Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Thank you Malaysia

I sincerely appreciate all of you taking time to read the blogs I type sharing stories about Justin's life.

It is so humbling to know people from as far away as Malaysia read about Justin and his accomplishments as well as his tragic, sad and senseless last moments.  Not to mention my including occurrences that involve my daily life and thoughts; Justin preferred only sharing his private life with only a select few.

I [on the other hand] have always been more of the mind to just tell everything [about me] to everyone then they have nothing to say about me behind my back!  

I do not mean to offend anyone in my writings so forgive me if I have or do in the future; keep in mind I have always tended to say 'what I mean and mean what I say".   My mantra~"The truth shall set you free."

I miss my beautiful son, Justin, beyond words.  Loosing Justin keeps me writing in an attempt to release even a modicum of the bereavement and sadness I hold within.

Again thank you and may God bless and keep each and everyone of you along with your families and friends safely within His light of love and protection.

I am and will remain Justin's momma 

Christmas Past [2009] Justin and me Silly String Battle~Thanks to Aunt Fran

The gauntlet is dropped!

EEEWWWW!  Stuff tastes nasty!  hahaha  Never, ever, laugh during a Silly String Battle!

HEY!  No fair Justin's shaking his can!!  No I didn't notice until I saw the photo! haha

We're both chickens! lololol  I miss you honey!

Justin definitely has the 'reach on me' I think I'm loosing!

Told you I was loosing!  Vacuums up easily; buy a few cans have some fun!  Justin's momma says so!

2010 School Begins Once More~PARTY!

Justin was making plans at the age of 3 so to have his proverbial 'ducks in a row' by the age of 22 was not difficult [for those of us who know him] to fathom. 

I truly love Justin's phone calls; inevitably he will end up admitting something which will bring me to hysterical laughter.  Justin always so low key, you can bet if he called with noticeable excitement in his voice what he has to say will make you laugh!  Some of Justin's plans are a might cheeky!

I received just such a call as fall '10 semester was ready to begin. It seems 8809 is about to throw their usual [back to school] bash but this year they had come up with a party theme to blow all other themes away!

Justin; "momma we're almost ready for our party!"

Me; "well you guys have a great time; how many are you expecting?"

Justin; "aw around 300."

Me; "Now that's what I call a party. Did you invite all the neighbors?"

Justin laughs and says; "momma you're not going to believe the theme we came up with this year; it's "THE NO POOL ~ POOL PARTY!!"

I roared with laughter..this was what I was waiting for and he knew it...

Justin excitedly added; "I was up until 5 AM making lifeguard tee shirts for everyone!"

I retorted, "lord honey you're going to fall asleep before you even get started partying!"

and we both laughed.

Oh to be young again with an abundance of never ending energy that seems limitless!

Justin's persona truly suited college life enjoying every moment in each day; although he chose to 'work as hard as he played'.  He dedicated himself to study his chosen majors with determination.  Justin possessed within him a competitive nature that would never allow him to  falter.  *Yes Justin was one of [those students] he took summer credit classes not because he had too because he wanted too!

 Justin's Lifeguard Shirt ~NO Pool Party~

No wonder they were up until 5 AM making Lifeguard shirts! lolol
This is partly my fault Justin mentioned he wanted to paint shirts 
so I bought and snail mailed him the paint!

Justin was well rounded and prepared to begin his life after college. Always the planner he knew what he wanted; a good job in the field of Physics, to continue his studies in Astronomy [due to his devotion to this subject], he wanted to continue making and recording beautiful music, he wanted children (more than one) Justin never liked being an only child, he wanted to build a rock house (like one sees in the south), and he wanted a golden retriever and one cat.  My gift. 

Justin wanted to continue to make a difference in the area of research in the geological aspects of the Earth and would have never forgotten one friend he made a long his 22 year life's path.  He loves all his cuzes; lord Justin loves all people.

Justin, I do not believe I told you enough how proud I am of you and your prowess in your fields of study; I know I told you all of the time I love you.  Honey I am very proud of your scholastic ability which is well beyond my capability.  Congratulations son for being gifted with such a pure and beautiful mind, heart and soul.

I love you Babe so much son missing you causes pain in my heart...for the remainder of my time on this earth not one day will pass honey that you will not be within my heart and on my mind. My constant; Justin you gave my heart more joy than I thought was ever possible.

I remain Justin's momma

Being a momma the BEST part of my life

At the age of four Justin heard the first monster in his room!  Like most children Justin entered a phase which made him fearful of the dark.  He imagined there were monsters in his closet and under his bed.  Could be; one never knows what lurks in the dark!

His anxiety, of course, caused me concern and pushed me to come up with a solution to ease his night-time worries. I thought a lot about how to help Justin and finally came up with a simple plan that I truly hoped would help Justin.

I bought a spray can of cinnamon scented room spray.  I took a piece of plain copy paper, wrote 'MONSTER-RID' at the top and drew a picture of a cartoon monster; I topped it with the O crossed with \ like one sees on no smoking signs.  Then I taped the paper around the can and took it in to show Justin and tell him about this magic spray I had found that protects children from bedtime monsters while they slept.

Every night, for months, I diligently sprayed the 'monster-rid' in Justin's room, his closet and under his bed. Justin never worried again or gave a second thought to those old monsters again and slept soundly through the nights.  Not to mention Justin's bedroom smelled really great all the time, too!   Do something special for your child to show how much you love them and how happy you are they are a part of your life.

