Friday, January 23, 2015

Justin Continues to Teach Me After He is Gone

"A new broom sweeps clean. 
Where there's a will there's a way."

An email to a friend on my birthday... 

WoW!  I did not realize you lived in Philly! I lived in Chalfont from 2002 through 2006...Justin graduated from Central Bucks South high school...the first year we lived there it snowed 27" in 7 hours if I could have gotten to a truck rental business I would have MOVED!! hahaha lord it got cold poor Chihuahua was so cold sometimes! haha but if I had tried to put one of those coats on him he'd have eaten me!! lolololol

Thank you for thinking of me on my birthday...I have cried most of the day away...Justin was so much of my life...I truly wanted grandchildren and Justin would have been an amazingly great father and loving husband. In middle school he had already picked names for his children!! My 'planner'!

I was looking for a specific birthday card today that he had given me when I opened an envelop with another birthday card and a book marker fell out...for some unknown reason I turned it over and on the back Justin had written "A new broom sweeps clean. Where there's a will there's a way." The writing looked to be when he was in middle school...I burst into tears...wishing he were here so I could call him and ask the circumstances of the quote...why he had written it the way he know Maria momma heart queries... "where there's a will" was written in a semi circle [?]

I believe [in my heart] Justin wished for me to find this today...I was actually out among people this past holiday...for the first three years I slept from October through February. Truly, I seemed to be like a bear hibernating. 
Even the little greeting lady at Walmart was proud of me this year for being out and about...

Through this year if I were sitting at a traffic light I would motion the driver beside me to roll down their window...then I'd shout Merry Christmas and they would burst into laughter and shout Merry Christmas back! I must have told 500 people Merry Christmas...I guess I was making up for hibernating the past three years!

I believe I got so wrapped up in being 'Justin's momma' I forgot who [Karen] I must go and find out who she is and what she can do without Justin by her side. "A new broom sweeps clean. Where there's a will there's a way."  

Damn Maria I cannot tell you how many times I have been knocked down in life; I have just never been down this long I always got right back up!!!! I have been in counseling since 3/2011...that's a long time...I should be cured of anything and everything by now! 

Before [before everything was different] when I was knocked down it never involved anything I cherished, wanted, needed, cared for, loved, and was so closely tied to..... this truly sucks!   

Sorry it's been a bad day...another birthday without Justin...this makes five...but now that I have received direction things may just begin to look up...I know that I need to find me...Justin's momma died.  She died with Justin at 12:30 P.M. on January 11, 2011.

I hope this message isn't to, you know, weird? Your message just happened along when I realized what the problem/solution is....

Try to stay warm up there in Philly...I did like it there...although the people are always in such a hurry! Justin once asked me, "momma why are they always in such a hurry?" My reply, "I don't know honey I've never been in one!" hahaha I truly loved being a I have to be a 'Karen'...oh lord that's a little scary!!

Take it easy Chick! I'll try not to get too much weird~er

Hum? Karen? WoW!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Aquarius Mom

"Eclectic hardly begins to describe you. “You’re affectionate yet aloof, stern yet spontaneous, the world’s mellowest control freak,” write the AstroTwins. Organized chaos is your specialty, meaning that your family life never becomes boring. You might be surprised by the depth of emotion motherhood has brought to your normally intimacy-fearing self—and you have your fourth house of motherhood, governed by traditional Taurus, to thank for that. Be careful not to lose site of your true edgy self or you may build up resentment or trigger an identity crisis."

"Organized chaos" describes me to a 'T'!! I lost sight of myself because of loving you so much honey; this is quite alright, I do not mind in the least. Justin DeSha-Overcash you were so loving back you found the 'key to my heart'!

I found it interesting that my fourth house of [Motherhood] is governed by traditional Taurus ~ and you Babe are a Taurus! Gosh knows I wish you were hear so I could pick up the damn phone and call you!

