Thursday, December 20, 2012


UPDATE~Neeko's murderers have been CAUGHT and ARRESTED.  Now for wheels of JUSTICE to begin to turn FOR NEEKO, HIS WONDERFUL FAMILY AND FRIENDS!  
His first day of his freshman year in college; stops at McDonald's and his life, his families lives and his friends lives change forever...This is unacceptable in America.   STOP VIOLENT CRIMES.....I am Justin's determined momma ♥

Murder Victim’s Family Offers $10,000 Reward For Tips That Lead To An Arrest « CBS Baltimore


Friday, April 27, 2012

JUSTIN’S Momma’s Victim Impact Statement

April 25, 2012 Prince George's County Court, Upper Marlboro, MD ~Mother of JUSTIN VANCE DeSHA-OVERCASH~ If wishes really came true and I had one wish for this day this wish would be that Mr. Williams hears our words of grieve and despair for the loss of a young man’s life for which he is responsible. This wish would also include that Mr. Williams hopefully finds the self fortitude to learn from what we are about to share. How has the heinous murder of my beautiful son affected me? JUSTIN an anomaly; a gift, to us, from God. [JUSTIN, my son, my constant, my friend and my ONLY child.] When JUSTIN was eighteen months old I had to undergo a surgical procedure; the outcome, I was unable to have more children. JUSTIN loved family and when he was old enough to understand he would not have siblings, JUSTIN, undaunted by this news chose to make everyone he met his family and never lost contact with any friend he made. A twelve inch high broken heart hangs on my front door and everyone in my neighborhood knows why. When I encounter people I know, even those who are only acquaintances, one question and one statement are consistent; “When is Karen coming back?” and the statement that stunned me the first time it I heard it said, “I remember what you use to be like.” Judge Serrette I was truly one of the happiest women on this planet until January 11, 2011 at 4:27 PM when the Harford County Sheriffs knocked on my door. My happiness was straight forward and simplistic; JUSTIN. He and I were always laughing about life; although, on occasion we also came together in agreement and discussed at length the injustices we saw in the media committed by people against other people or animals. I am in counseling with two separate Psychologists; one who knew my personality before JUSTIN’S murder and another who works as a grief counselor. This particular counselor’s office policy is to see a patient a maximum of fifteen visits and then refer them to a group program. Due to my counselors concern over my inability to grasp that someone murdered my son she graciously extended the policy; I have been seeing Dr. Gloor for a year. My primary doctor, who knew me prior to JUSTIN’S murder, has placed me on high doses of medication specifically to treat my ever growing depression and consuming bereavement for JUSTIN. Some nights I lay awake until 4 or 5 AM; others I sleep twenty or more hours, I have difficulty focusing, concentrating, maintaining my train of thought, remembering simple words during a conversation and easily forgetting where I am or what I am doing. My short term memory has become non-existent. I have endured two hospital visits during since Mr. Williams murdered JUSTIN fifteen months and fourteen days ago. I was in the hospital with an extreme case of Bells Palsy which put me down for over two months. The hospital attending physicians diagnosed this illness as being brought on by deep depression in my attempt to deal with the loss of my SON. I have gone from an extreme extrovert to an introverted recluse rarely leaving my home unless I simply must. Leaving my home this past year consists of short and quick trips; grocery shopping, trials, doctors office, counseling, hospitals, and pharmacies. When I must force myself to go out inevitably I end up breaking down into uncontrollable sobbing. It is exceedingly difficult for me to find a way to pull myself out of this nightmare Mr. Williams created. Right now, this very minute, I cannot state with complete and honest conviction that I will be here next year. I have absolutely no interest any of the activities I use to enjoy; honestly Judge Serrette I have no interest in anything. I experience difficulty in performing simple everyday tasks and taking care of myself. Due to my inability to deal with the stark reality of this horrid nightmare that ripped JUSTIN from me for the remainder of my life through violence I am currently unable to work; six months ago I was placed on SSI, Medicaid and food stamps. For the first time in my 56 years I honestly do not care whether I live or die which is very disturbing to my family, friends and doctors. The emptiness and sadness is debilitating; I wake each morning, my first thought, JUSTIN IS DEAD then night comes and I lay down to sleep, my last thought, JUSTIN IS