Most times love from the heart offers the simplest solution ending with the best results.

I wish there really was a spray to rid us of monsters like the one you encountered honey in your home on January 11, 2011.

I love you my Justin and miss you more with each passing day....I was looking forward to doing all the things we had planned over the I do not want to do anything without you here honey.

I miss you and love you 'bigger than the universe' Babe, I remain Justin's momma

Monday, December 16, 2013

When Your Child IS Involved Listen WITH Your Heart

With no idea why; I relocated from NC to MD on May 9, 2009.  Moving did allow me to spend a lot of time with Justin over the next year, 8 months and 2 days.  Time I would not have had with Justin had I remained in NC.

It only took me a few days after Justin's senseless and heinous murder to understand the purpose behind my move to MD. 

Had I remained in NC I would have only seen Justin on Thanksgiving or Christmas and a couple of days in August before his semesters began. God truly does work in mysterious ways; thank you God for Your knowledge of what the future would bring.  Your kindness toward my heart in allowing me to spend more time with Justin before You called him home will never be forgotten.

I miss you son; imagine how I dealt with you leaving for college and multiply this heartache by infinity plus one.  The clock ticks slowly away at every second of each 24 hours since you had to go away.  

I want 2011 to begin again with you, Justin, unharmed.  Every day I want so badly to wake up and realize this has been a bad dream honey; to turn back the hands of time for real not just in my mind.  Finally the phone rings and you are on the other end.  If only.....if only....

I never thought [for even a nano second] honey you would leave us and now that you have I do not like, I do not like it at all. Our life use to be filled to the brim with wondrous moments while you were here Justin.  Now there is no [wonder], no [happiness], no [understanding], no [need to be].  So many hearts shattered; then there are the ones who do not understand and tell me to 'move on'.  I have literally turned my back to those who tout these absurd words as so few have had a beautiful child to love and cherish; they have absolutely no clue [thank God] of what they speak.  Society is insane to teach us to pretend all is fine and well when in fact it is neither.  I have never adhered to societal pressures and I certainly do not plan on starting now!  You lived, you were murdered and I want you back Justin!

I will grieve for you, my child, in my own manner and way; if others do not like it DO NOT LOOK, DO NOT LISTEN or INVOLVE yourselves! 

Thank you Justin for everything you did for me and others, thank you son for loving me and others, thank you for bringing out my ability to love and cherish you my child. I love you "beyond all reason", I miss your hugs, pranks, laughter, compassion, thoughts, observations of the world and so much more honey. I remain your loving momma throughout eternity and beyond.

I miss and love you honey and always will...until we meet again; keep watch over us...momma

Repost of Justin's Christmas Tribute from Christmas 2012~Background Music Composed by Jca$h 

Sunday, December 15, 2013

My Beautiful Son~Justin

A letter to Justin February 2011

Dear Justin;

I wanted to tell you honey how proud I am of you and the way you chose to lead your short lived life.  Justin you never did anything which I feel the least bit of shame; what kind of momma would I be if I showed this emotion toward my child.  What I know of you I am grateful and joyful; what I do not I need not know. Know one will ever know everything about everyone they know in their lifetime.

Justin you worked so hard and carried so more on your young shoulders.  Although this never seemed to phase you; challenges are your penchants.  You never let anyone know if you were down or unwell [including me].  I know this for a fact as I too have the same characteristic in my personality. 

Thank you son for all the wonderful moments we shared, your unconditional love, your acceptance of my flaws, the care & respect you gave me, the laughter you shared, the talks about ideals, showing me the stars, making me humble, always knowing when something was wrong with me and bringing me more joy in my life than I have ever known or will ever know again.

I know you float among space and the stars in awe of the answers to questions the rest of us will know in time.  I can not express in words what an honor to be your momma.  I  know I will see you again and oh what joy I will have on this day. 

God rest your youthful soul and please watch over us until we meet again.

My beautiful love, my son. my constant, my friend; you accepted me and everyone exactly the way we are...thank you honey for not judging.

I love you with all my heart honey, momma.

Justin [almost 2 years old] snacking, relaxing and watching TV in Horse Shoe, NC 1990.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

The first time Justin experienced being ill...

was unexpected and scared me half silly but ended up giving us the gut laugh of a lifetime!

It was a beautiful sunny [early] spring morning.  We were living in Charlotte, NC; Justin is almost 6 [1994] years old and is attending Reedy Creek Elementary kindergarten.

I am almost ready to leave for work and Justin is ready and standing by the front door.  I always took Justin to school by choice.  I usually got in from work an hour or so before he had to go to bed so we found alternative ways to spend time together.

On this particular morning I turned to Justin's father and said, "I feel like a drunken sailor."; referring to earlier conversation I mentioned I felt dizzy.  Justin responded by saying, "ya know I feel like a drunk sailor, too!"  Oh my, I really needed to remember he repeats everything I say and to THINK before I speak!  Some parents would have made a fuss, some would have corrected their child; I did neither.  Inside I was laughing because, of course, Justin does not know what a [drunken sailor is] nor [what one would feel like as at 5 he [had not] been inebriated!!]  The problem, if it was a 'problem', was with me and certainly not Justin.

I did ask Justin if he were alright and he said fine.

I drove Justin to Reedy Creek and sat there to watch until he walked through the door, I never drove away until Justin walked through the door, even if it meant being late!  I had no more than walked through the door of the my office when the receptionist said, "Karen Justin's school is on the phone."

