Monday, March 25, 2013

THE DAY OF ASCENSION~Numerology Believe IT or Not

I began to do research and it startled me to learn the information about the Day of Ascension. On January 11, 2011 Justin, my son & only child, became the 11th Victim of a violent crime which took his beautiful life. 1-11-11/Justin was 22 years old/his senseless and tragic murder occurred between 11:12 AM and 11:25 AM……this is more than a coincidence. According to the eye witness; Justin forfeited his life to protect the eyewitness and another friend. Justin knew Statistics he knew he did not even have a 50 / 50 chance of living through this unconscionable evil act. He was a good guy; the ‘White Hat’ guys we all grew up watching on televised cowboy movies. The day he passed Justin had 174 credits; a ‘B’ in Quantum Physics!! Justin possessed a beautiful mind.

What do you think of all these 11′s and comb’s of 11′s?
I remain Justin devoted momma <3 p="">
  • “…What do you think of all these 11′s and comb’s of 11′s?…”
    Karen DeSha,
    What an amazing and terrible experience. You are a strong, brave mother/woman/soul. ♥

    The number 11 is what’s called a Master number as is 22. The double (11:11) and triple (1:11 and/or 111) 11′s, such as what millions if not billions of people around the world have (many still are) seeing for the past twenty-five or so years, were a higher frequency message and physical plane reminder to all of humanity. That message was that major changes (all having to do with the completion of one long Evolutionary Cycle and the start of a new, higher another one) would end/begin with humanity living and moving through November 11, 2011 — 11-11-11. Seeing these numbers and number combinations have been a sort of spiritual reminder to humanity that massive planet and species-wide evolutionary “Ascension” changes were happening.

    The day your son was killed was 1-11-11 which was also what I would call a portal or gate or exit point day. In years past Eclipses were also often exit points for souls who intended to physically die and leave their lives/bodies/loved ones in this world, dimension and timeline. (These portals and exit points are also days where other things, other souls, other energies can easily enter this dimension and world too.) These types of things are always pre-incarnational decisions the soul makes for multiple reasons, as do the other souls involved with that soul such as yourself and the rest of your family etc. These types of insane tragedies where someone is suddenly removed from this world seems to the rest of us to be an “accident” but they never are. The many reasons why your son chose to die in this manner on that portal day are reasons that only he and his High Self, the Divine, and the rest of your blood family know at the deepest inner levels of soul awareness.
    The number combination of 11:11 meant that an energetic opening, a portal or gate or exit/entrance point was occurring and higher frequency energies were coming in through it and down into this dimension to positively affect and evolve humanity and humanities consciousness and their bodies etc. I suspect that 1-11-11 was the start of this Ascension related Process at a much higher level than had been able to physically happen previous. I also know that many souls have, over these past twenty-five Ascension years leading up to 12-21-12, decided to exit their physical bodies and continue doing their individual spiritual Work from a nonphysical level, dimension and body. There are no incorrect soul choices and all Paths are The Path.

    22 is also a Master number and it’s often been represented by the 22 Paths of the Tree of Life; the 22 Trump cards — energetics and archetypes or manifestations — of the Tarot. 22 is a higher octave of the number 4 and is raised to a very elevated state and frequency. 22 also has to do with starting to work or build on NEW things, NEW lives, a NEW world.
    The fact that your son was 22 years old when he physically exited his body on 1-11-11 is very powerful and meaningful on many levels and no doubt for many, many reasons. I get the sense that he was an “Indigo” and this could have been one reason why he was consciously aware enough at age 6 to know what he was going to focus on, work on, become during this incarnation. Most souls who incarnate with more conscious awareness like this are “old souls” incarnate on 3D Earth again for very specific reasons to both learn things themselves, but to also help or teach their families and other loved ones whatever it is that they also chose to learn, to feel, to experience and so on. Some souls teach us by leaving us instead of remaining with us. ♥
    ♥ Hugs to you and yours,
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      Thank you Denise for your words. I was aware at [6 days] I was pregnant; I have an ultrasound photo showing, in fact by the time this procedure was preformed, I was indeed [9 days pregnant]. During my pregnancy, in my 8th month, I had a nightmare. I dreamed I was in the presence of a strawberry blonde toddler, wearing red corduroy overalls and he was holding his hands [one on top of the other] to the left side of his abdomen, right under the rib cage. I remember in the dream I had a facial expression of questioning [no words were ever spoken] he held out his hands toward me and they were covered with blood. This is area Justin was shot twenty two years later by a career criminal wearing an ankle monitor.

      I wrote Justin his first letter when he was 7 days old and I just kept writing him letters; which turned into journals for his short life. November 2011 My entry explains to Justin I have this sense that something very bad is about to happen but I cannot see clearly I guess I am concerned about other issues; like the economy and rent! Adding, “You know me honey and my intuition; I wish it wasn’t going to be bad but it is.” Now I am aware why I could not see.

      January 11, 2011~The day of my beautiful son’s murder I was at my home, 45 minutes away and would not know that Justin was gone until 4 hours later. Between 11:20 and 11:45 I suddenly became very ill and scared. So ill I barely made it to my bed to lay before I just passed out. In retrospect I would liken the pain and experience I had as tantamount to literally having my son ripped away from me. Like the day he was born I will never forget one second; the day Justin was senselessly taken from me I too will never forget one second and I truly wish this experience upon no one. Sometimes I wish so very much I did not possess total recall.

      Thank you again for your wisdom and insight; I realized Justin burned so brightly there was no way he could stay forever. He loves me for me; the first person who accepted me unconditionally…but Justin accepted everyone unconditionally and never lost a friend in his 22 short years. He had a positive impact on all he met; including me his momma. He assisted me by helping me strive to be a better person, a kinder person, a more understanding person.

      But what I go through on a daily basis not having Justin [my son, my constant, my friend, my gift] here with me is humanly unexplainable. Others have sought me out and I assist them as best I can, I listen, there are no words; other than, I’m so sorry.
      I think I knew some of the information you shared; although, I needed to know that what I have thought all along is the truth ~ whether I like it or not. Subconsciously this is the day Justin had waited for; he would finally learn everything he had wished to know. In an attempt to offer his friends a small bit of solace for their greif [young people who are seeing their own mortality at 20 through 25] I have told many of them, “Justin is thrilled; he knows every answer to every physic query anyone as ever HAD AND NOT YET HAD! Once Justin saw what awaited him; he would have never looked back you all know this!” They smiled because what I told them is so Justin…I truly love my son even more than my life [and bigger than the universe]; I wish [if they really came true] he had not left me here alone…I feel so selfish right this second.
      Take care safe journey through this trip we refer to as Life; I remain Justin’s devoted momma
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    Um Denise..Justin’s momma here…I had not read about “Indigo Children”…well….Justin was not one; however; this describes Justin and me somewhat!! YIKES! Justin was forever repeating; “Oh lord momma only you!” then he would smile his ‘I love you momma smile’. Justin was very humble….he would never let anyone know the kind of grades he made because he didn’t think they would like him if they knew! He was very private and many of his life long friend were shocked to hear of Justin’s accomplishments. He would have been very embarrassed over the fuss that was made holding two memorials for everyone to say, “See you soon”; so many love him. I’m sorry I should not boast so much; yes Justin would be very embarrassed and ask me to PLEASE stop telling people stuff! haha I remain Justin big mouthed momma <3 p="">

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