DEAD. I live in constant turmoil and bereavement unable to release horrid realization that for the first time in my SON’S life I was not there to comfort him when he needed me most. When I sat down to speak with Justin’s friend [the eyewitness] I sat silently frozen as he described to me how he h held JUSTIN, his brother, assuring him everything was going to be alright. For me life is over without Justin by my side as I struggle daily to find a reason to want to live. Someone, please tell me how I am supposed to want to live with this immense emptiness, shattered heart and a future that does not include my SON? I spend a great deal of time wondering what is the purpose of life? My SON is dead, I will never have grandchildren or great-grandchildren. For two decades I painstakingly kept JUSTIN’S baby items to have and pass along to my SON’S children; my grandchildren. Over two decades occasionally I took JUSTIN’S baby things out to wash and then refold each item; I truly enjoyed performing this task that allowed so many beautiful memories to flood my mind. The last time I washed and refolded these precious belongings was in December 2010. With my SON’S murder I no longer had a need for these treasures of JUSTIN’S so I placed each one gently beside JUSTIN in his casket. Every family heirloom I received from my grandparents, my mother or other family members over the years I returned to the family; I have NO ONE to leave these family pieces, too. On January 11, at 11:12 AM 2011 JUSTIN posted a song to his music blog; at 11:27 AM Justin was laying on the floor in the basement of his home with TWO BULLETS in his torso and faded into a coma from which he would never revived, in the emergency room of the hospital at 12:30 PM JUSTIN was pronounced. The tragic and irreprehensible circumstances that have led us to this day have been solely brought about by Mr. Williams. I am not capable of understanding what motivated Mr. Williams to fire his gun at JUSTIN NOT ONCE BUT TWICE AT CLOSE RANGE; not one of us can understand Mr. Williams capacity for his evil act? Mr. Williams is solely accountable for his unconscionable indifference and disregard for a human life, his lack of remorse, his evil nature, his cowardice and his fabrications. Mr. Williams cold bloodedly murdered JUSTIN VANCE DESHA-OVERCASH, my son, a kind man, a compassionate man, a loyal friend, a man with an incredible future in the fields of math & science awaiting him. JUSTIN was almost ready to begin his life and reap the rewards of his scholastic diligence beginning in kindergarten and continuing through college. JUSTIN VANCE DESHA-OVERCASH earned everything he achieved with drive, conviction, dedication, determination and studying. Blessed with a God given gift for learning, which will forever intrigue and inspire me, JUSTIN’S mind worked differently. Justin possessed an insatiable zeal for learning; his need to learn was truly vital to his very existence but he was also well-rounded in other aspects of his short life. JUSTIN’S idea of fun was working on a Sudoku puzzle or tackling logic problems. JUSTIN loved order, he excelled at processing information linearly and sequentially to reach a logical conclusion. Justin’s chosen majors, Physics and Astronomy challenged his voracious curiosity. JUSTIN loved music [music involves Math and Physics] so of course he composed instrumental pieces for that are beautiful and as one listens his notes begin to paint a mental picture. Soliciting laughter from others brought joy to him and many know Justin’s penchant for ‘spur of the moment’ comical pranks. JUSTIN played football, baseball & basketball and at the time of his murder he was a captain on one of the UMd touch football teams; he loved watching sports too, Justin was amazing he could quote stats on just about any team or player from memory. He never hesitated to help anyone whether he knew them or they were complete strangers; JUSTIN lived by a simple yet effective credo, “treat everyone as you wish to be treated.” A simple life lesson, based on eight simple words, won JUSTIN many dear, loving and steadfast friends in his short twenty two years. A GLIMPSE INTO JUSTIN’S GOD GIVEN SCHOLASTIC PROWESS Kindergarten ~ [1st day] JUSTIN was unhappy because the teacher only taught the class about ‘A and B’; Justin wanted to know why she did not mention the other 24 letters of the alphabet? First Grade ~ JUSTIN informed me, “mommie I am going to be a Physicist when I grow up!” Second Grade ~ JUSTIN was the narrator for the Christmas play because he possessed the ability to memorize the script. Third Grade ~ JUSTIN was sent to the principals’ office for sharing food with a child who had no money. Fourth Grade ~ JUSTIN joins his first football team; his strong desire to have siblings is fulfilled. On a football team everyone must pull together as