Justin was dizzy, he was throwing up, had a fever and was in the school nurses office!  Justin had never [NEVER] been sick!  I freaked; I must have made it back to his school, a thirty minute drive, in fifteen minutes [not that I would advise folks drive like this in any situation but I was truly upset!].  My child needed me.

Justin was very pale and clammy; he told me he got too dizzy and this is when he really got sick.  I assisted him out to the car, helped him in and got him situated.  [So when he said he was drunk he truly meant dizzy!  Now I got it!!]  Thank goodness we only lived five minutes from the school.  I completed the school parking lot exit circle, pulled up to the stop sign, turned to look for traffic, looked down at Justin, he turned to look at me and threw-up into my open briefcase; on top of contracts [with earnest money checks attached]!!

We were both freaked now; Justin had never thrown up!  We made it to the house and he began trying to make it into the house on his own so I could deal with the trooper!  Poor child was literally crawling my Baby!  Got Justin in and into the bed, ran back down to get everything in my briefcase, dumped it on the driveway; this is when I spread all the contracts over the driveway.  I was attempting to wipe off as much as I could but as I stated earlier it is a beautiful day and I decided to leave everything laying on the driveway to dry in the sun!  In the interim I am beginning to get more ill by the minute. 

Justin's fever was through the 'roof' he could not even keep down water; finally a call to the doctor had me wrapping Justin up and off we went.  They saw him quickly and determined we both had a fairly serious sinus infection but we had caught it in the beginning stages.  The doctor gave us a script and handed me a small cup of liquid med for Justin to drink when we returned to the car for his first dose.  Justin drank it down and back it came this time I was prepared; I brought a trash can for the trip to and from the doctor.  

We got the script filled but by 3 P.M. I knew we had a problem Justin was unable to keep anything down; including water!  I called the doctors office and he told me regrettably the only alternative would be a suppository.  I was not feeling good about having to put Justin through this experience; he truly had never been this ill and the 'suppository thing'.  Let's just simplify it; we could have gone Justin's entire childhood without the knowledge of suppositories and it would have suited Justin and me!!

The Suppository 

I walked into Justin's bedroom with the suppository in my hand and he began to whimper making me feel even worse for him.  I have often wondered why is it when one is sick they must feel worse before they can experience feeling better again?  I sat down on the side of the bed to comfort him and to assure him all was going to be well and to remind him he did not know what a suppository is; this last jewel did make him smile a for a brief moment.  Then he looked at me seriously again and I asked, "Would you prefer your father help you with this?"  Justin shook his head no and that was that.  I kissed him on the head and told him how brave he is and that this will make him better because not being able to even hold down water is not good when you are not feeling very well.  I remember saying he should try to rest and I left his room to do a few things.

I came back to his room not long after and I was a little confused to find Justin laying in his bed as straight and stiff as an old toy tin soldier staring at the ceiling.  I asked, "Honey are you okay?"  Justin replied [barely moving his head only averting his eyes in my direction], "Yes mommie."  Still not satisfied I added "Um? Honey, if you're okay; why are you laying like that?"  Justin answered, "Oh I'm layin' this way cause I'm scared if I move my butt pill might fall out."  I could [COULD] not contain myself I was laughing so hard I was on my knees [involuntarily]; children are wonderful [marvelously wonderful] just let them be children.
I sat in the floor beside Justin's bed the entire night watching him sleep; not because I am special or anything else.  I did this because I am Justin's momma and I love him more than life itself.  I wanted to be there should Justin wake needing me or anything; I liked being this kind of momma.  He was so much better by the next morning and was able to take his oral meds! YAY!!  Justin was only sick two more times before entering college; we were blessed that he was very healthy!  Our gift...our gift from God.

My son, Justin, brought me joy, happiness, unconditional love, compassion for mankind, the desire to place others before myself, forgiveness, understanding, faith, kindness, laughter and HOPE!

I miss you honey...In my prayers I use to tell God, "I don't know what I would do without Justin..." now I don't know what to do without you Babe...Please watch over me you know how much I need looking after, love you honey, your momma

Another mystery in life I cannot understand; why people will not allow children to be children?  Children get to be children for 18 years then they must be adults for decades longer; why not give them the mere 18 to enjoy and be children then they will know how to treat their children and so on and so on and so on....the theory I used in raising Justin!  Justin happy, intelligent, healthy, social, flexible, embraced challenge and enjoyed every moment of his twenty two years on this Earth.  He laughed a whole bunch!


Sunday, December 8, 2013

Justin Told the Truth

Cumberland Hall UMD College Park, MD Freshman Year [Fall 2006]~DORM LIFE

My home telephone rings:

me, "hello?"

A very excited and out of breath Justin, "HEY momma!  What are you doing?"

me, "Not much honey just hanging out; what are you doing?"

In a true Justin tone of glee he responds, "OH MOMMA!  YOU'RE NOT GONNA BELIEVE WHAT WE'RE DOIN'!!"

In my mind I am thinking OH MY GOODNESS???  Suddenly my imagination kicks into overdrive and I envision [at the speed of a second hands tick] everything I could be doing that would cause me to reach this level of excitement.  Trust me when I add; the odds are coming out to equal=NOT GOOD?