Nope there was [never] a dull moment in our house was there honey? Justin you brought out in me a depth of emotion I never knew I had or could experience. Thank you honey so very much for I never knew true love until you came into my life. Justin I have no regrets we had so much fun and laughed a lot. I just wish this had not come to an end.

Oh and not to worry Justin, for you know me well, there was never a moment of resentment or identity crisis, on my part, before or after I saw that tiny beautiful face in the delivery room May 1, 1988 at 2:41 AM. Only joy and happiness can, and will continue, to be found in my shattered heart for you honey.

I am lucky I guess for you'd have to say I have so many memories to play over and over in my mind of the laughter filled moments which no one can take away from me, Honey I love and miss you something awful, momma

Justin Christmas 2009 we had a great day!  Laughter, conversation, an epic silly string battle, great food, special sweets and treats....son I miss you so very much I do not even bake Red Velvet cake anymore...your favorite.  I wish we could go back in time, just one minute before you were shot, and somehow your fate could be changed.  I would gladly take your place Justin my son, my constant, my beloved, my joy, my heartbeat, mt breath, my everything.

WHO Murdered Christopher Cummings?

Christopher was studying law enforcement at Old Dominion University and instead of going home for summer break was talking a course!

Christopher Cummings just 20 years old was senselessly murdered in his frat house, June 10, 2011, when an unknown assailant kicked open the door at 4:30 AM.and shot him to death.

Chris' birthday is approaching on January 29, 2015 a day hardest on parents, siblings, and friends. 

The SENSELESS MURDERS of our young people MUST STOP!  They have never captured Chris' murderer [?]  Someone knows something human nature alone dictates someone will talk; how can a person live with this tragic and horrid murder of an innocent person on their soul?

Christopher Cummings and those victims like him MUST HAVE THEIR DAY IN COURT!  They must have JUSTICE!

I am Justin's [sad] momma

There is a reward for information leading to the arrest and incarceration of the person [or persons] responsible for the murder Chris and assault and attempted murder of his Frat mate on June 10, 2011.

Christopher Cumming's Memorial Video

Friend writes rap video in Christoper Cummings honor

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Depression and Mothers of Murdered Children

I did not know how badly "The Date" was going to hit me this year.  'It' has hit me as badly as the day the sheriffs knocked on my door to deliver the tragically debilitating news of Justin's murder January 11, 2011 at 4:27 PM.

Depression is an uncontrollable emotion.  I know because I never experienced [depression] before Justin was murdered.  I see a psychologist once a week and there is a shelf in one of my kitchen cabinets that looks like a freaking pharmacy; yet still I have no relief from Justin being gone from my life.

I truly do not believe I will have relief until I see Justin's smile and his hand reaches for mine in the light.  This is when I honestly believe I will have relief again.

Suddenly in the midst of whatever I am doing I simply [must] sleep.  These sleep episodes are uncontrollable, too.  I sleep for hours on end if I wake it may be to feed my animals or let Luke out and I am literally back asleep before my head hits the pillow.  These are [hard] sleeps; if I dream I remember nothing, I do not hear the phone ringing, or hear if people knock, I am literally out. 

This is what I have been doing since the 11th.  I am typing this while I am awake because I do not know if I will experience another sleep episode.  Right now I feel fine but this is how I have felt everyday then suddenly I cannot stay awake. This has happened everyday since the 12th; I have slept approximately 16 or more hours everyday.

I was accustomed to these sleep episodes for the first couple years.  Then they became less and less.  However, since Sunday they have come back with a fury.

I really [really] miss Justin and my life sucks without him here.  I wish I could say something positive or share a moment of joy but without Justin there just is not the same hope or future.  Hell there is not any future.  The murderer took this all away with two bullets.

All I want is my son back, I want life the way it was one minute before the MURDER of JUSTIN HAPPENED! 

Justin's [forlorn] momma
Christmas 2009 Justin and me having our epic Silly String battle!  We always had so much fun from the time Justin was six months old until he was [murdered] we laughed about nothing is funny!