ONE; Justin enjoyed this aspect of this sport the most. Fifth Grade ~ Justin informed me, “mommie I have to get to know my teachers to know what they expect of me.” Sixth Grade ~ JUSTIN informed me he was up for the challenge of middle school. He wrote an obituary for our countries first President ~George Washington and won awards for county, district and state in this Daughter’s of the American Revolution contest. Seventh Grade ~ JUSTIN is invited by DUKE UNIVERSITY to take the SAT. Eighth Grade ~ JUSTIN graduated middle school and received the Presidential Award For Excellence for maintaining honor roll throughout elementary and middle school. Ninth Grade ~ JUSTIN’s Science Fair Project on “The Solar Constant” received a Third Place Award at one fair and an Honorable Mention at another. Tenth Grade ~ JUSTIN met friends who convinced him to continue his interest in playing football. Eleventh Grade ~ JUSTIN’S high school Graduation Project was an extensively researched paper on ‘Malcom X’; he received a ‘perfect’ from the three judges who were there to hear his presentation and put JUSTIN through a round of questions pursuant to his chosen topic. Twelfth Grade ~ JUSTIN graduated CB South High School receiving a Scholar’s Diploma, gpa 4.2 ~ JUSTIN is accepted at every college to which he applies. College freshman ~ JUSTIN takes to college like a ‘duck to water’ and continues to excel scholastically. College sophomore ~ JUSTIN becomes a Physics TA, began working at the UMd Observatory and tutoring the UMd athletes. College Junior ~ JUSTIN received an invitation from an adviser to work on a research project. This is the year JUSTIN taught his first class and earned his second TA position in the Astronomy Department. College Senior ~ JUSTIN is the recipient of The Angelo Bardis Award; a prestigious Physics Grant. Fall 2010 during the AGU Conference held in California; JUSTIN’S research on the Earth’s Core Mantle garners him attention from many attending Scientists, after working Justin’s calculations, asked his Physics Adviser, “Who is this DeSha-Overcash?” University Graduate ~ on January 20, 2011 ~ JUSTIN VANCE DeSHA-OVERCASH was posthumously awarded his Bachelor of Science Degree by the University of Maryland. Upon JUSTIN’S death he had 174 credits. University of Maryland College Park, MD ~ In March 2011 we were informed that several of JUSTIN’s UMd Advisers, UMd alum and Lawrence Liff worked steadily and quickly to introduce “The JUSTIN DeSHA-OVERCASH SUMMER RESEARCH AWARD” ~ for UMd, out-of-state students who have a strong desire to pursue majors in the field of Math, Physics and Sciences. This is our son’s legacy; we have always been proud of JUSTIN, his dedication, his humbleness in his achievements, his positive impact on family, friends and society, his zest for living, his genuine laughter and joyous smile. JUSTIN is greatly missed on UMd’s campus. Mr. Williams arrested for the heinous murder of JUSTIN then brought before the court for his crime against JUSTIN; Mr. Williams chose to show NO remorse for taking this gentle human’s life using a handgun. Then Mr. Williams chose to add ‘insult to injury’ by fabricating a preposterous story in a ludicrous attempt to justify his incomprehensible capacity to simply murder JUSTIN and go on about his life as if he was not guilty of his disgusting deed. Mr. Williams is obviously unaware that for every ‘action’ there is a ‘reaction’. Mr. Williams forced us, JUSTIN’S family, friends, neighbors, employers and instructors into an unrelenting reactive mode. Mr. Williams choices left me, Justin’s momma, no choice other than to develop my own conclusions about him and his inconceivable actions. The information I have learned about Mr. Williams is based on research, recorded truthful information, logic, body language and the few statements he has made to the court as I have observed. It is my opinion, Mr. Williams conveys vicious and antisocial behavior thus allowing him to continue his irreprehensible acts against society with no shame or regret. As I began to research and learn more about Deandre Ricardo Williams background three issues became starkly apparent; Mr. Williams is a young man who is very troubled, very lost and exhibits behavior which should alarm and concern the residents of PG County, the District of Columbia and Virginia. For Mr. Williams choice to murder JUSTIN I feel a strong societal obligation to present his criminal background and past records to the court today. Mr. Williams judicial records begin in Prince George’s County in the year 2007 and profoundly stunned me; each offense worse than the previous. In 2009, in Prince George’s County, Mr. Williams committed several offenses which carry a four year prison sentence; pursuant to the prosecutors not sending a lousy piece of paper to the court “in a timely manner” he spent two nights