In an energetic voice and completely winded Justin barely gasps, "MOMMA, we put baby powder all over the hallway floor and then we hold our mattress start running and jump on them and slide down the hall!  My room mate Mayokun just busted his head on the concrete wall!!!

me; with my jaw agape I finally manage to say, "Oh MY GOSH he okay?"

Justin laughing hysterically calmly states, "On yeah momma he'll be fine he just has a big knot."

To which I responded [with mild hysteria] while attempting to envision Justin's version of a knot and my version of a knot in my mind, "Honey, is this what we sent you to college for...."

Sheepishly Justin replied, "Aw momma.....he's okay.   We're just having some fun."

Left to Right:  My dear Justin, My wonderful Mayokun and My sweet Patrick.  Yes and they are covered in powder!

me, "Um....I know honey but there may be moments in college that you would rather not share with your momma!?!"

Second of silence....
Then we both BUSTED OUT laughing...oh the innocence of youth.

He and Mayokun developed a wonderful lasting relationship during their freshman year; true brothers for life!

Remind me one day and I will share Mayokun telling at Justin's memorial, on January 20, 2011 at the beautiful Chapel on the campus of UMd where he had everyone laughing with his college stories, how he tried to get Justin to toss aside his studies and just have college FUN!  [His attempts, although numerous and creative, never worked!] 

I miss you Babe...A LOT, so much it is painful.  I miss your calls, I won't get started cause you know I miss everything about you son, but your calls were always special.  A way for you to tell me you thought of me, wanted to share a moment of your life with me and say love you.  I truly appreciated this part of our relationship more than I will ever be able to express to you honey, or anyone for that matter, in words.  I can't stop thinking of you and all the 'what ifs'....I love you honey and I know you're fine; I just wish you had never had to leave us and especially in such a horrible manner...  Nothing is fun or funny anymore honey...Thank you Babe for 22 years of smiles, laughs, gut laughs and please please I have to stop laughing my face hurts!!  I love you Justin, my son, my constant...momma    

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Justin's momma~Links to Articles attached~Justin's Murder & Case

Attached are a few of the many links pursuant to articles/media circulated during the time of Justin's unconscionable attack.  The heinous, cowardly and senseless murder of my son, and only child, Justin DeSha-Overcash on January 11, 2011.   Occurred on January 11, 2011, in a rental home he shared with 4 to 5 other students of UMd; you did not meet any potential renters as each bedroom was rented individually.

Between 11:12AM and 11:27AM my son was sadly forced into a situation in an attempt to protect two of his UMd College Park, MD Alums.   A masked, armed, this home invader was verbally harassing Justin; with the barrel of his wicked gun resting on by beautiful sons abdomen.  One of Justin's roommates had been asleep, heard the commotion and hid under his bed to call 9-1-1; I commend this young man.  He did exactly what he should have done; he had already heard one shot fired.  Later we would learn the coward shot between Justin's legs in an attempt to scare him and Justin still would not back down!  I know all of this information because a friend of Justin's walked into this living nightmare.  This cruel callous calculating armed career criminal then turned the gun toward this young man and as he recounted the horrifying facts of my son's last moments to me he said, "momma I could see past this guys shoulder, I could see what my brother Justin was going to do; he was going to save the life of his younger brother,  he was going to save my life.  Justin hit him and momma the guy just turned around, looked at him, laid his gun on Justin's stomach and shot him twice.  I tried to hit him momma; I tried!"

The day this cretinous spawn murdered Justin [and destroyed many lives] he wore an ankle monitor for a DC Felony II Handgun Charge received [twenty two DAYS] before he cold bloodily murdered Justin, using a GUN.  The cowardly murderer was also on a parole violence in the county where he ultimately [with no mercy] murdered Justin on a 2009violation.  Not ONCE but TWICE this coward should have been behind bars and my son would be here for the holidays NOT missing the third year in a roll laying 6" underground.

I know my son as well as he knows me; Justin never thought that this person [or any person] would shoot unarmed, innocent people he did not know and had not quarrel with.  Justin miscalculated the cruelty, lack of love for human life or respect for oneself let alone anyone or living thing for that matter.

I am Justin's [forlorn] momma

Friday, December 6, 2013

After Justin's birth fast realization he was different/smart/ahead

A few words about Justin.

First written July 23, 2011 ~Edited December 06, 2013

I had listened to other parents stories and by the time I was ready to deliver you honey I was convinced I did not possess the proficiency or mental capacity to parent a child!  I truly did not have the slightest notion what to expect or know prior to your appearance.

**I heard all these other women screaming and I said, Harold [ob/gyn] "why are all these women screaming?'  Harold's classic response, "They're having babies!"  I said, "Dude if it gets much worse I'm GOING HOME!"  Oh and I MEANT IT!  

**Well, the first is Justin is so small every time we put his diaper on and pick him up Justin's diaper immediately fall's off!

Then after you become a parent; there is no personalized instruction manual in all those gobs of things you're sent home with from hospital! You are suddenly stricken with the horrific realization that this is full blown 'on the job' training that actually involves a human being; a tiny, itty, bitty REAL human being!  At it's best, speaking as a once terrified new parent honestly at times, it can be  frighteningly overwhelming.  I know I am so supportive; yes my friends say this about me all of the time!

Yes you will find that you constantly question yourself and your methods while rearing your child all the while hoping the damage you do is not going to prevent your children from becoming a positive force as a member of society. Then there are days, the glorious days, you just know all is well with your child and they are progressing into wonderfully compassionate, strong, intelligent adults prepared for the challenges life offers.

