote], "Who ever killed that poor little white child brought her here and left her cause the police are doin' exactly what the murderer knew they'd do.  NOTHIN'!" 

Mayor Rawlings Blake, you know as well as I that anyone residing in Perkins Homes knows exactly what they are talking about and the residents I was speaking with were not in groups when many told me these exact words. 

Interesting commentary wouldn't you say?  Annie McCann was murdered and dumped in Perkin's Homes because the BCPD IS KNOWN FOR NOT INVESTIGATING CRIME!   WHAT???

I wonder who else this horrid evil cretin has murdered since 2008?

Thanking you in advance for your time.


I am and I remain Justin's momma
Karen L. DeSha
(828) 505-1264`

Thursday, March 27, 2014

My Hand In Your Hand Son

My most favorite memory of a Justin consistent 'gesture of love' through my eyes:

I love Justin with what remains of my heart, as you all know, so very much. So much that many times I do not speak of my wonderful gift from God in past tense simply because I feel Justin's presence with me all of the time. It is fine with me if you believe or disbelieve my statement; I know what I have seen and felt since Justin's death and these moments have been moving, unexplainable and undeniable!

When Justin was a baby I marveled at how tiny [6 lbs 71/2 ozs] yet perfectly shaped and beautiful he was. As a toddler I found it amazing how soft his skin was especially his hands when he firmly took hold of mine when crossing the street or for other reasons which required his safety. He touched my face so gently, caressing my cheek and telling me how soft my face felt; no softer than his tiny hand against my skin felt!

So many times throughout each year he would occasionally stop me, ask me to hold up my right hand, lay his hand against mine and check to see if his hand was growing! This occurred so many times year after years and yes Justin's hand grew and grew. Then one fateful day Justin held his hand up to mine and our hands were finally the same size.

Justin's hand 1992 4 years old day care in Charlotte, NC

Justin was overjoyed with excitement; yet for me his excitement was bittersweet. For as his mother I knew another chapter had ended and Justin would soon no longer be a child.

Even though this change was inevitable and coming too quickly from elementary school all the way through Justin's junior year in high school I would wait for him outside the school every afternoon. Justin sauntered unhurriedly to the Durango, opened the rear passenger door, tossed in his 190 lb. book bag, slammed the door, opened the front passenger door, jumped in, smiled that beautiful 'DeSha' smile and would say "how you been doin' today momma?" Then he'd lay his left forearm on the center arm rest, palm up, and I would lay my right hand, palm down in his hand, and this is how we drove home every day discussing the days events. [I KID YOU NOT] This is one of my many most wondrous of so many joyous Justin memories!

I miss my son because we truly had a special bond. All parents have special bonds yet Justin's bond gave me my first sense of completeness. My bond with Justin, my son, is like no bond I had ever had with another human being. As I have said on numerous occasions; "I gave Justin my whole heart and he never hurt it; not even ONCE!"

I love you and miss you and no one can take your place my bunny boy...your [devoted and proud] momma

Monday, March 24, 2014

A momma Left Inconsolable

Three years, 2 months, 24 days, 10 hours and 5 minutes at this posting Justin died...HE DIDN'T HAVE TO!! HONESTLY I feel no better TODAY than I did at 4:27 PM [January 11, 2011] when the Harford Co. sheriff's knocked on my door.

Do I look super human, do I look VOID of human emotion? Justin DeSha-Overcash knew I of all people deeply cared for everyone, every animal, everything I took part of; whether for the community, his school, my work or to fight a battle for any underdogs path I crossed. I am not boasting this is just me [the way GOD made me]. Not to mention I was raised by parents who taught me~ if you are going to do something put 180% into it the first time!

My life [before this never ending Twilight Zone episode] wasn't perfect but I had Justin beside me and we laughed together through ALL the bad times!

These few words should pretty much explain why I cannot [let go], why I cannot stand LIVING on this freaking planet without JUSTIN. Purpose? I had a purpose; I am JUSTIN'S momma!  A CAREER CRIMINAL WITH A GUN on the Prince George's County, MD "Catch and Release Program" ended MY purpose on this planet he ended my Justin's story on this planet without expressing any emotion.

Yet the COLD BLOODED MURDERER thinks he should just go about his merry little criminal business..OMG! He must have been dropped on his HEAD as a child TOO MANY TIMES!