in the PG County lock-up and was RELEASED. Learning firsthand Mr. Williams should have been serving his prison sentence for the 2009 offenses when he murdered JUSTIN threw me into inconsolable depression. Then your Honor, as if it was possible for me to mentally bear one more travesty of injustice against my SON, while searching the District of Columbia judicial online search I find information pursuant to Mr. Williams criminal activities there. Stepping into Mr. Williams past thwarted any steps ‘forward’ I had achieved since JUSTIN’S murder on January 11, 2011 and sent me reeling backward into an untiring agitation of disbelief and never ending anxiety attacks. On December 18, 2010 [twenty four days before he shot JUSTIN TO DEATH] Mr. Williams appeared before Judge Jose Lopez in the DC Superior Court, charged with a Felony II Handgun Violation ~ Judge Lopez did not grant Mr. Williams Bond as the prosecution had proven him to be ‘High Intensity’. Mr. Williams spent two nights in jail for his offense in DC; he was brought before Magistrate Judge Kimberly Knowles December 20, 2011. To get out of jail Mr. Williams knowingly entered into and signed a special agreement. The agreement required Mr. Williams to adhere to strictly outlined laws and to be supervised until his next court date on January 24, 2011. Magistrate Judge Knowles misplaced her trust in Mr. Williams; expecting him to adhere to these contractual laws and she released him ~ TWENTY ONE DAYS LATER MR. WILLIAMS MURDERED MY SON, JUSTIN DeSHA-OVERCASH IN COLD BLOOD USING A HANDGUN. AS JUSTIN’S MOMMA, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO LIVE WITH THE KNOWLEDGE THAT NOT ONCE BUT TWICE MR. WILLIAMS SHOULD HAVE BEEN KEPT JAILED AND MY SON, JUSTIN, WOULD BE WITH US AND WE WOULD NOT BE HERE IN THIS COURT ROOM TODAY. ***Judge Serrette after Mr. Williams sentencing in your courtroom today the District of Columbia’s Superior Court. On February 24, 2012 the District of Columbia’s Assistant Attorney General filed a Writ and extradition papers for Mr. Williams appearance on this OPEN Felony II Handgun Charge on February 24, 2012. I WANT MY SON BACK. I am unable to move past my incessant need to make some kind sense out of this tragic and unbelievable violent action perpetrated by Mr. Williams when he fatally shot JUSTIN without giving his despicable act against my son a second thought. I have become immobile as I struggle mentally, physically and emotionally trapped in a quagmire of shattered hopes, wishes and dreams. Attempting to comprehend Mr. Williams malevolent motivation on January 11, 2011 is beyond my ability or capacity as a decent and God fearing human being. Uninvited, Mr. Williams breached the safety of my son’s home and CHOSE to harass, threaten, intimidate and ultimately shoot JUSTIN to DEATH. Mr. Williams could not resist also harassing, threatening, and intimidating my son’s friend [eye witness] at gun point. Who does Mr. Williams believe he is to walk into the sanctity of someone’s home, wielding a loaded semi automatic weapon and leaving a most wonderful young man with a tremendous future; a good man, a good son, a good friend fatally shot? Yet I still remain the naive one; for fourteen months, in an attempt to deal with the nightmare of my beautiful son’s murder I kept trying to convince myself that no one would just take another s life. This has to be some kind of horrible accident. In an all too disturbing truth I discovered Mr. Williams actions against JUSTIN, on January 11, 2011, were malicious and merciless. The intrusive and violent situation brought about by Mr. Williams put my SON in a ‘no win’ situation. JUSTIN is a mathematician, he could work statistic problems in his sleep; JUSTIN knew all too well the obvious statistical outcome of his actions toward Mr. Williams; and yet, this did not stop JUSTIN. He had never been in a fight in his 22 years of LIFE and had never touched a gun; WHY WOULD THERE BE A NEED TO KEEP A HANDGUN IN OUR HOME? Judge Serrette, initially, when the PG County police tried to explain the nightmarish altercation that needed my son’s life they [police] informed us that JUSTIN managed to hit his assailant [Mr. Williams arrested on March 31, 2012]. At that moment in time I instinctively knew my son’s motivation; his actions protected two other people during Mr. Williams deadly tragedy. JUSTIN was raised to be accountable, not just for himself, but also for others and on this day nothing was going to prevent JUSTIN from protecting his friends. Although very shy JUSTIN possessed bravery and would have never backed away from standing up for others who are not capable of standing up for themselves. JUSTIN’S tactics differ greatly from Mr. Williams murderous nature; JUSTIN preferred to utilize his strong ability to verbally calm others to diffuse situations. Speaking with the [eye