I was lucky; Justin was an easy child to raise. He was just a happy little person from the very beginning. Justin had focus, depth, compassion, empathy, a beautiful heart and mind that possessed knowledge, he learned quickly and never failed to notice what others did.

Even when Justin was a young child he had wisdom far beyond his years and passion, WOW, he approached everything with passion.  Early on I knew Justin enjoyed math; he liked games that involved math or preferred asking us to write down math problems for him to solve all day long on Saturdays!

Watching him sometimes I found myself fascinated at his GOD given knowledge which he worked diligently to enhance through constant study and research.  A very old soul residing in a very young man's body; he could come up with profoundly logical solution to extremely difficult equations.

Justin never harmed or hurt anyone in his life.  He had no enemies and never held a grudge. When you became a friend, bruh, sister this on Justin's part is a life long commitment.   Justin was the type of person no matter what time of day or night, no matter what the circumstance, he always made time to comfort and advise those whom needed him and that would have been thee for him, too, those friends/cuzes he loves so dearly.

He loves music and always said, "music brings people together!"  He was composing his own pieces for competition on the alto sax in the seventh grade.  Justin play the tenor and alto sax, keyboard, guitar and drums.  Music is physics and math.....well really both.  In Justin's journal he writes about the beats he hears in his head and has put many down on [garageband].  I like them all but it is my son's work...nah even though it is Justin's work I have always enjoyed all venues of music including Rap, Hip/Hop, R&b, Jazz, Hard Rock, Show Tunes, etc.  So did Jca$h..."music does bring people d together."

Go not be too angry with me for boasting; you Justin were my gift from God; I ask to know of true happiness and love before departing this world and God sent you...GOD BLESS you my beautiful son. I love and miss you beyond human comprehension....momma 'out'

A collage for you Honey, love you always and forever, momma

Justin's momma Responding to the PA attorneys kind email about Americas broken judicial system


I can tell from your writing you are a natural.  I do not mind your going on and on; Southerners always go on and on!  Where do you think country music came the South there is always a story!

I am sadly familiar with all the crimes you researched and speak of; I was not aware how they finally associated that cretinous, evil devil with Walshs' sons gruesome and senseless murder.  My heart goes out to anyone who has lost a loved one to violence; although, had anyone harmed Justin in this manner I too would be in prison.  Trust me no one could have held me back on a murderer of such cruelty and unnatural acts.

Thank you Edward for reading up on Justin; too many want to read a couple of articles and jump to conclusions as if the media and press are gospel truth tellers.  The college was outraged, saying, "Justin is the epitome of a UMd students; one we wish we had many more of..."  The Assistant Dean of Physics knows Justin personally; he openly interviewed and blasted the PG County police, press and media.  The UMd Chief [former PG Co. chief 26 years retired] knew Justin personally and loved him...Justin was just that kind of guy....Chief Mitchell was interviewed and said, "Justin's home was NOT even on the UMd campus police radar!"  The evidence they [police press release & media] elude to as being in Justin's room WAS NOT in Justin's room!  He had 5 other roommates and had confided in a professor [mentor] things were going on in the home he did not like.  She advised him to vacate.  Justin said he was planning on moving out when he graduated and his lease was up in May 2011..this date never came for Justin!

Justin was rarely at this home...he was either on campus studying, doing research on the Earth's Core Mantel [on campus, too] or at the UMd Observatory [off campus appx 2 miles pas his rental home] until 3 or 4 AM in the morning.  He had discovered a comet and was tracking the movements. 

His then 65 year old neighbor told me it took her two weeks to find a college student with my cell phone number; adding she was not going to stop until she found someone.  She wanted to call for two reasons; first she had a note on her refrigerator written by Justin Halloween 2010 inviting her to their annual party and she said she did not know why she had kept it but would like to send it to me [I am so grateful to have this letter]. She proceeded to tell me she did not want to sound morbid but she sat by her TV for two days praying to God, "Please do not let it be Justin."  Last but not least she verified Justin's truck was never there; he was always at school, or working, or at the Observatory.  She said, "Justin was different.  He looked different, dressed differently, walked and talked differently.  Oh I am not saying the other young men were not nice but they just were not like Justin.  I'd be at the sink washing dishes and look out and see them all shooting hoops and he just stood out; he was different." 

Fighting Justin's fight~The MD Victims attorney [you know the attorney who was supposed to be on JUSTIN'S SIDE] told another survivor whose daughter was murdered [yes it immediately got back to me], "Karen has a big mouth and talks too much.' 

I emailed this [so called attorney who took an ethics code] and prefaced my email with the following: A conversation between Justin and me, "momma how do you stay quiet on the TV and movie sets?"  "Aw honey they shush me more than a third grader!"

_____ in the future should you have an issue or problem with me I would expect you to be more mature and professional by speaking with me personally.  By the way my big mouth and my talking too much is what got my son's murder investigation underway and ultimately solved. 

You did nothing, the prosecutor did nothing but belittle my son and fight me every step of the way for two years.  Shall I go on and name all of those involved who did not care that my beautiful son Justin was heinously murdered and then chosen to be **'thrown under the bus'?  Not one of you did anything to protect Justin's integrity, ethics and honor.

By the way if you believe you are the first [or will be the last] to say I have a big mouth and talk too much; get in line.  Folks have made this exact same comment about me since the day I learned how to talk!! 