Monday, January 12, 2015


SLAVE LABOR IN PRISON BY TOP CORPORATIONS SOME PAY AS LITTLE AS 17 cents an HOUR! WE THE PEOPLE HAVE BEEN ROYALLY SCREWED BY MONEY, GREED, AND A CAPTIVE WORKFORCE OF MODERN SLAVES!  These inmates cannot call in sick, do not get vacations, they are there ready to work every day!

Who is investing? At least 37 states have legalized the contracting of prison labor by private corporations that mount their operations inside state prisons.

The list of corporations using inmate slave labor will "BLOW YOUR MIND"

The list of such companies contains the cream of U.S. corporate society:
IBM, Boeing
Texas Instrument 
Dell, Compaq 
Lucent Technologies 
3Com Intel 
Northern Telecom 
Pierre Cardin 
Target Stores
and many more. 

All of these businesses are excited about the economic boom generation by prison labor. Just between 1980 and 1994, profits went up from $392 million to $1.31 billion. 

Inmates in state penitentiaries generally receive the minimum wage for their work, but not all; in Colorado, they get about $2 per hour, well under the minimum. And in privately-run prisons, they receive as little as 17 cents per hour for a maximum of six hours a day, the equivalent of $20 per month. 

The highest-paying private prison is CCA in Tennessee, where prisoners receive 50 cents per hour for what they call “highly skilled positions.” At those rates, it is no surprise that inmates find the pay in federal prisons to be very generous. There, they can earn $1.25 an hour and work eight hours a day, and sometimes overtime. They can send home $200-$300 per month.

Thanks to prison labor, the United States is once again an attractive location for investment in work that was designed for Third World labor markets. A company that operated a maquiladora (assembly plant in Mexico near the border) closed down its operations there and relocated to San Quentin State Prison in California. In Texas, a factory fired its 150 workers and contracted the services of prisoner-workers from the private Lockhart Texas prison, where circuit boards are assembled for companies like IBM and Compaq.

[Former] Oregon State Representative Kevin Mannix recently urged Nike to cut its production in Indonesia and bring it to his state, telling the shoe manufacturer that “there won’t be any transportation costs; we’re offering you competitive prison labor (here).”

NOW if this article does not make you, as an American Citizen, fighting mad I do not know what will! 

To be quite honest when I read the contents of this article it made me sick!  I knew that Corporate America would 'stoop low' to 'beef up' their profit margins; however, I had no idea they would stoop this low.  Now I understand how the upper echelon can afford to receive such outlandish bonuses.  They are receiving they monies [off the backs of the new 21st Century SLAVE LABORERS].  While We The People are starving and cannot find EMPLOYMENT!

WE THE PEOPLE must "Stand UP and Say SOMETHING!"

I am Justin's [I am an American and I am tired of getting SCREWED] momma

Murderer LOST Appeal ~ YES!


October 1, 2014

The opinion came back on Friday and I haven’t read it yet, but we won by a close margin. That means the Court upheld the conviction . 

The brief is 45 pages long and I have been in Court so I will scan and email it to you on Tuesday. The case is also reported, which means it can be used and quoted in other cases. There is the possibility the Defense Attorney may appeal this case to the Court of Appeals and the Attorney General thought that might be a possibility.

Take care. This is GOOD NEWS!!

********A WIN FOR JUSTIN!!! Justice PREVAILED!!!********

Let's pray Mr. Williams cannot get another appeal or if he does he LOOSES AGAIN!

Opinion link on google: 

Mr. Williams LOST Appeal can be read on this link from google.  The sad issue [which drives me up a tree as Justin's momma] is the description of what occurred the day Mr. Williams cold bloodily murdered my son is a LIE!  A COMPLETE AND UTTER LIE!  There was no struggle between Justin and Mr. Williams for the gun; my son, Justin, had never seen a firearm in his entire life.  He was a[geekl] a double major Physics and Astronomy/minor Geophysics who did not know the first thing about fighting!   