He first hit the PG county MD police criminal list in 2007 [he was born in 1987].  He should have been in prison in 2009 for a charge he committed and was on PAROLE VIOLATION THE DAY HE MURDERED JUSTIN...but no he always found the 'loop holes'...then he managed avoiding being jailed in DC on the Felony II Handgun Charge he committed on December 18, 2010  {AFTER TWO JUDGES SAID NO to his release that he was to high intensity to be out on the street!!}??  He would have to remain jailed until his hearing date of JANUARY 24, 2011.  If EVEN ONE [JUST ONE] of these TWO Criminal charges had been CARRIED OUT JUSTIN WOULD BE ALIVE AND OUR FAMILY WOULD NOT EVEN KNOW THE DAILY PAIN WE NOW LIVE WITH!


Justin once asked me [2010] why people didn't do their jobs and then ironically, tragically and senselessly Justin DeSha-Overcash at 22 years of age IS CRUELLY MURDERED, ROBBED OF HIS LIFE and future, BECAUSE A LOT OF PEOPLE DID NOT DO THEIR JOBS and released a HIGH INTENSITY CAREER CRIMINAL!

Society watch your back this happens everyday all across America..."it's a Business!"  I know because a prosecutor screamed this three inches from my face!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Broken Moms*Murdered Children

Every day that passes without Justin here enlightens me to the stark realization the journey will be arduously long, extremely lonely and unpleasant. 

The blatant truth society wishes to disguise cannot be hidden for my emotions will not stay silent.  My joy, light, love, my son, my only child is gone!  There is no comfort, no solace, no one on this planet to heal the pain laid upon the hearts of mothers whose children have been murdered. 

MURDERED, how dare these cretins touch our children with their evilness. How dare they make our children suffer.  How dare they keep us from seeing the remainder of our children's stories to tell them good-bye on OUR death beds.

This is NOT how Justin's story was to be yet this is how it is.

I miss you beyond human comprehension babe...

Justin V. DeSha-Overcash  05/01/1988 * 01/11/2011  Murdered while protecting his fellow UMd College Park, MD friends and alumnus. 

Broad daylight, in his own home, minding his own business, doing his laundry. 

Double major Physics and Astronomy~Double minors Math and Geophysics...Received diploma posthumously with 176 course credits.

The only legacy I have remaining to carry on in Justin's stead. {Justin was my only child} 

Scholarship ~ "The Justin DeSha-Overcash Summer Research Award" Please DONATE!

search ~ overcash

love you bigger than the universe, momma <3>

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Many mourn senior amid controversy - The Diamondback : Campus

 There were not dozens attending Justin's memorial on January 20, 2011 at the beautiful UMd on Campus Chapel.  There were HUNDREDS of friends, brothers, sisters, alumnus, professors, advisors, staff and family who turned out for a beautiful send off for Justin!  Justin's PA family stepped up and took care of pulling everything together to make this night special; as you can imagine I was in another WORLD!  I am Justin's momma <3

Many mourn senior amid controversy - The Diamondback : Camps

Halloween 2009~Better times~Justin and his brothers.  College as it should be a wonderful EXPERIENCE!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

My letter to Justin 10.19.1988

Saturday March 15, 2014

Yes it's 5:06 AM as I begin to type and I am still awake. WIDE AWAKE! Odd the night flew by; then again this began happening after Justin had to go home. I look at the clock and it's 11:00 PM the next time I look it's 3:48 AM and I truly feel as if very little time has passed? This has been one of those nights...Y-A-Y!

Justin Letter October 19, 1988 [he was 5 months and 18 days]

Dear Justin_

Hello! Just me_You are so wonderful! I really want you to know this_and {yes I keep repeating myself} I love you more than I knew it is possible to love another human being_Enough gushy serious "stuff"! haha!

Today you were rolling around on the dining room floor while I was doing inventory. I guess you grew tired of waiting for me and you rolled over to your bottle, picked it up and finished it!! hahaha I am so proud of you we called your grandma to share this news with her!

It's night now~ you are rolling around on our bedroom floor putting little milk dots everywhere with your bottle! hahaha Gosh knows you look so cute! Now you're rolling around on top of my clean and folded linens and towels that are no longer folded! hahahaha  I love watching you baby.

Honey I hope someday when you read these letters you will understand how much you have changed my life in a very short amount of time....and how much I am enjoying these changes. Justin every minute has been more than worthwhile for me.  Baby I love you beyond words.

Night night, sweet dreams Justin, I love you, I'll see you in the morning. 

Justin September 1988, gosh knows he loved grabbin' handfuls of hair and it didn't matter whose!
I wrote Justin so many letters I began to use journals.  No he never got to read any of these tokens I kept for him and had decided to gift to Justin for his graduation from college May 2011.  Sadly he was tragically and heinously murdered four months and approximately two weeks before he was to walk the stage for all of his decades of scholastic diligence and determination.  