End of email sent to Victim attorney~
**Shortly before Justin became the eleventh murder victim in the first eleven days of January 2011 the PG County MD former Police Commissioner, his wife and the former Police Chief were arrested for MONEY LAUNDERING!  

Then the murders began and the PG County MD Barlowe Road police press release room handled it brilliantly [believing no one would notice or question their investigative prowess or whether they possibly believed their own hype or believed us to all be without the capability to think for ourselves or disseminate what we actually have seen with our own eyes and heard with our own ears]:

By the end of the murdering spree 36 are dead and ALL are blamed for their own murders~Including 53 year old, Aletha Mea Jenkins, mother of 3, a HIT & RUN Victim!  Yes they blamed her for her own demise also?  You see she was arrested for drugs two DECADES ago!  OMG! We truly do live in a world gone mad!

Justin is murdered~ [# 11]  they attempted to make my beautiful son 'the whippin' boy' slurring horrible lies, fabricating his lifestyle, eluding to what evidence they found, stating for the camera ,"He DESERVED TO DIE!" [at the time of this news conference Justin was in the hospital ER fighting for every breath and I did not yet know my beautiful sons life hung in the balance and was ultimately forfeit.]  There were articles and media pursuant to Justin everyday for months; none of which even came close to the truth of Justin's life and lifestyle or what truly happened on this horribly day Justin's life ended.  If those involved thought, for even an instant, there is a parent on this planet who would have stood still allowing [ANYONE] to mistreat their child in such a heinously, undeserved, incredulously, disrespectful and dishonorable manner; they are sorely wrong about how life in my home works!

Look up the other 35 will find 2 to 3 sentences in 2 to 3 paragraphs and no further mention.  Oh did I mention Justin was the only Caucasian Victim and they [authorities] thought they could play this off to take the medias eyes off their money laundering precinct...this inane plan blew right up in their faces!!  The women who call me for help are from all over our country; however, I still get calls from hopeless mothers of murdered children from PG COUNTY, too!  They want their murdered children to have results and JUSTICE.   [The judicial system not working for the Victim/Survivor as usual.]

Oh you hit on a pet peeve; I want Williams incarcerated for LIFE.  If he gets out he WILL murder again.  The sentencing judge stated for the record, "Mr. Williams with 30 years on the bench it is my opinion you cannot be rehabilitated."  I am no psychologist but I watched the murderer in court [had the opportunity several times his attorney was working hard to prove everyone else made him murder Justin.  With all due respect; they're both delusional!]  He is a sociopath; he blames EVERYONE, except himself, for Justin's murder; even Justin!  He has shown no remorse and never apologized.  He has busied himself with filing appeals; I have busied myself sharing with MD's gov't and judicial system that this little murderous cretin better not get even ONE day off his sentence.  Adding, "If ya'll think I showed my hind parts in 2011 and 2012 ya'll ain't seen what I am capable of yet!"  [Spoken threats are far more effective when spoken with a southern accent using incorrect grammar!]  Allows folks to imagine the banjo theme from "Deliverance"!

PG County has 1,600 UNSOLVED murders and closes 37% of crimes committed [FBI Statistics Site].  Yes I do my homework on my competition...they successfully BLAME every VICTIM for their own demise!? No one will stand their ground with them.  I do not have the concept of being afraid of the judicial system or government; I am an American Citizen I have always stood my ground when I know I am right.  This is precisely why Justin stood his ground against [an idiot with a gun] and chose to protect two of his friends that horrible day.  Although I believe Justin did not believe, in a million years, someone would be as cowardly and cruel or as EVIL as Justin's murderer to actually shoot, innocent, unarmed, non-violent people. 
For over two years I endured stupidity and lies from every direction; I did research on everyone involved.  I would have advised them to do the same but they believed they were smarter and untouchable.  The campus Chief of police said, "They didn't quite expect you."  I responded, "No one ever does."

Good news I am very quick reading body language, micro second facial expressions and lies or misdirection [too much info~LIE], etc.  Ergo why I was good in sales; empathy, I forgot empathy, one of my most honed skills.  

When the police tried to play me, harass me, intimidate me; I would turn it around on them.  It did not take long before they became frustrated and openly aggravated with me.  I just kept smiling when I talked...I'm Southern what do they want me to do? 
When all of the residents began to listen to what I was saying it made sense and the authorities knew; people more often choose to listen to the person shouting the loudest and spewing the truth.  I still remember the day the lead detective screamed at me, "WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS?"  I screamed back, "I WAS BORN THIS WAY!" 

It's been unbelievable but for some reason I feel as if my background more than prepared me for this challenge!  Thank you again Edward for the support and encouragement.  Some days it does help to know that one person can make a difference they just can't give up!  I've learned Justin made such a profound difference on many lives; how can I not be anything but proud to know such a great and remembered man.

God's blessings..get your book edited cannot wait to read!

