Monday, December 7, 2009

Employment, Economy & Excuses.

Employment, Economy and Excuses.

Dear Mr. President;

It is Thanksgiving; yet I along with millions of my fellow American Citizens have little cause to be thankful.

The following is my opinion; I realized of late I am being far too quiet waiting for others to do something and this is SO unlike me. But in the wake of our current economic ‘so called’ recession I thought it best to allow some time for the 'powers that be' to straighten things out...WHAT WAS I THINKING? The current powers need to get a grip, quit trying to out maneuver one another and work together for the good of the AMERICAN CITIZENS! This is the specific reason why ‘we the people’ voted them into office, to be the watchdog for the rights of each and every constituent in their districts, right? However, the politicians have lost sight of their mission and responsibility to the AMERICAN CITIZENS! Politicians are so busy pointing fingers, sniping and griping at one another like children during recess; "we the people" are left out in the cold. Do the politicians care what is going on; do not try to convince me they are not aware of what is happening. Unless they have stopped reading the news, are deaf, dumb and blind; it would take an imbecile to miss the soaring unemployment percentages, the continuation of foreclosures by the hundreds and the higher numbers of folks needing welfare assistance. The lack of support "FOR THE PEOPLE" from the political offices supported by "THE PEOPLE" is incredulous. I truly wish I could find words (which could be said aloud in mixed company) to express the contempt I feel regarding politicians lackadaisical attitude toward protecting the welfare of their constituents...the AMERICAN CITIZENS!

This Great Country is on the precipice of total collapse there is no recession we are in a full blown DEPRESSION! The politicians need to get there eyes on the bigger picture...things will continue to spiral downward without getting the economy back on track...first and foremost get the AMERICAN CITIZENS working again! Without employment the lack of spending will continue; FYI - If one does not have gainful employment one has no money to spend; FYI - If one is fearful of loosing ones employment one will not spend! Looks like one giant "CATCH 22"!

Allow me to share what is really happening in America. In a very short time frame life in America has drastically changed; there is no longer a middle class, there are the wealthy and the rest of us. Americans who use to be considered ‘middle class’ Americans are now on food stamps and energy assistance programs, they no longer own a home they rent apartments, many are having to file Chapter #7 (there are no funds coming in to allow them an option of filing Chapter # 13), their children will not be attending higher education institutions because the lending institutions have changed the student loan programs to require co-signers. The lending institutions are requiring students have co-signers because they know there are no jobs so upon graduation the students will not be able to repay the lenders. The parent’s credit rating is in the toilet so even if they can find a job interview the chances they will be hired are nil due to their credit rating; which is all because the politicians have not focused on the real issues plaguing AMERICA! This is just a brief synopsis of the chaos occurring in REAL AMERICA! The AMERICAN CITIZENS need the politicians to get busy, play nicely together, working on a solution to bring jobs to the people who need them and we need this adult interaction for the welfare of America NOW!

I could care less about health care; I want to every unemployed American we want jobs to go to everyday!

Now I must excuse myself I need to prepare the turkey for my family that was purchased with food stamps; I am a single, over fifty, unemployed for 20 months, receiving no unemployment benefits, preparing to file Chapter #7, wondering how long before I do not have a roof over my head, extremely frustrated with relying on politicians who love to hear themselves talk, see their pictures in the papers and on line to actually make a difference. The sad news is there are other Americans worse off than I.

I know I will not hear from anyone regarding my opinion of how ‘we the people’ are being ignored but I am so frustrated with the lack of interest in how ‘we the people’ are surviving through this depression (physically & literally) I felt compelled to share; Thank GOD for BLESSING and watching over AMERICA; no one else is……….

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