Saturday, November 23, 2013

Americans Are DOOMED

This American fiasco is not just occurring at WalMart but all across our NATION~

I am so sick and tired of hard working American folks going HUNGRY! This is a pitiful example of our governments ineptness. WHAT IN THE HELL happened to "the American DREAM?" If there ever was such a concept; probably just more [propaganda] fed to our great grandparents in order to maintain control over people who have MINDS and knew how to use them! I cannot abide the thought that there are children in AMERICA, in 2013 the 21st Century, who are hungry, cold, improperly clothed for the elements, inadequately sheltered or NOT AT ALL, do not receive medical or dental care, do not have the basics or NECESSITIES to lead even a modicum of a healthy lifestyle. What has America come to? You do not want me answering my own query because it will entail only four letter words!

I have been watching, reading and studying analysts information since 2006. In 2006 I told my family and friends it'll take more than ten years for America to recover; finally in 2009 the analysts said, it's going to take ten years to recover. YA THINK? Since this prediction things have grown increasingly worse and I am here to tell you today LIFE as we knew it is long gone. For GODS SAKE we must stand UP; things are not going to get better through our being more complacent. Look around life in America [as WE knew it] IS OVER. We can either sit back and watch as everyone begins to struggle and join the 'soup lines' or we can stand together for OUR common existence. OUR VERY EXISTENCE is being challenged; you may call me 'Chicken Little' if you wish....However, I am most logical when approaching real life situations and the demise of the American lifestyle is the most real situation [other than the MURDER of Justin] I have been confronted with in my 58 years.

Unless Americans UNITE and STAND UP we are doomed to go the way of the Doh-Doh Bird and I say shame on us if we are unwilling to FIGHT for our Constitutional RIGHTS! I am Justin's [this is REALITY folks] momma

Thursday, November 21, 2013

In Honor of Justin's Third Thanksgiving in Heaven

Hello everyone; 

This will be my final post until the end of January 2014. 

I find it exceedingly difficult to make it through the holidays without Justin by my side.   Since Justin's murder on January 11, 2011 I no longer celebrate holidays; for me they are just another very long day, on an endless calender, without my son's feet on this planet.

I wish you all happiness and health and I leave you with a tribute to my beautiful son Justin Vance DeSha-Overcash.  The photos in the video are of Justin between his birth and 19 months old; many of the photos of the sky he took himself.  The music is by Savage Garden "I Knew I Loved You Before I Met You" and I hold not legal rights to this music.

May God bless you all with His loving light of joy and protection throughout the upcoming holiday season. 

I love you so very much my dear, dear son.

I am and remain Justin's momma