Justin's momma

"I would feel great shame if I did not show as much bravery as my son." ~Unknown~

Justin and me at his home standing approximately where he would fall.                                           

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Justin Found a Way to Fit In

One Smart Child

Justin Story Age 16 months old; Justin's first experience with a candy bar! This memory is so vividly etched on my mind it is as if this joyful moment occurred yesterday. I chose to give Justin a piece of a Kit Kat; I decided this would be a perfect proportion. He grasped it in his little fist and without hesitation bit off the part of the candy bar exposed above his clenched fist. As I watched him chewing his eyes began to grow bigger; Justin liked the candy bar. I asked if I could have a bite and he pointed to his fist and shook his head, 'no' indicating there was none left for me to bite. I pointed to the bottom of his fist where there, exposed, was about a 1/2 inch of Kit Kat. Justin turned his fist, looked at this morsel, bit it off and pointing he shook his head, 'no' again indicating there was none left for me to bite!! hahaha Justin was already able to analyze and come up with a solution thus allowing me NO candy!! This is the night I decided to give Justin his own drawer in the kitchen; Justin's "Candy Drawer". This allowed us the simplistic solution of never having to 'child proof' the kitchen or house for that matter. Not saying this would work with all children but it did with Justin....never did he open any other drawers or cabinets. Why would he; he had his own drawer! I love you my minds eye I can see you as clearly as if I had returned in time to this precious moment. I remain Justin's momma

Chocolate FACE!  Westminster, MD Justin's first home!  He resided here from May 6,1988 through August 1989.

Sorry I digress; you didn't even know there was a purpose for this newest blog!  A whole 'nother story and this is not it!  Although it did make me smile remembering this night I wish you could have seen him bite the other end of the Kit Kay bar and then point and shake his head; classic move!!
Going back to 2002.....Relocating to PA from NC.....It is my personal belief, as a Southerner, when one leaves the South for the North they should be issued a Green Card! bahahahha

Okay so here goes I am now ready to share the real story I felt compelled to type as it does not seem to want to go away from my memory.  I share them, with whomever finds them of interest or learns something from the sequence of events [now past], then I can move to another level in my sad attempt to understand this surreal and bittersweet journey [like too many others] I find myself on.

[Just a footnote when we relocated, to Pa to reside for four years, the first grocery store visit [Ginuardi's] took Justin and me almost 4 hours!  There were products there neither one of us had ever seen in our lives and we were both so curious we had a great time!] 

From first grade through eighth grade Justin attended elementary [Overton] and middle [Knox] in Salisbury, NC.  Salisbury, located in the Piedmont region of NC, is rarely very cold.  One can grow some types of flora 12 months a year [most years] as the climate rarely calls for more than layered light jackets.  Salisbury, NC a truly beautiful and friendly city to visit with many Historical sites of interest to see. 

Salisbury NC
Justin with his cuzes at Knox Middle school; Justin's love football
one sport where everyone must work together as a team!

For decades many Northerners have relocated to the southern states for the kinder climate and for a less stressful lifestyle.  The opposite though is true of Southerners; rarely does a born and bred Southerner relocate north!  Um,we did; when we relocated from Salisbury, NC to Chalfont PA, for us, it was like moving to another country! 

Counties, Townships, Borrows, [I felt like some type of underground animal], school taxes; this is all very confusing to a southerner?  Different foods, colloquialisms, attitudes, everyone always in a hurry, everyone blaming everyone else, everyone speaking in a very loud voice [they considered] normal?

[Another footnote Justin's first introduction to a Hogie did not go very well!]

Justin, a ninth grader, started attending Unami Middle School; when I picked him up on his first day
I asked, "So how was it?" He looked straight ahead, never skipping a beat, he factually stated, "Momma I'm going to get caucasaphobia!" I thought I was going to fall out of the car I was laughing so hard. How he came up with such hysterically funny insights is beyond me.  Justin always noticed things others either did not notice or simply chose to ignore.  [The later being the true reality of most people lacking interest in this world!] 

[Footnote Justin did not understand why the PA teachers did not stand at the classroom doors and greet the students in the morning like the teachers in NC??]

Unami had just under 1,000 students from 7th, 8th and 9th grades~0nly 8 student alumnus were African American~Black.  These few students and Justin became fast friends; he treated them differently from the local students.  Justin had a couple of hurtful and hateful altercations for which I called and informed the school, "If ya'll cannot straighten this out I'll be more than happy, too!"  I believe I added something to the effect of "tearing down the school one brick at a time with my bear hands is not a stretch"!  Yes this sounds exactly like me and I meant every word!  They got it straightened out pronto!  There are times in life, "NICE don't feed the Bull dog!!"  They knew I am southern, they knew I spoke like a hillbilly, they did not know I possess an IQ above 130 and was as protective of Justin as a momma bear.  I have always found it most interesting that so many Northerners believe Southerners to be illiterate; even comparing us to the 1960's TV sit-com "Mayberry".  This was [one] of the main reasons behind my call to Unami; students were bullying Justin and calling him illiterate.  Justin was taught to be the "bigger person" so he would not boast of his high IQ and his scholastic accomplishments; HOWEVER, I will! 

[Footnote Justin wanted to know why the PA students thought he was illiterate because he came from the South?]

Oh now do not get me wrong my boasting about Justin's scholastic prowess aggravated him to no end and he would always whisper to me, "momma why do you always tell people about my school; don't do that!"  I would answer with the same comment, "aw Honey I am just so proud of you; if I had been half as focused as you growing up who knows where I could be."  Then Justin would just laugh knowingly; as if he did understand this was part of his mommas love and pride that he maintained his focus and had not allowed outside influences to take his [eye] off his goals.  He still did not like that I spoke of his accomplishments; he preferred no one know his grades.  Justin decided in elementary if his anyone knew about his grades they might not like him.          