I spoke to the eyewitnesses once we knew there would not be a jury trial; I know exactly how my beautiful son died~cruelly, horrifically, senselessly, at pointblank range with Williams looking him in the eyes!?!

Mr. Williams defense attorney guided Mr. Williams into taking a [plea deal] for he knew a jury trial would bring in experts and the coroners report which would prove [and logically dispute] everything this murdering sociopath uttered.

God please watch over Justin's path of justice. In Jesus name we pray, amen.

Justin's [for the first time in four years H-A-P-P-Y] momma

Justin and me standing outside of the rental home where Williams would enter uninvited and fatally shot my wonderful son on January 11, 2011.  Why didn't Williams ask Justin for my address before shooting Justin so he could kill me also?  I died that day anyway!  I breathe and my heartbeats but this is all.  WILLIAMS; I WANT MY SON BACK!

A Day in Prison For a MURDERER

****** SPECIAL ALERT ******



Even though she added for the record, "Mr. Williams I have been on the bench for thirty years and I can tell you now YOU cannot be rehabilitated!  YOU chose a lesser Victim and Mr. Williams YOU could have turned and walked away.  But You chose not to."





FIRST DEGREE MURDERER~Deandre R. Williams, 27 years old, can attempt to plead for parole in 2038!  If he receives parole in MD he will be transported to a prison in Washington, DC for the Felony II handgun Charge [December 18, 2010] for which he was wearing an ankle monitor when he MURDERED JUSTIN on January 11, 2011.

He cold bloodily murdered my Justin; as Justin protected two fellow UMd alumni/friends.

Christmas morning 1993 Charlotte, NC my Justin, my only child, was 4 years old.  I remember this morning as if it were yesterday Baby!   

Fall 2005 Senior Mom's Night...again I remember this night like it were yesterday Honey!  I love this pose we came up with and some of the other guys wanted to do the same pose [remember]?  Of course you do Babe!


I desperately want you back son but know this is improbable!

 I LOVE YOU JUSTIN FROM THE MOMENT I SAW YOU I COULD NOT HELP BUT ADORE YOU.  We will meet again honey I know this to be fact. Love and miss you Babe times infinity plus one, momma

"Let Peace Begin Here"

Here is my latest art project for the Woodfin Elementary school in a small township outside of Asheville, NC in western Carolina. 

My sign is placed in the Peace Garden at the school where the children are enjoying making handmade ornaments. Their ornaments are including pine cones covered in peanut butter then rolled in bird seed for our outdoor feathered friends!

This sign became more than just a project. It became a 'labor of love' and inner 'peace'; the hand print is Justin's from age three. I thought it fitting to stencil his print and paint it in every color of every ethnicity, 

The stars contain words that he and I discussed many times as he grew up: love, kindness, understanding, compassion, acceptance, and tolerance.

and...wouldn't it be wondrous to experience World Peace in our lifetime? 

There is always Hope!

I remain Justin's [optimistic] momma 

Placed in the Woodfin Elementary 'Peace Garden'

Merry Heavenly Christmas Justrin

Merry Christmas My Son, Justin, From momma

There will never be a morning I will not wake without your name upon my lips.

There will never be a day that I will not pine for your presence.

There will never be a day my heart will not ache to hear your laughter.

There will never be a day I will not have an aching soul when the phone does not ring so I may hear your wonderful voice.

Nor will there ever be a night when I lay my head upon my pillow that your name is not the last words that I speak before I cry myself to sleep my beautiful son.

"Night, night sweet dreams Honey. I love you Baby, I'll see you in the morning!" These are the words I wrote upon the note I placed in your jacket pocket my sweet bunny boy; before they placed you where I could no longer see your beautiful face honey..

 Justin's Christmas 2015 Grave Blanket made in the colors of his Alma Mater ~the University of Maryland College Park, MD

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Justin DeSha-Overcash's 2011 MURDER/Facts Never Shared With the Media

Four years later the facts of the murder of UMd graduate Justin DeSha-Overcash remain unknown.