witness], one of my son’s many bothers, took time as he worked through intense Emotions he [eye witness] began; “ON THIS DAY I SAW THE GREATEST ACT OF LOVE AND THE GREATEST ACT OF EVIL IN THE SAME MOMENT. DEANDRE HAD HIS GUN POINTED AT MY BROTHER WHEN I WALKED IN; HE TURNED THE GUN ON ME. WHEN DEANDRE DID THIS I COULD SEE PAST HIM AND I SAW WHAT JUSTIN WAS GETTING READY TO DO; MY BIG BROTHER WAS GOING TO SAVE HIS LITTLE BROTHER. AFTER JUSTIN HIT DEANDRE; DEANDRE TURNED LOOKED AT JUSTIN AND JUST SHOT HIM RIGHT BEFORE MY EYES ~ TWICE.” Judge Serrette, as I continued to listen to the reality of this young man’s words describing the horrifying details of my beautiful son, JUSTIN’S, final moments at the hands of Mr. Williams, I could not stop crying. His [eye witness] vivid and descriptive account of how JUSTIN stood up to Mr. Williams, unarmed, against a man with a gun sent me into an uncontrollable sense of helplessness the extent of which I have never experienced in my adult life. This young man, who saw with his own eyes Mr. Williams unspeakable and atrocious act in shooting JUSTIN has emotionally shattered him. I am infuriated that because of Mr. Williams he [eye witness] must endure this mental anguish and devastation from what he viewed happening to his brother at the END of Mr. Williams GUN. This young man [eye witness] may require years of counseling before he will regain faith in humanity. Now he lives in constant fear for his own life while continuing counseling. Let us not forget there was another young man present in this home on this terrible day; JUSTIN’S friend & roommate. Two young men, their youthful innocence stolen by Mr. Williams; he had no right to invade the lives of any of these wonderful young men. Not only did Mr. Williams MURDER JUSTIN he robbed many people on January 11, 2011, people who looked to JUSTIN for advice and friendship, a big brother they love and miss deeply. In a sad turn of irony, after meeting with this young man [eye witness], I retrieved one of the many letters I have penned to Prince George’s County Officials pursuant to the violent and senseless murder of my son. In this letter I had written, [I know my son well and I know in my heart JUSTIN was attempting to protect everyone in his home this day.] As JUSTIN’S momma I knew on January 12, 2011 JUSTIN’S actions are a tribute to his life, strength of character and unselfish nature. Each and every one of us, who KNOW, ADMIRE, LOVE and MISS JUSTIN DeSHA-OVERCASH BEING IN OUR LIVES, are familiar I pity for Mr. Williams that he does not know love, happiness, joy of living or respect for others; JUSTIN knew. For future reference Mr. Williams must understand there are people on this World, we humans call home, who view and value life as a gift from GOD. I do not hate Mr. Williams I will never hate Mr. Williams; I would literally have to disregard everything I know and believe to be like him and I REFUSE to become like Mr. Williams. “Again for the record, I do not hate Mr. Williams. I am the bereaved momma of a wonderfully gifted and loving young man that Mr. Williams chose to murder in cold blood; I am mortified and revolted by his cruel, thoughtless and cowardly behavior, but I do not hate him. I forgive Mr. Williams and I hope he can change someday, but I don't hate him. Mr. Williams has enough hate in himself for the rest of us as it is.” For the reasons I have described, for the continuous criminal activities of Mr. Williams against good and law abiding citizens, I must humbly request Mr. Williams be sentenced to the maximum time allowed for the MURDER of my son, my beautiful child, my constant. I will pray that Mr. Williams seeks and finds the Lord. I REMAIN JUSTIN’S MOMMA

Monday, February 13, 2012

The mis handling of Annie McCann's case

Hello everyone;

If you are not familiar with the case surrounding 16 year old VA resident Annie McCann found dead in a Baltimore City alley behind a dumpster. This beautiful young woman who had only received her driver's license three weeks before her body was discovered behind the dumpster. The mystery surrounding this sweet sixteen's sudden demise has left many with questions. The only folks not asking or answering any questions is the Baltimore City Police; immediately claiming Annie's death was a suicide. Even when her vehicle was discovered blocks away with fingerprints of a known carjacker; he claimed he came upon the car and found what he thought was a mannequin and tossed it behind the dumpster. Even when this known carjacker killed a 26 year old woman and took her car he still remains of no interest to the Baltimore City Police in Annie McCann's death. The lack of interest for victims on the part of the police is becoming a national issue. Finding it simpler in blaming the victim for causing their own death allows the police to ignore investigating MURDERS>