Saturday, March 1, 2014


Yes, my son Justin Vance DeSha-Overcash was murdered by one Deandre Ricardo Williams, a Black man. I find this as surreal as I am certain my son, Justin, did on January 11, 2011.

This bizarrely tragic choice the MURDERER made will not change my feelings toward people. I have to say I am very angry [for the first time in my life] at Williams the MURDERER of my beautiful Justin. Believe me when I say the color of his skin has absolutely nothing to do with how I feel about this MURDERER; however, his decision to REFUSE to show REMORSE for the MURDER of my SON has everything to do with my ANGER toward him!

No one will ever make me dislike anyone; no one will ever talk me into disliking someone else.  I will never look at another humans skin color, religious beliefs, nationality, sexual orientation, 'in-general' opinions, political opinions, etc. and judge them.  Judgement is not my job; this is God's job.  If you do not believe in God then I am certain you can work out your own value system to treat everyone you encounter with respect and compassion.

Deandre Ricardo Williams 10/1987 Received 49 years for the First Degree MURDER of Justin V. DeSha-Overcash 05/01/1988 to 01/11/2011 as Justin attempted to protect two UMd fellow alumnus from Williams GUN.  WILLIAMS received additional sentence in the District of Columbia to be served after his sentence in MD for the ankle monitor he was wearing at the time he MURDERED Justin V. DeSha-Overcash for a Felony II Handgun Charge TWENTY TWO DAYS BEFORE MURDERING JUSTIN.  An entire life spent BEHIND BARS!

I believe Mr. King, Jr's. famous quote is correct; from what I have witnessed in my adult life. "....we will perish together as fools."

Justin's [I wish I could be with my son NOW] momma

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