Saturday, May 4, 2013

VICTIM'S/SURVIVOR'S Deserve EQUAL Constitutional Rights and Protection

Pursuant to VICTIM'S/SURVIVOR'S [Rights] Citizen's must continue to demand receipt of constitutional rights, equal to the constitutional rights being received by Offenders.

For real JUSTICE to prevail change is ESSENTIAL and INEVITABLE. Continued appeals brought about by the Offender, and his defense, does not allow the Victim's/Survivors ANY opportunity to find even a modicum of CLOSURE in the current judicial system! These continued and constitutionally granted appeals focus on 'unbelievable' rights and actions perpetrated by the Offender and their defense. Excessive appeals and demands placed upon the judicial system by the Offender and their defense forces taxes upon each state [and of course the CITIZENS pay the price]. Why do you think it is referred to as "The Criminal Justice System" when in fact the system should be named; The VICTIM'S Justice System".

It is my opinion; when an offender is incarcerated any [and ALL] monies received be the Offender, for any work position, they are assigned while imprisoned should be transferred into an account restitution to the Victim/Survivor but also should be used toward the Offenders personal upkeep while in prison. Lightening the taxes American Citizens pay to support these Offenders.

Currently in America when an Offender HARMS an American citizen EVERYONE pays and suffers for the Offenders choices and decisions; EXCEPT THEM!

I remain [you ain't gonna believe or understand what is wrong in our judicial system] momma

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