Parents receiving notes from school?  Imagine how embarrassing, for us as parents, to receive a note Justin's first year attending Unami middle in PA asking us, "Could you please see that your son is properly clothed for the climate?"  WHOA!  Unaccustomed to this harsher, colder, windy climate Justin was shivering, his extremities visually red enduring standing outside during Health/PE trying to be like the other guys!

Justin properly attired for the colder elements!!  Look at that DeSha!

In February 2003 [while residing in PA] Justin came home one afternoon concerned that his middle school [Unami] was not observing "Black History Month".  Justin asked if I would please call the school on this matter.  Of course I called the school; I too wanted to know why there was no mention of "Black History Month".  Oh I already knew the answer I just wanted to see them squirm; hey I have a [dark side!]  So many Black Doctors, Scientists, Physicists, Mathematicians, Engineers, Historians, Educators, Actors, Composers, Musicians, Directors, Writers, Poets, I can go on and on with the many contributions by men and women not being recognized.  When Justin ask me a question and I do not know the answer I do research to attain the answer; what I found was bigotry.

[Footnote the principal at Unami ask me if I had his permission to explain to Justin why Unami did not observe "Black History Month?"  My response, "Go ahead but keep in mind Justin is brilliant; but possesses my personality."  When Justin got in the car that afternoon I said, "Honey did the principal talk with you?"  He said, almost in a questioning tone, "Yeah momma but he kept talking about *"Ellis Island Day". * A whole 'nother blog!!  OMG!  You will never believe what this school representative said to my son and me!  I still shudder to think folks like this have a job molding young minds!] 

All of the new young folks Justin encountered had known each other for decades; the same statistic Justin had left in NC!  Being the new kid, like Justin, though is not an easy task; so painfully shy he really had to learn how to break out of his shell first.  Because Justin does not see color it took some time for many of the PA students to understand and appreciate Justin's compassion and kindness toward everyone.  He slowly began to make a few friends; however, it would take time to meet anyone he felt comfortable enough to spend a lot of time around outside of the school experience or the occasional Saturday afternoon movie.  For a little over two years Justin mainly stayed in the basement studying and finally the day came.

My concern for Justin how to make friends; lasting friends?  Who knew all it would take was the right person to hear Justin utter "ya'll"?  Thank God for Rob Campbell [a well known and well liked student a year older] who introduced Justin to everyone and showed him the ropes!  Not to mention the many lessons of independence and leadership sunk in so much better than I [had] hoped, the lessons in diffusing altercations verbally~excellent!

Everyone packed and ready to leave for their respective colleges from PA.  Lasting friends/Cuzes/brothers/sisters.

[Diffuse the situation verbally by calming your foe; precisely what Justin was attempting to do the day he was murdered; however; Justin had not learned one cannot rationalize with an irrational [spawn of satin, yes I typed this] being.]

The career criminal was wearing an ankle monitor he rec'd 22 days before cold bloodily murdering Justin for a Felony II Handgun Charge in DC.  The murderer was NOT supposed to be released until his trial date 13 days AFTER HE MURDERED Justin.  The murderer was also on a parole violation for a 2009 charge he committed in the county in which he MURDERED Justin.  Not once but TWICE this murderer just waiting to HAPPEN was supposed to be JAILED!  
[Footnote THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE for the harm and heinously cowardice act that befell my beautiful son and the life long mental and emotional destruction heaped upon Justin's family and friends!]

Justin's genetic make-up is innate; I have watched him evolve since birth.  Justin is competitive but not a bully, strong but not self absorbed, independent but compassionate, persevering but places others before his own needs.  He has respect for others, empathy for others, and a true love of people and all that surrounds him in nature and the sky.  He is loyal to societal morals and ethics.

Justin and Luke on 38th Avenue College Park; I had taken Justin to a dr appt and we stopped by my rental home and picked up Luke for a ride.  Justin was laughing so hard and loudly when Luke got into the car. he had never seen Luke's riding [preparedness regime] in action!
During the next four years Justin would point out many differences, between NC and PA, until his high school graduation date in June 2006.  I am so proud Justin possessed the flexibility and maturity one needs to change your entire life [as you knew it] yet continue to learn, grow scholastically and ultimately succeed.  These four years, in PA, showed me everything I needed to know about my son; Justin would succeed in life without much difficulty.  He'd 'roll with the punches' and 'if he got knocked down' he wouldn't be down long.  He possessed a resilience and strength of attitude and was 'always up for the challenge.' He would not be intimidated; he was happy, worked hard and was destined to have a good life.  Justin could see the bigger picture and knew "in the scheme of things there were so many things that do not matter."


Early on Justin foresaw the use of physics, not just in his scholastic aptitude, but in his everyday life and always had back-up plans!  I never saw Justin scholastically unprepared; he truly loved learning and expanding his mind as much as athletes love practicing and prepping for a game.

Justin at the corner of Campus and University[UMd College Park, MD] Justin's Almata [Grad 2011]

Justin played sports, musical instruments, composed music and consistently came up with entrepreneurial [small business] opportunities that were fresh, exciting and challenging.  Justin was thinking all of the time and he enjoyed many interests.  In my opinion, Justin lived more in his short 22 years than many live in an entire life time....he used every minute wisely!  Do you?

'Better times' Justin and Goofy [not pictured CJ] at Disney World celebrating Justin's 13th Birthday!

Son I miss you so very deeply the pain is real; the day you left I felt something being physically ripped from my body.  Something important, something I needed to survive in this world; YOU!  I love you honey.  I am and will remain [love you bigger than the universe] your momma