“Justice will never be served until the unaffected become as outraged as the affected.” ~Benjamin Franklin

     January 11, 2011 a cloudy day would begin with snow flurries that would turn into a snow storm. This would be the last day of Justin DeSha-Overcash’s life. The day the Prince George’s county pPpolice press release department would begin to circulate many fabricated stories, pursuant to Justin’s life and senseless demise, to the media.

     As ‘Justin’s momma’, Karen DeSha, I am finally writing to set forth the true facts of the most bizarre and incredulous nightmare I was forced to participate in involving unconscionable lies about my beautiful son, Justin, after his violent murder by a PG county career criminal.

FACT: Justin resided in a single family dwelling [a home] at 8809 38th Avenue College Park, MD while attending UMd. This home consisted of six bedrooms which were leased to different individual UMd students at any given time. When they rent these rooms these students do not know one another. My weary heart is growing more of the opinion that if a college student feels their life to be in danger, by a room mate, they should be allowed to cancel their lease immediately, their deposit be returned, with no questions asked. As for the reckless rental method of college landlords, which appears is beginning to endanger the lives of students, I can state with great conviction, landlords should be held accountable if they choose to continue to rent rooms “helter skelter” to Lessees who murder or harm other Lessees. “Money” truly has become the root of all evil.

In the current climate in America of young children, teenagers, and millennia’s taking the lives of others ‘in the blink of an eye’ something is very wrong and I am reminded of Justin’s 1993 elementary school mission statement “Home Is Where the Start Is.” Parents wake up communicate with your children give them guidance, consistency, and above all love!

FACT: Justin had confided in his mentor at UMd he did not like the “things” that were going on at 8809 38th Avenue. His concerned mentor immediately suggested he move and he responded, “I will move in May when I graduate and my [lease] is up.” My son never made it to May!
FACT: Justin DeSha-Overcash bravely forfeited his life and saved TWO fellow UMd alumni on January 11, 2011 from the masked gunman who later would be captured and identified as PG County career criminal Deandre Ricardo Williams. Why did the Prince George’s county police press release department [never] report Justin’s selfless and heroic act? This is the Justin we all know and love: compassionate, accountable, loving, a true ‘brother’, and genuinely protective human being! Yet never [never] was Justin’s life saving act of heroism released to the media.

FACT: Justin did not die in his rental home. Justin was transported, unconscious, via ambulance to the hospital and he fought for one hour and three minutes to LIVE! However, my brave, beautiful, strong, intelligent son’s colon had been nicked by one of the two, or a piece of, one of the two horrid bullets Mr. Williams cold bloodily pumped into my precious son’s body; my gift from God. Justin’s healthy body went toxic and there was nothing, absolutely nothing, the doctors in the emergency room could do to change my best friend, my joy, my constant, my
son’s fate. Justin was pronounced at 12:30 PM on January 11, 2011.

FACT: Mr. Williams had received a Felony II Handgun Charge on December 18, 2010 in the District of Columbia and was jailed in DC. He pleaded with a judge to release him she replied,
“No, you are High Intensity”. He went before a male judge a day later pleading again to be released, his reply, “No you are High Intensity.” On the third attempt Mr. Williams appeared before a female judge to plead for his release. She released him on December 20, 2010 with an ankle monitor that only registered that Mr. Williams was in by curfew, 10 PM until 6 AM, and Mr. Willams was [free to do as he pleased] from 6AM until 10 PM everyday.

FACT: Twenty two days later [22 days] this “High Intensity” criminal fatally shot my son for no reason. In the District of Columbia it is against the law to release a prisoner being held on a Felony II Handgun Charge. I researched and found this Felony II Handgun Charge against Mr. Williams and notified the
DC Attorney General’s Office. Upon notifying the authorities in DC that Mr. Williams had committed the First Degree Murder of my son, Justin, while he was wearing an ankle monitor the Assistant AG was most willing to work with me to bring Mr. Williams to justice. My son, Justin DeSha-Overcash, and I were made Victim/Survivors of this crime.

