Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Why is There So Much Anger in America?

Repost from ~ Tuesday, July 5, 2011

People get a hold of yourselves!!

Life is short and [seriously] in the scheme of things delving out strong emotions on a daily basis (anger, hatred, jealousy, pettiness, etc.) is not even worth anyone's valuable (SHORT) stay on this amazing planet. 
I cannot wrap my mind around wasting so much time concerned about insignificant issues; no I do not watch to see what my neighbors are up too, no I do not watch reality shows, no I do not care how actresses dress, no I do not care about what happens in other folks bedrooms!  I honestly cannot abide 'gossip'; what's the point?  If something someone else is doing is so freaking annoying in your world 'man up' or 'woman up' ( whatever the case may be) and tell them to their faces.  
Not brave enough?  Then stop talking about them and spend this wasted time watching a beautiful sunset.  Walk through a beautiful garden.  Hold your child and tell them a story.  Get to actually know the folks you're talking about.  Or look in the mirror and see what sets you apart making you can feel positive about YOU!  
Kindness can be contagious and can make a huge difference in someones life...Happiness can be attained through the simplest of memories and moments.  Life truly is never as [bad] as you think;
I promise tomorrow will be better and if not wait for the day after!!  SMILE! Best Wishes!

1 comment:

  1. The attached photo [of a sunset] was taken by my college age son, Justin. He absolutely loves sunsets, rainbows, snow and the universe. I remain Justin's loving and devoted momma