Justin received his diploma posthumously as the day he was senselessly murdered he possessed 176 credits ~ a 'B' in Quantum Physics and this is whom we lost.  Not the CAREER CRIMINAL who shot Justin TWICE at point blank range without any emotion or remorse or human compassion. 

I remain Justin's [I truly do want my son back] momma

Monday, March 10, 2014

Justin Wanted to Save the World

As a mother-to-be I had listened to other parents stories and truly did not know what to expect prior to Justin's birth.

The first realization after becoming a parent is; children don't come with instruction manuals! You experience 'on the job' training at it's best as a parent and to be quite honest at times it can be a bit overwhelming. You will find that you constantly question yourself and your methods while rearing your child to become a positive force as a member of society. Then there are days, the glorious days, you just know all is well with your child and that they are progressing into wonderfully compassionate, strong, intelligent young teenagers preparing for the challenges life offers.

I was lucky Justin was an easy child to raise. He was just a happy person from the very beginning. Justin had focus, depth, caring, a beautiful heart and mind that possessed the ability to notice what others did not. Even when Justin was a young child he had wisdom far beyond his years and passion that was contagious. WOW! His approach over flowed with passion and intrigue when he pursued no matter where his interests lead him.

Watching him, I sometimes found myself, fascinated by Justin's GOD given knowledge which he enhanced through diligence, determination and study. A very old soul in a very young man's body; he could find the most profoundly logical solution to extremely difficult situations.

Justin, a true pacifist, never harmed or hurt anyone [or anything] in his SHORT lifetime. He had no enemies and never held a grudge. When you became Justin's friend, brah, sister it was for life. Whatever the time day or night, whatever the circumstance [I am so proud to say] he always made time to comfort and advise others whom he loves so dearly.

Justin wanted to save the world...He lost his life saving two friends from a gunman instead.

GOD BLESS you my beautiful son. I love and miss you beyond human comprehension....I love and miss you bigger than the universe.....momma 'out' Babe... Infinity + ONE Honey Always

Sunday, March 9, 2014

LOVE Your LIVING Children

A quote for the parents I read posts on fb complaining about their LIVING children on a daily basis.


Try talking to your children instead of BEHIND their BACKS or screaming in their faces!  This could be WHY they do not TRUST YOU!!

“Your kids require you most of all to love them for who they are, not to spend your whole time trying to correct them.”
― Bill Ayers

I never [NEVER] spoke ILL OF MY JUSTIN [EVER]!!  This is NOT what loving parents do!  This is what immature people do and then the cycle begins and their children do this to their children and so on ans so on and so on!

Honestly, I cannot tolerate parents speaking ugly about their children!  Where exactly are these children supposed to find SUPPORT, ENCOURAGEMENT, COMPASSION, and UNDERSTANDING? 

Oh I am sure YOU ALL were the epitome of ANGELS when YOU were young...I am gong to go toss my cookies NOW!



I am Justin's [TELLING IT LIKE IT TRULY IS] momma

Ten Quotes on Compassion


noun: compassion; plural noun: compassions
  1. 1.
    sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.
    "the victims should be treated with compassion"
    synonyms:pity, sympathy, empathy, fellow feeling, care, concern, solicitude, sensitivity, warmth, love, tenderness, mercy, leniency, tolerance, kindness, humanity, charity
    "have you no compassion for a fellow human being?"
    antonyms:indifference, cruelty
Middle English: via Old French from ecclesiastical Latin compassio(n-), from compati ‘suffer with.’

QUOTES of Compassion

“The only way out of the labyrinth of suffering is to forgive.”
John Green, Looking for Alaska

“Only the development of compassion and understanding for others can bring us the tranquility and happiness we all seek.”
Dalai Lama XIV

 “No one has ever become poor by giving.”
Anne Frank, diary of Anne Frank 

“I don't want to live in the kind of world where we don't look out for each other. Not just the people that are close to us, but anybody who needs a helping hand. I cant change the way anybody else thinks, or what they choose to do, but I can do my bit.”
Charles de Lint

“How would your life be different if…You stopped making negative judgmental assumptions about people you encounter? Let today be the day…You look for the good in everyone you meet and respect their journey.”
Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free

“It is easy enough to be friendly to one's friends. But to befriend the one who regards himself as your enemy is the quintessence of true religion. The other is mere business.”
Mahatma Gandhi 

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
Leo Buscaglia

“Courage. Kindness. Friendship. Character. These are the qualities that define us as human beings, and propel us, on occasion, to greatness.”
R.J. Palacio, Wonder 

“One love, one heart, one destiny.”
 Bob Marley  

“Your kids require you most of all to love them for who they are, not to spend your whole time trying to correct them.”
Bill Ayers 

I am Justin's momma