Sunday, June 13, 2010

Memorial Day 2010 Letter to President Obama

President Obama;

After two long years I finally secured two part time jobs; however, working feverishly seven days a week is not offering me the ability to pay all my monthly obligations. I will receive a pay check on the first of the month, these funds are already spoken for and I am left with figuring out how to fund my transportation source to and from both of these jobs until I am paid again on the fifteenth of the month. God forbid an emergency occur; which is exactly what did happen this past month. My college age son was involved in an accident and sustained an injury to his front tooth. With the nerve dangling from the remaining portion he drove himself to the dentist. This incident cost me a mere $665.00 which of course I had to borrow from family until I receive my paycheck on the first of June. The $665.00 is not the end; oh no far from it. Now he will need a root canal and a crown where I am to find these funds and also afford to live?! I have no insurance on son or myself this is a luxury which will not fit into my budget. Even the fancy plan your administration has for health insurance would not have paid for my son to have his tooth repaired. To be rather blunt preventative dental care is a far more important source of maintaining good health. Oh, and forget life insurance this was one of the first monthly expenditures which I had to stop paying; I am not even worth anything deceased. Sad state for my son wouldn't you agree and forget any funds for a funeral; but I digress.....
I continue to write your administration having no other options in seeking understanding our nation’s plight. I continue to hope for some peace of mind to ease my persistent state of anguish and confusion. The state of the economy is worsening and no amount of attempting to "see the glass as half full" will change this. I am trying to maintain a flexible attitude toward the constant changes. I naturally sense resistance will only make everyday life more difficult; therefore, I am attempting to embrace these fast paced changes to our nation. But...and as you know there is always a 'but'; how much more change is America to endure? Change can be good and 'shake up' the status quo; it can also frighten those with little experience in dealing with such swift uncontrollable changes for the worse. The average American is not accustomed to such swift and deflating changes to the economy and their lives. These are the people, the American Citizens, who begin to accusingly point fingers at the source they feel to be responsible. This source may not necessarily be the culprit but historically someone must 'stand up' and be accountable.
Why is no one in your administration 'standing up' and explaining to the American Citizens that we have huge issues that did not occur overnight (or in the past year) and will not be repaired for years, possibly decades? It is the truth, you all know, it will take years for Americas finances to recover. Has being a politician so blinded those participating to the fact that American Citizens are not gullible and can "take the truth"? It is the unspoken word which causes conflict and fear; fear breeds malcontent and chaos follows!

Our great nation needs to be led! Please, 'stand up'; be the one that makes the difference. We need a Leader; a Leader who is unafraid of polls and ratings.
I am certain of one thing President Obama does not personally read mine, or any other Citizens, letters. So for you, who ever is really reading my words, know I am waiting. Waiting for the Leaders of the American Government to lead our great Nation again; they have not led for so long the reins have slipped from their hands. I implore them to take up the reins to guide and lead our great Country; this is all we “The People” are asking for the chosen Leaders to perform their job description to the best of their ability.


Karen DeSha
Concerned American Citizen

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