FACT: On the day Mr. Williams murdered my son in cold blood he was on a Parole Violation for a 2009 charge he committed in Prince George’s county where he murdered Justin DeSha-Overcash; however, his defense attorney quickly hid this offense.

FACT: With the assistance of Chief David Mitchell, of the University of Maryland, he secured a conference with the Prince George’s county authorities in Upper Marlboro, MD on *March 25. 2011. When I met with Chief Mitchell, who was the former Chief of PG County for twenty six years, in February 2011 he found it unbelievably incredulous that the acting Chief had not even contacted me since Justin’s murder. I had placed numerous calls to the Acting Chief and none of my calls were returned. Many of you reading this may not know Victims and Survivors have “no rights”. We are patronized, treated with disdain, threatened, or utterly and completely ignored. They [authorities] hope Victims and Survivors of violent crimes will grow weary and just “go away”; this treatment is not prevalent to Prince George’s county this is the customary treatment of Victims and Survivors in every state and city America. Vote HR# 40 Victims Rights Bill

*March 25, 2011 Conference-in attendance Mr. Erico [representing the newly appointed police commissioner], Acting Chief McGaw, Major Stronge-Homicide, Major Moore-Victim Assistance, Lead Detective Harris, MCVRC Attorney Mrs. Pauline Mandel, Esq., myself, and my witnesses UMd Grad students Jodie Gaeman and Jesse Wimert. I learned from the beginning of this nightmare never to meet with Prince George’s county without witnesses.

     I spoke of how they [PG county authorities] had violated Justin’s Constitutional Rights as a Victim and “murdered him twice” by fabricating stories of his lifestyle and feeding information to the media that was untrue and I made it quite clear I was not leaving this meeting until they told me why! I could share many things that were said on this day in the two and one half hours spent in this room; however, I am going straight to a few statements made by then Acting Chief McGaw. His short, unconscionable, and ludicrous exchange horrified me and therein I immediately knew Prince George’s County’s agenda which lead to all the lies and fabrications in their attempt to harm my son, Justin’s good name and 22 year honorable life.

     McGaw looked across the table at me and said. “You have to understand. We had all these things going on in our precinct.” In my mind I thought, [I don’t have to understand anything, my son is dead!] McGaw continued, with more emphasis in his voice, “Then all these murders began happening!” [I felt sick to my stomach. In a split second I realized the truth and before McGaw could utter another word I looked him directly in the eye and said], “Oh my God, you “threw Justin under the bus” to take the media’s eye off your money laundering precinct!” Everyone in attendance looked down at the table no one would look at me. They kept looking at the table as I let out a gasp of horror, disbelief, and grief. I guessed their ‘agenda’! My Caucasian, middle class, college educated son had been literally and figuratively ‘drug through the mud’ because they never expected I would stand up for my child that I know my son and who he is that I am a full-time momma who communicates with her child and would not back down until I got to the bottom of this barrel of lies. They ‘used’ Justin never anticipating I would stand at the gates of Hell for my son if this is what it would take to regain Justin’s honor.

    m Did none of you wonder why the other thirty four murder Victims garnered no more than two or three Paragraphs? I certainly did! The PG County prosecutor and I had many conversations which ended in my saying, “The only racial issues in Prince George’s county are caused by the judicial system!” This is the same prosecutor who screamed in my face saying, "it's a business" he was of course referring to the judicial system!

     In February 2011 I secured a copy of the evidence sheet from Justin’s room. I questioned why all the bags of marijuana they “allegedly claimed” were in his room were not listed? I asked if they ‘lied’ or they ‘took them’. Many people wrote unkind comments saying I was [white and clueless]; that just because Justin
was white and in college he was still a drug dealer and I needed to stop being stupid and realize this. Well they were wrong and no I posses a lot of common sense. Thank you for reminding me of my ethnicity; however, I was raised not seeing color and in turn Justin was raised not seeing color. A [man] murdered my son; plain and simple.

     I will turn 59 in January I am a child of the 70’s and unlike some parents I refused to lie to my son or be a hypocrite. I was always very open and honest with Justin I told him this was the only constant in life, other than my love, I could offer him. Here is the advice I gave him about marijuana; “never keep
more than a misdemeanor amount on you, in your vehicle, or in your room at anytime.” My son listened to his momma there was a misdemeanor amount of marijuana in his room on January 11, 2011. [OMG! Marijuana on a college campus; by the way I am not ashamed of Justin never was never will be.
I must also mention I am a proponent for legalization of marijuana.] Keep in mind as you read this Justin Vance DeSha-Overcash is my child and I raised my son my way with honesty, integrity, ethics, morals, honor, and accountability.

      By the way the police took three hundred and fourteen dollars ($314.00) off of Justin’s dresser labeling this ‘drug money’. I took Justin’s pay stubs and his bank statements and did simple bookkeeping and the three hundred and fourteen dollars ($314.00) were refunded to me with an apology letter. The state of Maryland paid the full burial benefit of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) these funds are only paid [if] the Victim is not involved in the cause/crime of their death. Seven hundred and eighty dollars ($780.00) were paid for forty eight (48) grief counseling sessions for me; three years later I am still seeing a psychologist and will more than likely be seeing one for the remainder of my life without Justin.

     Now I ask you, as an intelligent person, after reading this additional information one would have to ask many new questions about the validity of the fodder delved out to the media from the PG county police press release department in 2011 and 2012.

     Crime Stoppers paid out the twenty five thousand ($25,000.00) reward posted for Justin’s murderer.

     Justin, a double major Physics and Astronomy minor Geophysics, possessed 176 college credits and received his diploma posthumously. His beloved Alma mater, the glorious, University of Maryland at College Park has a scholarship in his name “The Justin DeSha-Overcash Summer Research Award”. If you feel so inclined please donate to allow UMd students the ability to enjoy learning as much as Justin.

     We lost a great research scientist, an amazing human being, a community asset, many lost a close
loving friend, I lost a loving and devoted son, future grandchildren, future great-grandchildren, and the
will to live.

     If you were not present in the court room at the sentencing hearing then you are not aware I forgave Mr. Williams. I told him Justin forgave him by the time he looked into the Lord’s eyes. I continued,“Mr. Williams I do not hate you we do not use this word in our home. However, I must tell you; you have enough hate within you for everyone within this court room today. My hope is you seek and find God for I know He is your only hope.” The sooner the people of this world come together the better I believe [my hope is] this world will be.

     I really do want my son back and I wish you too could have met Justin; what I have written is the absolute truth so help me God.

I am and remain Justin’s loving, loyal, proud, and grieving momma

Justin DeSha-Overcash's Memorial Video 2015

No I did not sleep well last night. I kept waking up thinking, "Justin was still alive at this time four years ago!"
Every time I have looked at the clock, since I finally got up at 7:11 AM, mind mind keeps repeating, "Justin was still alive at this time four years ago!"

My stomach is in complete turmoil, my mind is racing and yes I am experiencing anxiety attacks; as if this there is something I could do to change my beautiful Justin's fate of four years ago!

I am sure these feelings will continue to grow as 12:30 PM looms closer; the time my son, my constant, my beloved child was pronounced dead. I cannot 'wrap my mind around Justin's death' even four years later.

I want my son back and I will never feel this is too much to ask! I seriously would have taken Justin's place without hesitation or question. Had I been asked I would have gladly offered Justin what grace has given me to protect him.

'A'-type personalities cannot grasp the concept that they cannot fix, repair, nor find a solution~I am so angry at myself for I can do nothing...absolutely nothing. Justin and I are connected and this cannot be broken even in death. Thus I sit here and grieve while begging God not to leave me here without Justin for decades.

I must now take the star balloons to the cemetery with the messages I have written upon them. Four~ one for every year Justin has not been by my side. Then later this evening I will release them to float up to the Heavens.

I remain Justin's momma now and throughout eternity I love and miss you so greatly honey